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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Letang is coming back tonight so I drop Soderberg in order to make a spot. The transaction won't go through until tomorrow? How am I supposed to activate somebody off of IR when I don't find out until that day that he's going to play? This is why people keep players on IR even when they're healthy. It's not just to keep them but when they find out they can't activate them on a game day it just doesn't make any sense to drop somebody who's playing that night knowing their IR player won't be active until the next day when they won't be playing. It makes more sense to just hold on to an IR player until somebody else gets hurt. I don't think people are abusing the system, I think people are working around what doesn't make sense to begin with. So not only am I stuck with Soderberg who doesn't play tonight, I'm stuck with a healthy player still being on IR.
  2. Like him, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Gary Johnson..................... the guys that can put together a reasonable platform that can reach across both aisles will never beat the Establishment stronghold. They don't have the funding and they don't have the media coverage............... and the don't have the funding to buy media coverage. They can also create civilized dialogue which will not gain TV time (Trump). The system is geared towards those that make a mockery of the system. Until people get over the "vote for the lesser of two evils" mentality and vote for who they think is best to run the country regardless of poll numbers, we'll forever be a two party system with predetermined candidates.
  3. Sales tax is not regressive because it is not imposed on you. It's your choice to buy a $5,000 used car over a $500,000 Ferrari. It's not regressive because those who make more generally buy more. Drawing a line creates divisiveness. Some people don't think it's fair to cough up the cash to pay for somebody else's expenses, or healthcare, or education. It's one reason politicians won't push a flat tax because it is a cyclical campaign issue. It's an issue they can talk about every 2 and 4 years to take the attention off of other issues.
  4. Nice place, gorgeous setting! I'm guessing you get about 4-5 hours sunlight this time of year? Thanks for the extra tips, I think I know what to change next time.
  5. Everybody wants a piece of the compassion train. How and where do you draw the line so that we're not all paying over half our salary in taxes? You have a line, somebody else has a different line. This is where we run into trouble. How is a flat tax not the fairest?
  6. Vote for somebody else. ;)
  7. For every deduction there is an addition.
  8. I set the oven at 400°. The sugar is a good point, MODO did mention the sugar was only for the crusted top, maybe too much sugar made the surface too hard to break loose? The half cup was a rough estimate, but it was probably more than two large pinches now that I think about it. (I don't tend to conserve when it comes to sugar. ) I'll be interested to see how others make out.
  9. Hey man, thanks again for the recipe. Hope you had a great Christmas. I started off with 6 eggs and 4 cups of whole milk, plus a few splashes. 1 litre=4.2 cups. A healthy does of sugar, a little less salt. If I had to guess maybe a half cup of sugar. Then I dumped in the flour. Maybe 2/5-1/2 of a 2 pound bag. (That's less than it sounds). I just kept adding flour until it had some consistency. Then I baked it for 20 minutes. When it didn't start rising after 15 minutes I waited an extra 5 minutes. It started to bubble in the middle like it wanted to rise, but it never did. I used organize wheat flour, it appeared to be browner in color than the stuff you used. Maybe I needed just plain white flour. I'm guessing I made it too thick. It tastes like a pancake, but the texture is almost like a brownie. I think it came out pretty good, just don't look the same. Even better topped with lingonberry, whipped cream and sugar. I've never tried lingonberry before, great recommendation.
  10. OK, I'll want until after the holidays. Merry Christmas!
  11. I don't think it's a product of Sabres mediocrity, it's a product of today's NHL. The league is in a rut and it needs to get itself out in the very near future before it implodes. I haven't seen so many areans with so many empty seats as I have this year. I can say on average, one out of every five games is worth watching for a casual fan. The die-hards will still watch the other four all while being bored to death. No more hitting, no more fighting, no more scoring................. might as well watch soccer. Not to mention an adult atmosphere can get more enthusiastic and rowdy, but those days are gone too. While it's important to bring kids to the arena, most arenas have gone overboard in making it a PG/Disney atmosphere. It's not helping the cause, I know I've mentioned this before.
  12. I've got one can left over, I didn't want it to go to waste. Yeah yeah, that's it. :D
  13. Much heavier than I expected it to be. I was expecting light and fluffy like an American pancake. I topped mine with whipped cream, some sugar and lingonberry. I bet this would be good with ice cream, or for strawberry shortcake.
  14. Mine didn't go crazy while it was cooking. I was waiting for it to get all psychedelic.
  15. Hmmmmm.................
  16. Shoot, I was also at Whole Foods I should have checked to see if they had it for anybody that wanted to know.
  17. Woohoo! I got this at Publix, a grocery chain I absolutely despise. But, for some odd reason they actually carried something I didn't think they would.
  18. Nope, it didn't. I agree something needs to be done and it needs to be substantial regardless of how basic it should be.
  19. Aw man, you've got my mouth watering. I got the ingredients today and might do it tonight. If not, tomorrow afternoon. That sounds excellent, I'm a sucker for raspberries. Merry Christmas to you! Thanks for the reply, hope you have a great one!
  20. It's carbonated, orange flavored. I think it's on par with Crush. Don't let it get too iced down, it loses carbonation easily.
  21. Does this need to be eaten hot, or does it stay fresh for a couple of days? Any other recommneded toppings? Ice cream? Hot fudge? Powdered sugar?
  22. Sometimes it's better to hit reset and let the tax code start back over down the same path it's on as opposed to letting it continue to get worse.
  23. This was pretty funny from last night, watching the nerdy security guy get all dramatic calling for backup because of a couple people trying to get on TV. Watch Moller try not to laugh when the hot chick starts dancing around. You WWF fans might recognize the guy on the left. http://vid125.photobucket.com/albums/p71/jjfiveoh/2015-12-22%2022.40.38_zpshctqwqik.mp4 43 years old and he's never lost any teeth up until last night. Pretty impressive.
  24. Haha, it's all good. B-) How about them Panthers by the way?
  25. Whether you push, root, support or cheer.................don't ever use that team's logo as your avatar, even if it is only half of the avatar.
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