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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. We should start a dessert thread.
  2. https://soundcloud.com/the-original-pizza-logs/10sec-jingle-2
  3. It was 1.94 before the game, now it's 1.80. http://stats.hockeyanalysis.com/ratings.php?disp=1&db=201516&sit=all&pos=goalies&minutes=500&teamid=0&type=goals&sort=F60&sortdir=ASC
  4. https://soundcloud.com/the-original-pizza-logs
  5. 2nd worst goal support in the league behind F. Andersen.
  6. This game is painful to watch. 4 out of 5 usually are so I guess the next three will be just like this one.
  7. The Sabres are showing why Leenus has the 4th worst goal support in the league.
  8. Me too. Posting the attendance in the box scores is useless because so many people buy season tickets solely out of convenience. Then they try to sell them on Stubhub if they aren't going to go. Most arenas are at 70-90% season tickets so attendance numbers are useless without showing how many people actually showed up.
  9. If a team never trails in a game, why do they say "they never looked back"? Wouldn't the team that never led be the one that never looks back? Why would they, there's nobody back there.
  10. Trying..........................to......................resist.....................temptation...........................
  11. Panthers up 2-0 on BJ's, outshooting them 19-1 in the 1st. If they win this game they'll take over 1st in the Atlantic. Whouda thunk it?
  12. Any odds on a Fitz pick this drive?
  13. That just means you need to top it with that much more sugar!
  14. Speaking of Independents.......... (NSFW) http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2015/12/24/mcafee-run-libertarian-party-candidate-president/77877980/
  15. Sorry, I choked under pressure.
  16. No, but I was hoping he would. :D
  17. "Ryan, how did you guys come back from that game?" "Coach finally let us play offense."
  18. OK, three weeks ago..... but that was only the 2nd time all year. B-)
  19. When was the last time they scored 5 in a game?!
  20. As much as I disagree with Bernie, I do like his sincerity. It's something I don't see much in today's candidates. Well, that's going to have to be something we disagree on. I just don't think it should be my responsibility to cover somebody else's expenses. We should be taxed a flat rate federally and everything else should be a state issue. Blue states can tax heavily, red states can tax sparingly. Let each person decide where they want to settle down.
  21. Damn, you all haven't caught much of a break this year.
  22. Excellent, I'll probably be right there with you unless by some unrealistic chance Paul wins the nomination. I like Paul because you can tell he knows his stuff, nothing is scripted.
  23. Sorry, I read it as you were upset that the fantasy players themselves were taking advantage of the system by purposely holding on to good players. My bad, so we're on the same page.
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