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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH
That's odd. Sometimes it's also the 'delete' key, also the F12 will put you into a boot menu and sometimes there is an option in that menu to take you right into BIOS. Seems like computers are getting to be less and less accessible nowadays. Before you know it they'll just be glorified tablets.
There's not a way to disable secure boot in BIOS?
I love it. About the only news on TV that doesn't have an obvious agenda. Right now their material is limited, they seem to cycle every hour and throw in new stuff as it comes out. But they've been broadening their coverage as they grow bigger. I just hope that they don't eventually get big funding that leads to more manipulated news and opinions.
Did you really think you would get anybody to broaden the horizon of possibilities? Most here claim they haven't claimed guilt of Kane, yet every time a scenario is directed with the slightest possibility that maybe she isn't that innocent....... It gets shot down immediately. I've tried to be open minded when it comes to emotional topics on here. There are a few that return the favor. But it becomes difficult when so many just keep driving with tunnel vision.
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You and I both know the chances are pretty damn slim that she didn't have some sort of idea what happens when two people at a bar go back to his or her place afterwards. Of course I don't know 100%, neither does anybody else that's been speculating for the last 18 pages. It doesn't negate the personal responsibility, and it's far from premature.
Of course it's not and there is a ton of gray area. But there are a couple of things we do know about. 1. She was at the bar with him. 2. He asked her back to his place. 3. She agreed to go. 4. I've already covered what most people already know happens when somebody asks you back to their place. She went there knowing sex would be somewhere in the realm of possibilities. With that said, yes, there is a level of personal responsibility right there. And don't tell me my posts are distasteful after you just got through lecturing Tom Webster about using the words "ridiculous" and "laughable" when describing somebody's opinion. You have a bad habit of being critical of what people have to say and how they say it without heeding your own advice.
I never said it wasn't their fault being raped. I said it was their fault they didn't use common sense to avoid a situation like that altogether. She voluntarily went to his house, with a witness........................... It's a 'blame somebody else' society. Why not find a way to blame the driver for taking her there? Can we blame the beer company for having alcohol in their drinks? If she wasn't 21, let's find a way to blame the person that made the fake ID. Should we blame the bartender who doesn't have the benefit of testing each person's BAC before giving them another drink? Personal responsibility................. it's an endangered species.
Rape isn't, but sex usually is. What do you think happens when two people meet in a bar and agree to go back to his place after some drinks? Think they're going to play a board game? If she was raped, she did not deserve it and Kane needs to be held accountable. But she can't possibly be stupid enough to go back to his place thinking that sex wasn't somewhere in the equation. My god, I knew that before I was old enough to physically have sex much less old enough to be in a bar........... or at least be old enough to pass as the picture in your fake ID. You don't know she assumed there would be others present, except her other female friend. That is itself makes it even worse. I'm beating a dead horse, society is going to hell because people get a pass for not using common sense. So many bad situations can be avoided if people just used it.
We seem to have conflicting definitions of 'accountability'. Mine applies to not going to a house of the opposite sex when he's by himself after you've met him in a bar and then be surprised when something bad happens. Mine applies to being thrown in prison if you physically force yourself on somebody and rape them. We also seem to have conflicting definitions of 'shaming' and 'possibilities'. I'll be sure to pick myself up a Webster.
You're right, nobody is saying Kane is guity. And I never said anybody did. But, very few are willing to acknlowledge that this women might have an ulterior motive. In fact throughout this entire thread, any time the direction turns in favor of Kane the majority have come to her defense like a motive isn't even a possibility. I agree with you that just because she goes to his house isn't an invitation for sex. But there is such thing as common sense and personal responsibililty. Are you going to feel bad for me if I go to Overtown at 4AM with $5,000 in my wallet, my laptop under my arm, cell phone in pocket and come back empty handed with my throat slit? You shouldn't because it was stupid on my part for doing it. There are some things you just don't do if you know there might be consequences that you won't like. That doesn't give Kane the right, but this never would have happened if she used some common sense. It seems like nowadays nobody is ever held accountable for not using common sense. A failure to prosecute isn't the equivalent of innocence...... nor is it the equivalent of guilt. People abuse the system every single day to make a buck. People make millions every day with frivilous lawsuits and settlements. Companies aren't willing to spend the money and time on a lawsuit if somebody tries to him them up for $5,000,000 for tripping on a curb. If Kane didn't do anything but doesn't want to drag this out, of course he'll settle just to get it over with. Why? Because he can. I'm not implying that this is the case, that this woman is looking to make a buck. I just wish people here would admit that it just might be a possibility. Like somebody said earlier, the older I get, the less I trust society to do the right thing.
Duke, Jameis Winston, Drew Doughty............ All accused with no convictions. I can't think of any athlete that's in prison for rape. Of course it's important to let this all play out, it hasn't stopped most from considering the fact that there are possibilities that she might be doing this for money. Case in point, I'll get chastised for even bringing it up but nobody would say one thing if I said Kane was guilty. Bringing up trade rumors is different from discussing trade possibilities. I'm not bringing up trade rumors. I watched the movie Demolition Man 15—20 years ago whenever it came out and though it was a crazy movie. Now I watch it and think, man this movie is playing out eerily accurate. When will it get to the point where we have disclaimers and third party mediators to set up a sequel encounter? We've got people saying that getting flirty and hands at a bar isn't a sign they want to sleep with you. And now we know that this girl voluntarily went back to his house. Of course a lot can happen from that point to the point where they got physical. She may have changed her mind, he may have forced himself on her knowing she changed her mind. But short of brokering a sexual encounter with forms and a 3rd party, what kind of impression is somebody supposed to get? Did she think she was going over to clean his pool? We don't know what happened after they got to his house. He could be completely guilty. But at some point the woman needs to say to herself maybe I shouldn't be going back to his place. That part we're not assuming because we know she went back to his place. And I'm not going to reiterate that I'm not condoning his actions or placing blame on her. I've mentioned it enough times already. :flirt:
Not everybody carries OANN yet. They are an actual news network, they'll spend 30-60 seconds a piece on news stories of the day with no rhetoric. No guests to tell us what to think, no spening 24 hours on the same story. They do have two opinion shows on later at night. But other than that it's 20h hours of news.
I don't rely on anybody. In fact I've lost patience with almost all news in general. The sensationalism, the hype, the degradation of journalism as a whole has ruined it. Some love the entertainment factor, I don't. I don't need an outlet to catch my attention with buzz words, catchy/misleading headlines, CNN-esque graphics............ I consider myself a Libertarian but I used to make Colbert, Stewart, Maher, Letterman, Leno and Ferguson a part of my viewing habits. I enjoyed Leno, Letterman and especially Colbert and Ferguson up until the end. Stewart went to hell, Maher has gone completely over the top, and the replacements for all the rest are painful to watch. I'm down to OANN and Roku.
Do you watch One America News? Sorry, I know it doesn't have much to do with your post.
I see where you're coming from and I agree to a point. If Kane did something blatantly wrong, without a doubt, then he should be punished. If there is any gray area, it shouldn't be allowed to get settled out of court. Understandably this is an emotional topic but at some point people need to realize that she may not be as innocent as many are trying to make her out to be. I'm not saying she isn't......... I'm just saying too many people aren't accepting all possibilities. If she goes for the $$$ she must not be too serious about landing him in prison, or she knows that she doesn't have much of a case and Kane will hand over a blank check just to end it and move on with his career.
I agree with you 100%.