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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Colorado crew interviewed Grigs in between periods and he was out of breath. He couldn't put 3 or 4 words together without taking a breath. 3.5 minutes of TOI? He wasn't even sweaty.
  2. Let him sit. His value won't diminish between now and the end of the season. More than likely they'll get picks and/or prospects in return so the Lightning shouldn't expect something in return that will immediately help them make a playoff run (especially if they dump Stamkos before the deadline). Don't cave to this punk, let him sit. If teams start to cave to demands from these kids, it will just set a new standard moving forward that isn't beneficial.
  3. I predict Moulson will not score tonight.
  4. I wouldn't put it past them to do something like that.
  5. I hear it's not that uncommon. Luckily it only had a head on it and no roots so it came right out with the others.
  6. I had five, I thought I was just wiser than everybody else. :D
  7. You guys only have/had four wisdom teeth?
  8. Couple of things to add, Johnson hasn't played as many games as those guys, he's not as worn out. Also, he can probably be signed for a decent amount of money so if it doesn't work out...... The guy is hovering close to .940 over the last two and a half months. Not sure what the guy has to do to earn a starting spot.
  9. Let the coaches and GM's pick the rosters and go back to the old way. It used to be an honor to be named to the ASG. If one team has 8 players, so be it. If a team has zero players, they should improve next year so the can have an AS representing their teams.
  10. I guess I'm just not that hip.
  11. I had no idea 'NHL' was a verb. :angel:
  12. I have to disagree. This group needs to have somebody to complain about no matter how well they play as a team. This team will pick a small handful of players and criticize them relentlessly regardless of how well they fit their role. If they have a few good games, they'll get removed from whipping boy status temporarily, but the second they have one bad game they'll be right back where they were. Bogo and Weber will be the point of criticism shortly, this love will be short lived. Other players deserving of whipping boy status just stay on the waiting list until there is an open spot.
  13. Absolutely! They didn't do this because it was the right thing to do. Good call but the damage was already done, in my book.
  14. Damn, all this love for Weber and Bogo. Who is going to be the new whipping boys to take their place? I did see some picking on Varone after one and a half games and a top 3 star selection. There has to be more than one whipping boy, Gionta can't be the only one. This place needs somebody to bitch about no matter how well they're playing. :angel: Franson?
  15. We should probably stop with the predictions. :P
  16. So glad they started Chad. He's been very consistent lately.
  17. The color commentator from Glendale just spent about two minutes describing how bad of an idea it was for Eichel to take the exact same shot he just scored on earlier in the PP. Priceless................
  18. Speaking of aging, I had no idea Doan was leading the team with 16 goals, all while missing 9 games.
  19. Two minutes for holding the stick?
  20. Glendale was a +65 in Corsi (96-31) against NJ on Saturday and got shut out 2-0?!?!?! Regardless of the score, I can't recall seeing such a lopsided Corsi number, even from BFLO's tank days.
  21. Moulson will score tonight.
  22. His name is Rand Paul.
  23. Glad to see Goober going with the guy who has given this team the best chance to win over the last two and a half months instead of Lehner, just because Murray spent a lot to get him. I hope it stays that way, Johnson deserves to be the starter.
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