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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I'm not going anywhere, take your time. ;)
  2. Right, I don't think anybody should be obligated to tell us anything. Just saying he's prematurely judged before. In Kromer's case he jumped on Kromer when the story initially sounded like he beat up some 12 year olds in broad daylight, then the real story came out that it was 17 year old trying to steal his belongings and then got physical with him. It was so minor the state/city didn't even press charges. I don't like judging aybody until the verdict comes out. More often than not leagues will make a stupid decision and take action before the verdict comes out.
  3. He also said Kromer didn't deserve the benefit of the doubt either.
  4. I'm talking about multiple instances over the years. Nothing specific. Everybody will be quick to jump and tarnish the accused just because it's sensationalist, but if by chance it turns out they did no wrong the story will be so long forgotten that it won't do anything to improve their standing.
  5. Sounds good. Let's move on. ;)
  6. Innocent until proven guilty. The NFL could learn from those words.
  7. What's so bad about 8?
  8. I always knew Regehr had criminal blood in him.
  9. You did a clean install instead of an ugrapde? Good idea.
  10. 10-15 minutes, not sure exactly but it was quick. It downloads in the background and let's you know when it's ready. Don't let the negative posts sway you, it's really not that bad if you can work your way through and change the settings that invade your privacy. It's sleeker, faster...... I was reluctant to go back.
  11. I'm torn on the 2 QB deal. On one hand it would make things more interesting to see how people rank the 2nd and 3rd tier QB's in the league. Only having one QB does kill your season if he happens to get injured. On the other hand, to keep it realistic, most teams in real life that rely heavily on a QB are pretty much toast if they lose their QB as well.
  12. Would be nice if this helps to improve Roku streaming, not to mention adding NHL Network to more providers.
  13. I'm going to re-load my 8.1 image back onto my laptop. Right now I'm in the process of putting 8.1 on to my 7 desktop. Not sure it's going to work, I have a spare 8 license key that came with an OEM laptop that never got used. Doubt it will work but I'd like to have 8 on that 7 computer. Windows 10 didn't work too well on that one, all of the drivers for that motherboard are only for 7/8/8.1. 10 is faster, sleeker, and more user friendly than 8. I'm just not a big fan of forced updates, all the privacy concerns, and it's not friendly for those that like to customize and dig deep into the OS.
  14. I read this earlier, says how it affects NHL fans. I still don't get how the NHL is making money and it fixes a lot of their problems. http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/25259226
  15. Congratulations Dad! I'm still in. I have no preferences in terms of rules, I like letting the differences in leagues play out to see how different rules work. I know that doesn't help in getting input, but I'm good no matter how you do it.
  16. Not quite sure what to make of this....... https://twitter.com/Buccigross/status/628360549013848068
  17. Good call.
  18. I installed the update on both of my computers. I saved an image first on my 8.1 comp, I didn't save an image on my 7 comp. After you update you're given the option of going back for the period of one month. After deciding it was best to save an image on my 7 comp, I reverted back using the Windows 10 feature that could do so. Well, that didn't go over well at all. All the programs Windows removes tat aren't compatible are not put back if you revert. Drivers are gone, some software is gone..... I had no control over anything on screen, mice, keyboards..... all dead. Even a standard USB 2.0 keyboard that works on a completely new OS with no drivers wouldn't work. So I did a clean install of 10. Now I just need to thumb through all the drivers I need because I built that comp and the motherboard is 2 years old, so there are no Windows 10 drivers. It still works fine, I'm curious how many drivers Windows installed itself. The webcam on my 8.1 laptop also doesn't work now. There is no specific driver for it, in 8.1 it used a Windows driver. 10 seems to be quicker. I'm not crazy about forced automatic updates. Nor am I crazy about not being able to put my most used programs on the start menu. I assume after a while it will automatically list my most used programs, but the list only seems to be the six most used programs. I could always use the Startisback app to bring that all back, but I'll give this a chance to see if I like it or not. I've always been about security and privacy so I'm not even going to bother with Cortana.
  19. One thing I've noticed in my travels is the people that don't think it's appropriate to use the term 'reverse racism' because 'racism' applies to any event that involves conflict of more than one race........ are usually the same people that have no problem supporting the extra sentencing that comes with a 'hate crime'. If a white man kills my white friend and gets a 50 year sentence and if a white man kills a black man he gets 75 years because it was a hate crime. Or if a black man kills a white man, they rarely treat that as a hate crime. Why should the death of my friend get minimalized because he was killed by somebody of the same color? Siding with a race in trying to deal with race issues is setting the wrong tone if the goal is equality. You can't achieve equality when you're giving one race the benefit of the doubt in some situations because they don't have the benefit of the doubt in others.
  20. Going to have to move Rob Ray up the whipping boy totem pole. That leaves room for a rookie whipping boy to get his chance at the bottom.
  21. Politicians shouldn't be saying ANYTHING because all these catch phrases and buzz words is just another distraction from the fact they won't do anything. Regardless of the issue people get caught up in these fancy distractions which in turn creates divisiveness and eventually turns the attention away from the original issue. It works with race, the economy, the environment, and now that we have over a year of worthless debates, they and the media will have plenty of distractions at their disposal.
  22. I think some of you are reading way too much into what Neo has been saying. He hit the nail on the head.
  23. Anybody remember the Tony's pizzas back in the 90's when they had a REAL pastry crust and the pepperoni that would curl up and create a pool of its own grease? Mmmmmmmm
  24. I think I know which ones you're talking about. It's nice to see two races be able to use each term without either taking offense to it, when it's not taken out of context.
  25. That explains why my head hurts. There should be black channels, there should be Hispanic channels, but there also shouldn't be a push to balance out every show, channel, network, movie, etc.... with demographics that represent the makeup of the US. If a major network wants an all white cast, there shouldn't be backlash from having an all white cast. If a major network wants to have an all black cast, there shoudn't be any backlash from having an all black cast.
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