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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I'm just glad the train wreck started early this year. This way I don't have to go spending more money at a bar to watch the game.
  2. I haven't read this entire thread. But, I sleep like a baby. It might have something to do with the fact that I still sleep on a full wave waterbed, when I get on a full mattress bed, I can't sleep to save my life. Regardless, one major thing I have heard puts people to sleep is to leave the TV on, but keep it at a very low volume so you're concentrating on what is being said. Once you are focused on what is being said, instead of trying to figure out why you can't sleep.......... you've fallen asleep. If you can't sleep, you need a distraction. If you can't sleep and you are in a pitch black room with no sound, you'll never fall asleep.
  3. Thanks, I'll take your word for it. ? That was a fun game, agreed.
  4. He will be. In fact, I bet McDermott starts him next week. Because, Buffalo.
  5. Predictable
  6. Nice to see they've worked on their penalty issues. Why am I still watching this garbage?
  7. This whole organization is an absolute joke.
  8. My god, even when the Sabres win there are people critical of the team. Some people will just never be happy.
  9. I think so. The gasoline can't do anything without somebody to control it.
  10. Hes' played for more teams. In fact two years ago he far outplayed Jake Allen. By a lot! And yet they kept Allen.
  11. It gets old, I don't know why I'm reading it.
  12. Just gonna put this out there. I thought he's looked great. Very controlled, very calm. seems like his eyes never left the puck (there were a couple of times he made routine saves on something that most goaltenders wouldn't be ready for. The puck that innocently bounced off Risto's skate, and the direct shot right off the faceoff). But, he's only started 116 games and is 32 years old. Why? I'm optimistic, perhaps he's a late bloomer............. I'm looking at you, Tim Thomas.
  13. Bleh. They sure do stick out though.
  14. Those new Blues jerseys are pitiful.
  15. Perhaps I missed it the first two games, but it PHam not giving his post-game analysis on WGR anymore?
  16. So 1 game out of 82 with 8 new players, and the season's done? No blinders, but my god.............. Don't be so dramatic.
  17. The Sabres officially eclipsed last season's PPG total........... Housley officially eclipsed last season's arguing with the ref total.
  18. I think RJ has too much pride to stick around if he gets that bad. Unless, of course, he becomes too senile to recognize it. Dunleavy has gotten better, but he's still not RJ. RJ is good for Buffalo fans because Buffalo is a sports town and knows their stuff. He might not be good in other cities where hockey isn't as prevalent and fans aren't as informed. That being said, he can still sound confused sometimes and most fans won't care. As much as I don't like Dunleavy, in his defense, it can take a long time for a commentator to develop. For the longest time I couldn't stand Goldy for the Panthers, but he got much better over the years. To the point where where's called hockey games at the last three Winter Games.
  19. I just don't think it's fair to be trashing a team so hard one game into the season. If they're not making some sort of progress by Thanksgiving, that's a different story. But............. it's one game.
  20. Haha. Got sick of being optimistic. But this early in the season I don't go out of my way to blatantly pessimistic.
  21. I did live there for and been a fan since the early 80's. Does that count? ?
  22. I can say the same for the GDT's on this forum. Might just stick to all the other threads.
  23. I was fairly impressed with the way they played. At least for the first period and a half their north-south game was excellent, they were fast and they passed often without holding on to the puck too long. This team isn't going to make the playoffs this year, but there will be a significant improvement. The game wasn't as lopsided as the score. There are 8 new players on the team with several players with very little experience. Listening to WGR, and the doom and gloom................. it's one damn game. If I need to hear this crap all season after a loss, I'm just going to shut off WGR all together.
  24. I'm not a big fan of running QB's. But I don't think he's a running QB, he just has some sick sense of what's going on right after the snap........... and he's been groomed to not trust his line. Could be the way new QB's are going, who knows. Makes sense since it takes some real GM talent to build a pocket O-Line nowadays. You're not going to find a team that has lines like Drew Bledsoe was used to. He could step back and take 4-5 seconds to make a decision. But a running QB will get hurt a lot. A guy like him who can tear out of the pocket instantaneously and still make the right choices, has the potential to be an superstar. I think I heard them say he set an NFL record for most yards out of the pocket in a game.
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