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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Anybody else giddy, or is it just me?
  2. Blackhawks sign Seabrook to an 8yr/$54.8 mil extension. He'll be 31 when it kicks in. :blink: http://chicago.suntimes.com/sports/7/71/992239/report-brent-seabrook-agrees-eight-year-extension
  3. 11 goals in the last 5 periods, NICE!
  4. Would be nice to know when somebody actually scores a goal......... 'Ennis with a backhand' doesn't tell me anything.
  5. Embrace the tank! :w00t:
  6. A washed up RJ is better than Dunleavy and Duff on their best days. No offense to Dunleavy, but he needs some time. As of now he's just like every other cliche-loaded, cookie cutter announcer. Duff isn't bad, but as has been mentioned he doesn't paint a great picture for those listening on the radio. It was difficult to tell which team scored when I heard him call the Sens game. Not saying either of those guys are bad, they just need time. Duff is one of the best reporters in the biz.
  7. Yes, I thought it was a possibility all along. As it should have been with everybody else. Kane being guilty was also a possibility considering his past. As time goes on I am seriously leaning towards the possibility that she's in it for the money, the conclusion shouldn't be drawn that I think that way about every situation based on one instance.
  8. Nice. See, it's comments like that that sets of a rash of bickering and attacks in which I'll eventually get blamed for.
  9. Oh well. Would have been a cool stat in a regular season game.
  10. Nice to see Rinehard with a standout game. A PPO goal, RS goal, SH goal and EN goal.....in order. Would that be called a natural cycle?
  11. That avatar..........
  12. Best news I've heard all day!
  13. The fact that most on here won't even consider the possibility that they're trying to squeeze money out of Kane is ignorant. If I'm right, these women have lost millions for Kane, cost the tax payers probably hundreds of thousands of dollars, and put a black mark on a professional sport and one of its elite players. If this plays out how most people see it, these women need to be punished and held accountable. I know it's not the popular belief, but it's my belief and much more widely accepted outside this forum. Sorry if it's not what most on here want to hear, but I can speculate just as much as everybody else. Stop with the 'if' stuff. This entire thread is full of 'ifs', not sure why you all decide to focus on mine.
  14. I'm done giving her the benefit of the doubt. The more this plays out, the more it's turning out to be exactly what I expected it to be. If it turns out that I am wrong, I will eat my words. I'm pretty confident I won't be.
  15. If the mother and daughter were in on a ploy to squeeze money from Kane, as it keeps on appearing more and more likely, both women need to spend some time in prison.
  16. I'd love to be in the desert staring at the sky in a '68 Impala convertible.
  17. Without hypocrisy they have no fuel.
  18. Go sing 'kumbaya' and come back in a few hours. And make sure not to use the word 'if'. :angel:
  19. Neither was I. Her attorney is the one claiming this is evidence of tampering, not me. It is evidence that something happened along the chain of command, but it's not proof there was tampering. It needs further evidence.
  20. Understood, just not sure how this proves anything other than somebody got their hands on the bag that wasn't supposed to. Her attorney seems to be focused on the fact that the seal was broken, but the seal would have been broken by the lab in order to analyze the evidence. I agree with you on that.
  21. For whatever reason the bag ended up at the mothers house, it appears the analysis has been completed. The results are all that matters, which I'm sure has been submitted and recorded.
  22. You and LGR need to let it go. I was willing to drop it two pages ago.
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