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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. No, race played a factor in that.
  2. Tell that to the West Virginia reporters.
  3. It's easy to take things out of context and/or in the wrong direction because all too often online conversations usually resort to attacks, ignorance and flat out disdain. I'm referring mostly to all other forms of online media. It's hard not to think there is some level of divisiveness simply because we're surrounded by it all day long.
  4. I agree.
  5. Everybody wants out leaders to try harder, there's no shame in having Utopian views. Not sure why people use 'Utopia' as a negative conotation if it's not being used a bait. It's 'Utopian' in the minds of gun control activists because until we get rid of the reasons why guns are being used, there will always be violence. Recognizing that there is racism on both sides of the aisle is a start. Given the abuse of the double standard in this country, that is almost as unattainable.
  6. I agree it's difficult to speak for a hypothetical until you actually experience it. But there is one thing that is certain, if you're obeying the law, the number of people that MIGHT react with deadly force in a gun-free zone is ZERO.
  7. I'm going to go out on a limb (all while speaking for many people I know that carry) that if a citizen is going to go through the process of getting a firearm to protect themsleves that most will be willing to use it in life-threatening situations.
  8. In all fairness, I've been on some forums where the term 'Utopia' is thrown around aimlessly to refer to anybody that gives the slightest support to Obama. In this case I think it was used to refer to a poster that has, in fact, supported some ideas that could be considered 'Utopian'. Not that that is a bad thing. I just think it was used accurately. But, I'm just speaking for what I see.
  9. I can see where that might create a situation of baiting. I haven't paid attention to every other mention of 'utopia', but I know when I've mentioned it it was in reference to an unrealistic goal. I didn't use it to 'bait'.
  10. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/utopia Full Definition of UTOPIA 1 : an imaginary and indefinitely remote place 2 often capitalized : a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions 3 : an impractical scheme for social improvement
  11. As has been noted several times in this thread, the vast majority of these types of incidents occur in gun-free zones. That is undeniable. If you're going to kill somebody, are you more likely to do it where somebody might be loaded or are you more likely to do it some place where nobody can defend themselves? And you don't know Texans very well. :flirt:
  12. You can't strive for 'utopia'. It is, by definition, imaginary.
  13. If you are attacked from behind there isn't much you can do. But if somebody is attacked from behind and a witness is armed, there is a chance the witness can help to end the situation. Nothing is going to be done if the witness doesn't have a gun.
  14. I posted something about it and decided not to. But there was a radio show/podcast of black activists calling for the lynching of white people. This was one day before the WV reporters got shot. No mention of it in the news. If the roles had been reversed............... Hell, the Dixie flag has been pretty much banned just becuase the Charleston shooter was pictured with one. Addressing the double standards would be much more productive.
  15. I'm using Adblock and Ghostery. If I disable them it doesn't make that much of a difference. It's nothing major, just noticed Firefox is a little slower for me.
  16. And a few more will help you to not remember it if it goes poorly.
  17. I use a couple of add-ons for both browsers that block all that crap, maybe that slows Firefox down. After running all three OS's I think 10 is faster than 8.1, but not by as much as 8.1 is faster than 7. I'm sure it's different for everybody depending on the comnbinations.
  18. Is it just me or has Firefox gotten slow over the last few months. I have both Chrome and Firefox installed. As much as I hate anything Google related (yes I have an Android) it's been much faster for me that Firefox lately.
  19. There's a way to do a clean install if you're ever up for it. One of these days I'll do it again and stick with it this time. I'm just trying to figure out when Internet Explorer started working. :lol:
  20. I'm with you, I prefer EJ. And you'd think with motorsports being my hobby that I would be biased toward Tie Rod. :rolleyes:
  21. Nice to see the Bills finally have a coach with some balls. Rex has confronted more refs in the first quarter of this game than any Bills head coach in the last 5 years combined.
  22. Personal preference I guess. I went to 10 and decided to go back to 8.1 on my laptop. Then I went to 8.1 on my 7 desktop computer. I really liked 7, but 8.1 is faster and a little less plain looking.
  23. I'm not sure Franson helps to get us more points, but I think he does help in that Gorges and Bogosian WILL miss time. With their style of play you have to count on them missing 20 games. If/when the top 4 get depleted, then Franson will help get some points.
  24. I've never been a fan of doing OS upgrades. I prefer a clean install.
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