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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I said this: Then this: Then this: And finally this: And you still come back with this: Perhaps X can tell us which of his doesn't have a grasp of the English language. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I) tell you what, don't give me a reason to have to defend myself by misstating what I've repeatedly corrected and I won't have a reason to make it about me. This is a public forum mostly based on personal opinion. Every thread has an "I". You had one this thread, as did I. If you don't like my opinion either skip over it or address it. Don't distort what I specifically stated in order to either belittle me or find an excuse to argue. You and K-9 are the ones making it about me. Take away your posts where you both misstate me and this is just another thread with everybody adding their opinion. Here's a challenge..... go a week without distorting my posts and we'll see how much I make it about me. It's awfully coincidental that these arguments only seem to pop up whenever I don't cater to the majority.
  2. Even after I clarified my point to avoid any confusion, instead of saying OK that clears things up you continue to argue the same point. So being argumentative. Atta boy.
  3. I've reiterated my point several times now, each time correcting you along the way. If you don't get it, I can't help you. Sorry. But go ahead and claim I praised him for saying FU again.
  4. There is no walking back. I have no reason to not stand by my point of view. Sorry you couldn't understand my previous post. Sorry this group isn't as tolerant of opposing views as it used to be. I'll take my beatings.
  5. It is possible to say he was out of line with the FU comment while still giving him credit for addressing a couple of reporters that can't do their jobs. I've been crystal clear with that three or four times now. If it's unclear, ask for clarification. It really is that simple.
  6. Sigh.........
  7. You came to the conclusion that I would teach them to act without civility; without knowing how I would teach them. I've said several times now that he was out of line, but go ahead with and claim I would teach my players to be just like him. I gave him credit for speaking out to a couple of reporters that couldn't do their jobs because they are poor journalists. What exactly is 'my game'? Getting upset by the constant pile-ons because some don' t like my point of view? This gang isn't as open-minded and impartial as it likes to believe
  8. Nobody said anything about acting uncivil. But thanks for the snark.
  9. Who said he acted properly? He was out of line with the FU. If I were the coach I would teach my high school kids how to handle reporters that can't do their job properly, if they had any intentions on moving on with hockey as a career.
  10. "The frustration must be mounting........" What kind of question is that? Granted he was out of line towards the end, but if I were him I'd still have to say something at some point when these guys can't even come up with some stimulating lead-ins. Coaches get too much criticism for what they say. They're not the journalists, they're not the English majors. And I'm sure most don't have background in media relations. It's the reporter's job to put them in a position to come up with answers in a professional manner, it's not their job to try and get them to say something out of line so that they have fodder for the nightly news/social media. That last part wasn't related to the video, it was a general statement based on the progression (regression?) of modern day journalism.
  11. Good for Fixter. Journalism is dead, today's reporters are pathetic. I would be pissed too if I'm surrounded by reporters that not only can't come up with a decent question but can't even come up with a question period! If you want coach to say something, ask him a question! I se an awful lot of 'Tell me about............' or 'You guys played well' or 'The team looked tired today'. A reporter isn't there to analyze the situation in front of the coach, he's there to ask questions. Lazy reporting deserves that kind of response.
  12. I think the Central was the toughest to pick. There are so many 'ifs' with all those teams that that division could go so many ways.
  13. I made a bet with somebody, predicting where each team would finish in the standings. What do you think?
  14. You just made me feel like Dorothy after she landed in Oz.
  15. What tank?
  16. The Leaves got Brad Boyes, what more do they need?
  17. Murray's Rats is absoutely destroying me! He's projected to get 185 points as of right now......... AND HE BENCHED YANDLE!
  18. A tight end with 22 points after one half............................are you kidding me?
  19. I'm not here to judge. :D
  20. Interesting points, I agree Keith is better than Seabrook. Only problem I see for them is if they keep riding Keith and Seabrook in the playoffs the way they have been, there is no way they last to 35. Especially Keith, he was ridden hard last year.
  21. That's probably a better way of looking at it haha.
  22. Probably because the only other option at this point is Chad Johnson. Most consider him the backup, but he hasn't necessarily put up terrible numbers in his short career.
  23. I hope he corrects it, he's been getting better. They were almost ready for faceoff by the time I figured out Ennis scored the hat trick haha.
  24. Will somebody PLEASE tell Dunleavy to call a goal when somebody scores a goal?!?!??@!?!@#13/
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