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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. It's not jealousy if I can do it too. I'm just calling out the double standards. It's not whining, this is called a discussion. But I give you an A for effort for trying to belittle my post. There is more to incarceration rates than racist cops and an unjust society.
  2. The rules seem to change on a weekly basis. It's impossible to keep up. So if I call a woman a 'chick', that means I'm sexist? If she calls me a 'hunk' is she sexist? You've noted exceptions, that's where the problems start. Once you draw a line, everybody draws a line........... and they rarely meet up. Society tells me I can't say much of anything about a woman without being labeled a sexist all while society exploits sexism for profit and it's deemed completely acceptable. Do you watch Larry Wilmore? It's arguable whether or not humans are lazy by nature. Whichever way you lean I think most would agree if their savings account was topped off from birth that most wouldn't put in the effort to further themselves. That's my argument for laziness, not black society. With that in mind, if the welfare system was tightened up some, and if tax breaks weren't given per child, I think things would change. Education needs improvement and that is a problem because teachers are not getting paid enough to get the most qualified candidates to inner-city schools.
  3. You're right, it doesn't exist. I made it up just for shits and giggles. "Why" isn't the issue. That's an entirely different discussion. It's an issue that affects the argument of minorities not getting the same advantages. I recognized that there are many areas where it's almost impossible to get ahead. At the same time it's also important to recognize the ones that do little to nothing to get ahead.
  4. I'm going to use the same language with you, with a black man, with a white man, with a homosexual, with a female, with a Hispanic............... I'm not going to keep up on all the labels, I'll call you by your name. Of course the need of a label might come up, either groupings or a reason to differentiate. Aside from race, language or any other of your typical demographics, I can't see any time where any other label would be important. I just think that certain terms that some on here deem as offensive are actually offensive. 'Black man' isn't offensive because that is what they are, much like I am a 'white man'. Ask any black men, I guaranty an extreme majority aren't offended by it. It's completely acceptable to say 'he is a black/white man' in a sentence when taken in the correct context. Yelling out to somebody 'Hey black man!' is a different story. What bugs me about the PC police is hearing criticism when somebody uses a term for any instance when it's only considered offensive when used in certain contexts. Racist and reality................... look up the difference.
  5. I'm completley relaxed, if I weren't I wouldn't be here. ;) I just think don't think it's logical to lump me into one group just because I'm not in the other. There is no jealousy. One thing that really aggravates me are double standards. Why is it that a black man CAN call me whitey but it's not OK if I call him a black man? I couldn't care less if he called me whitey, but minorities fight for equality. Equality means just that......... EQUAL. Why is it he CAN call me whitey? If black men are allowed (by allowed I mean without repercussions) to call me what they want, equality says I should be able to do the same. The name doesn't bother me, the double standard does. Equality doesn't exist with double standards. I'm busy trying to better my life. As much as some black people might be the victims of an unjust society, many are also victims of their own laziness. A large segment of the black community abuses the system, many don't put in any effort to better their lives. Are residents of some neighborhoods and communities difficult to get ahead in life? Sure. But the opportunities are there in many cases. There may be some serious issues in our judicial system as we've mentioned before, but most criminals aren't in jail for doing nothing. If you don't want to test an unjust system, don't commit the crimes. It's that simple. As I've mentioned already, I'm a very respectful person. I have no reason to disrespect anybody, use racial slurs and derogatory stereotypes.......... as long as you extend the same courtesy. There is no reason for my boss to shitcan me. Go ahead and call me out, I have more respect for somebody that speaks their mind, I can't stand people that won't tell me what's on their mind. I wish more people would speak up. I know nobody is keeping me from saying what I want, but obviously I'm getting criticized for things I haven't even said. Imagine if I actually said them.
  6. OK. Let's just say just because somebody is sick and tired of hearing from the PC police on a daily basis doesn't mean those same people go out of their way to be disrespectful. I'm not directing that at you, I'm directing that at people that believe it.
  7. You have this obsession with thinking I go around and call everybody a racial slur, or derogatory stereotype just because it makes me feel good. Don't give me this nonsense about walking up to somebody and saying 'hello black man'. Go back and read what I posted, I specifically stated that I didn't feel the need to have labels because when I address somebody I address them by their name. Don't go injecting lies into the discussion. We're all having a decent discussion, don't ruin it.
  8. Give me an example of 'disrespect' so we're on the same page.
  9. Why is there a need for labels? Am I supposed to introduce myself and then ask the person how they want to be labeled? I'm not going to call your son a retard, that's ridiculous. The line is drawn when the PC crowd attacks anybody that uses the word 'retard' when it wasn't directed at them. Why should I be concerned about calling somebody a black man when all they call me is a white man?
