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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH
That's why I brought up Startisback. Installing that puts you right back on the Windows 7 desktop. And OneDrive can be disabled. Not like I'm trying to sell it or anything, but I've been hearing people complain about 8 for quite some time and most don't know about it. I understand the gripes about 8. I couldn't stand it either.
All I did was install Startisback and it returned 8 back to the standard Windows 7 desktop with the same control panel and start button. It even boots directly to desktop so theoretically you could use your comp for months without seeing that eyesore of a touchscreen UI.
I guess my question applied to those that upgraded to 8 and didn't like it.
What do people have against Windows 8?
I am completely convinced the staff did that on purpose to Colbert. His reaction was way too unscripted to not be a practical joke. I remember that show, one of the funniest moments! Just because of how embarrassed he got.
What's awful about it?
Bland had suicidal tendencies before being taken to jail. Pasta? Yup, context is a rather important factor.
For those that don't know, Windows 8 can be set up to be just like 7, but faster.
If I do it, I'll just save an image beforehand. That way if it goes awry I can reload 7 or 8.1 and reload the image. I've just never been big on updating to a new OS. I prefer a clean install.
So did anybody upgrade? I've got 8.1 Pro and 7 Ultimate, both computers I didn't update KB3035583 to keep it from downloading Windows 10 automatically. I always say I'm going to wait until the bugs are worked out, but temptation usually wins out.
Neither do I, it was a point about double standards is why I brought it up.
Glad you enjoyed it. I have a ton of respect for Judge Arrington for that. This country could use many more like him. :flirt:
I've avoided this thread most of time I've been here. Figured I'd check it out becuse there's nothing else going on. Probably should have just stayed in hiding until season started.
1. Saying that somebody needs to stop making excuses and do something about the problem is not racist. It's not race specific. That applies to white people as well, and it applies to any problem. If there are some blacks that rob people instead of getting a job, it's not racist to tell them to stop committing crimes. That is common sense. 2. There are thousands upon thousands of people that are in one way or another involved in the system. Preachers, lawyers, cops, mayors...................... no, it's not unanimous that the problem is just systemic. Did you listen to that NPR link I posted? 3. I'll mention this again, as I have repeatedly already.............. I believe there are problems with the system that need to be fixed. It's not all just about race. Nowhere have I singled out race as the only factor. And guess what. I'm not a Republican, nor do I associate with FOX news.
Do you know the difference between me and you. I've mentioned, several times over, in this thread that I think the system is messed up and needs work. You, however, refuse to admit that blacks aren't doing themselves any favors in the meantime. If you've already labeled me a racist, in your mind you're just dismissing any relevant points I make. So I'm just wasting my time.
Well then, let's just agree to disagree then. I really don't wish to discuss anything if you're just going to play the racist card.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Are police forces higher in inner cities to unfairly charge blacks with crimes? Or are police forces higher in inner cities because that's where the majority of crimes are committed? Or, maybe it's just because the population is higher.
I've provided the numbers. If you think that crime rates and incarceration rates are so far from the 13% of the population just because the system is racially biased, we'll that's quite a conspiracy theory you've got going there. Don't want to get arrested, don't commit the crimes. The majority of blacks in prison aren't all innocent.
I never said race drives crime, stop giving that impression. I'm just trying to get you to understand that just because blacks make up 13% of the population doesn't mean they are committing 13% of the crimes. You can only blame society and the system for so long. The system is slowly fixing itself, blacks need to stop looking for excuses. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it's the truth.
Tell me............ if blacks really only commit crimes in numbers comparable to their 13.3% of the population, why is it that we've placed so much emphasis on reducing crime in the inner city? Are you just guessing that blacks really only do commit 13.3% of the crimes and corruption is responsible for increasing that by 3-6 times that amount (based on whichever statistic you choose)? No doubt the system is screwed up, but do you honestly think it's so corrupt that it multiplies the numbers several times over?
I don't disagree that the system is corrupt. I just don't agree it's corrupt on the scale by which the incarceration rates are so far off the percentage of population. Prison sentences are 20% longer for blacks than whites. Yet the incarceration rates are much higher. Taking into account the numbers that have been posted already this tells me it's an issue of repeat offenders.
Turn on One America News and you'll never watch FOX and MSNBC again.
Based on the percentage of the population, yes they commit more crimes. The high incarceration rates aren't just made up numbers and the high incarceration rates aren't all because of an unjust society. But go ahead and throw around the 'racist' term, it's typical of liberals that can't admit they just might be wrong. I love the leftist logic, if the crime rates don't match the overall demographics, blame somebody else. It MUST be a corrupt judicial system and unjust society. It's always blame somebody else first. Funny part about it is the areas of the country with the highest crime rates are run by liberals. Go ahead and call me a racist for bringing it up. Too bad you all had to resort to name-calling, this was a pretty decent discussion up to this point.
Exactly. I agree there is some racial bias in the judicial system. At some point people need to accept the fact that maybe blacks commit more crimes than whites, for whatever reason. Unfortunately, whenever somebody brings that up they're usually just called a racist. Another factor I mentioned earlier are repeat offenders. If you've got priors you're going to receive longer sentences. This is a few years old, but worth listening to: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=89615161