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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. No, we can't assume. But we also need to consider the scenario that it is highly unlikely somebody would risk probable imprisonment by tampering with evidence. Is it possible? Sure. When did the mother receive the package? One has to assume the rape kit was performed that night and any results have already been determined.
  2. Hence the IF I've been referring to. Since/if she went to the hospital, there is evidence either supporting her case, or not supporting her case. Somebody is in possession of said evidence (or results). Whatever, and however this rape kit made it to the mother's house has no bearing on the evidence that does exist. Wherever that may be. If I'm missing something, please let me know.
  3. Evidence just doesn't find its way from possession of the county to the mother's home.
  4. So IF she went to the hospital, the proper authorities would be in possession of all evidence and there wouldn't be any chance of tampering. As this Tweet clearly indicates. Thereby making her attorney's claim bogus.
  5. Ask TAS, he said I was pretty clear on what he hoped I said.
  6. "If she actually did go to the hospital"............. isn't the same as "Perhaps she really didn't go to the hospital". Especially when you consider the statement followed which was "then a rape kit would have bee performed". It's not my fault you can't comprehend if/then logic. I'm out.
  7. If she had gone to the hospital like the original story had claimed, then authorities would have been in possession of the evidence. So either this new story is bogus or somebody up real bad. Nowhere did I imply that she didn't go to the hospital.
  8. Did you guys happen to miss the word 'if'? Keep putting words in my mouth and then criticizing what you hoped I said. Yet, I'm the foolish one. Thanks for reminding me why I avoided this thread. I didn't say that. But thanks for playing. you people are quick to make assumptions.
  9. As opposed to not going to the hospital. Who took her to the hospital wasn't the focal point of my post. The focal point was whether she went at all. If she didn't go to the hospital then her story could be bogus. If she did go to the hospital, authorities would have been in possession of the evidence. If she actually went to the hospital, a rape kit would have been performed, law enforcement would have been notified and there would have been no tampering.
  10. I could have sworn that originally the story said that she was immediately driven, by her friend, to the hospital where they performed a rape kit on her. Way too many holes in this story...................
  11. We are merely pawns along for the ride.
  12. The pipeline's sole purpose is to line the pockets of Canadian oil by using our land to get it on the market. If the US would get off its ass and give the go-ahead to build a refinery, we could buy the oil, refine more gas for our own consumption and eliminate the need for a pipeline.
  13. I may be a bit behind, but that was uncalled for. The only purpose it serves it to get others riled up.
  14. It's gonna hurt to have to bench my first round pick. But, it has to be done.
  15. Thank you. I figured beating both AFC championship teams to start the season was going to be a tall order.
  16. I missed the game. How does Brady throw for 466 yards, Tie Rod get sacked 8 times, throw 3 picks and NE only win by 8?
  17. Imagine that............ And all those nasty Sabres pacers for even implying the possibility early on.
  18. I was gonna rub it in, but it's too early only to have it backfire in my face. :D
  19. I think he might be good for a few solid games this year. But I'm going to take my lumps and call this one a loss. Haha, no way I have a chance with what you have left. Good call on Kelce this week!
  20. Actually, I've got a damn good team. If Megatron nets his usual point totals, and Kelce nets his............. this game is over before Peterson even hits the field. Objectively.............. :flirt:
  21. That's as unintentional as his calf stepping incident on Aaron Rodgers. Oh man, we don't get pizza and wings that look like that down here! I had to watch the game at a Jets bar.................. :wallbash:
  22. The problem I have with the mainstream spokesmen for both sides is most of them are not reputable. Goddard, Coleman, Monkton, Gore, Maher........... They all speak the loudest and none of them shouldn't. The people that know the real truth are shunned because it's not divisive enough.
  23. Exactly. There are Christians and there are Situational Christians
  24. Patriotism............. some love it, some preach it, some exploit it and some use it as a means to belittle anybody that says one bad thing about the country. It's not changing any time soon.
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