  10. There is a difference between being anti-PC and un-PC. Treat people the way you want to be treated, "but they do it too" is a rather important factor. If the PC crowd wants me to be PC and give them their special label, isn't it hypocritical if they don't do the same? In general I don't do anything in life to/with/for somebody no matter the situation if you can't do it either. (Not sure if that came out the right way). I don't get offended easily, if at all so you can call me what ever you want. But I don't give anybody special treatment if they can't extend the same courtesy. This pertains to life in general, I'm not necessarily talking about labels. Funny comment on the link. :flirt:
  11. It's not a matter of being PC, it's a matter of not being un-PC in the first place. Instead of calling somebody a 'white man' or a 'black man' it's better to call them 'a man who is ______ (fill in the blank)? Seriously? What do black men call you? Or what do you call white men if any of you happen to be black? I can tell you this, black men don't call me a 'man who is white' nor do they call me a caucasian. They call me a white man because............ guess what...... I'M WHITE. Sometimes they use other typical white labels. Nobody calls me a heterosexual either because unless there is a need to specify otherwise, there is not need to call em anything other than my name. When everybody wants to have their own label, maybe they should fill out a nametag and stick it on their shirt. Because unless I'm using some characteristic, sexual prefence, skin color etc. as a comparison for some reason........ there is no reason to call you anything else but you name. DeLuca, I have news for you. Not everybody that is sick of having to be PC all the time are racists and sexists. But you go ahead with you generalizations......... how PC of you. Oh yeah, git er dun! And I do it with my Bible in one hand, a Confederate flag flying off the back of my truck and my dip in my back pocket. That's fantastic logic right there, I'm not a bleeding heart liberal so I must be a ulter-right wing redneck. I've got news for you, I don't watch FOX, I don't listen to Rush, I don't believe in God, and I don't have a flag and hate Obama stickers on my truck. And you may not believe this one, but I don't own a gun either. The hypocrisy doesn't surprise me, expecting people to be PC and not label them any way other than what they choose................................ unless they don't fall in line with your beliefs, then go ahead and label them all you want. Irony, PC advocates being non-PC.
  12. Ahem................. that's 'drivers who are drunk'. You're just marginalizing them and not being PC.
  13. I promise I won't get offended if you all call me a white man. Know what is the best way to be PC? Just not talk at all. It's getting to the point where people get all emotional when I use the word 'the'. I'm sick of having to think twice before saying anything, even though I don't say anything derogatory. It's getting ridiculous. (I hope I didn't offend anybody) Now let me be so I can finish my fruit that is orange.
  14. My question was more about what needs to be done to the system for minorities since the discussion at the time was about whites getting better opportunities and had more resources to work with. While these answers could apply, I'm getting the impression they were intended geared towards all races.
  15. Anybody hear about the five people that were killed in Oklahoma?
  16. I'm just going to leave that one alone.
  17. Yeah, there were some good posts today. It's a touchy topic, glad it didn't get out of hand.
  18. That was my fault for wording that incorrectly. I meant committing more crimes in relation to the demographics. I agree the incarceration rate is extremely lopsided. That stat requires more details to properly analyze, specifically the rate of habitual offenders. I agree, our penal system is a mess and our judicial system makes it look good. Do you think affirmative action works as intended? Or are qualified individuals being skipped over so that a minority can fulfill the minority obligations? Do you think this sends the right message, searching for equality while forcing companies to hire minorities even if there are more qualified applicants? Does it not give minorites more incentive to strive for excellence if they know they can get a job based on the color of their skin?
  19. I haven't lived through what some of them have, but I'm far from ignorant as to what some have been through. There is also some level of ignorance of those that haven't recognized that some of them refuse to do anything about it. That is subjective. Isn't the goal of affirmative action to ensure equality?
  20. Fair enough. Serious question. How do we go about correcting the unfairness of the system? What needs to be addressed first and foremost?
  21. How about addressing what you found questionable instead of coming back with a snarky question. I think we've all had a fairly decent conversation so far.
  22. Are all demographics supposed to equal the racial breakdown? Did it ever occur to you that maybe they commit more crimes? Of course that would be a topic for "discussion" but I'd be a racist for bringing it up.
  23. Why do I need to address racism? Why do I need to be more 'tolerant' when I'm not intolerant in the first place? Will minorities be tolerant of me when I ask them if they support getting rid of affirmative action programs? Will minorities be supportive if it was proposed to get rid of BET? I'd be labeled a racist if I supported getting rid of affirmative action. I'd be labeled a racist if I suggested that maybe blacks get arrested more in urban areas simply because they commit more crimes. I'd be labeled a racist if I suggested that crime in Baltimore has skyrocketed because cops are afraid to do their jobs (even though early reports suggest just that). See, in this new age 'discussion' of racism.......... it's not a discussion about racism, it's about white guilt. A discussion goes two ways. Unfortunately if the white side of the discussion says anything remotely similar to what blacks have to say, they're labeled the racists. When the blacks say it, it's completely acceptable. I'm not apologetic because I had nothing to do with black plight. I'm going to assume I'll probably get some backlash just for bringing these things up. I'm not a racist person, but this is what I observe whenever I hear about a 'national discussion' on racism and equality.
  24. Sorry you assumed I meant every single leftist in the country. 315,000,000 in this country, I figured somebody would have figured I was talking about the majority without physically having to clarify.
  25. And if anybody thinks we haven't moved forward from the days of slavery, and the civil rights days of the 50's and 60's............. THAT is ignorant.
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