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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. After two great interviews, I got turned down for a job in western NC. Another chance lost at getting the hell out of this state. I think being out of state is really hindering my opportunities, when it comes time to make a decision they usually go with the local. And I'm leery about moving without something lined up.
  2. They're still pretty meaningless. They're worthy of being used as a litmus test, but still meaningless in terms of numbers.
  3. Rudy Giuliani was leading the polls about this time last election.
  4. Let's just not get ahead of ourselves and start expecting too much, only to get disappointed halfway through the year. Remember, most of us had realistic expectations of not making the playoffs this year.
  5. Me too. I think everybody deserves a fresh look. Especially those whose primary role is scoring. It's really hard to hold the last two seasons against anybody.
  6. I watched 'Beer Hall Putsch' last night. One of his better acts. Definitely not for everybody.
  7. Doug Stanhope stand-up acts.
  8. http://theweek.com/articles/553134/why-bernie-sanders-ron-paul-2016
  9. No need to take it personally, I was pointing out the similarities. Your point about becoming more popular is debatable.
  10. For the short term Bernie sounds like a great idea to some, even to people that don't agree with his stances simply because he isn't bought and paid for. Long term, it will not work. Like Ron Paul he has ideas that goes against the grain. To true conservatives Ron Paul had great ideas. To true liberals Bernie has great ideas. What they both have in common is their lack of establishment support. As much as it pains me to say it, the establishment will win and I predict that Trump will not last either. I was a staunch supporter of Ron Paul, watching the power of the establishment is aggravating to say the least.
  11. Every viable political ideology is socialist in nature to some extent. The difference lies in who becomes the beneficiary. Bernie isn't the only socialist, he's just the only self-proclaimed socialist.
  12. The reason Bernie is looking good is because he's not getting establishment support. It's the reason Carson and Trump are leading the polls in their race. Huge crowds, huge fund raiser, no corporate money, a cult like following amongst his supporters. Why is Bernie not viable? Ask Ron Paul.
  13. Even if they aren't winners right off the bat, it's sure going to be fun knowing they're actually out to win.
  14. 4 goals....................... Goober better have a talk with these guys, that is unacceptable.
  15. Yup! In HD to boot.
  16. Please. If not, no big deal. NHL GameCenter doesn't kick in until regular season. :(
  17. What goes around comes around. B-) Is this being televised in BFLO? Where are you all catching the broadcast?
  18. I agree, would like to see a second angle. Would be a lot easier to dismiss it if he hadn't left his feet.
  19. Here's the hit. To me, it looks like his skates left the ice. https://twitter.com/myregularface/status/649015935970349057
  20. If it makes you sleep better at night. Well then, there's only one solution....................
  21. This should be enough. If not, I don't know what to say.
  22. Odd that it only happens in threads in which I don't agree with the majority. Let's just drop it. I'm not getting into another 4 page argument about semantics after I specifically clarified my point several times over. I'll just make it easier on all of us and agree with the majority in every thread from now on; we can all hold hands, sing Kumbaya and ride our unicorns. :angel:
  23. There was a 'but' because I addressed to separate parts of that interview. The part where he said FU and the part where he got upset because both reporters couldn't come up with any questions. As I mentioned to TrueBlue, I gave him credit for getting on their case for not being prepared for an interview but he was out of line with the FU. What about the next three times I clarified the point?
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