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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. All the way to the right of each thread is a right facing arrow. That takes you to the last page.
  2. Both him and Franson are healthy scratches tonight.
  3. Justin Schultz and Cody Franson, both healthy scratches tonight.
  4. Rounding up.................always the optimist. B-)
  5. They don't play like that any more.
  6. I didn't realize Lucic was literate much less deep enough to come up with an original thought for somebody else to write down.
  7. Not sure what that means.
  8. John something. Yeah, that's it. John Allen Hill. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keene_Curtis
  9. Thanks for the video. I missed the debate but heard all about this. I'm not a big fan of Christie, but I give him credit for pointing out what everybody else is thinking.
  10. You don't go assuming you think you know what somebody implied, and then go on to play the race card based on your assumptions. That's desperation. This happens more often in football than hockey, it's undeniable. Using your logic, anybody that addresses that fact is making it a racial issue. You can come to your own conclusions, but don't make my conclusion and then play the race card. I said 'football players', you made it racial. I know the race of exactly ONE person involved in this situation. Those that defend race are usually the first to play the race card.
  11. HIAKCPASBR, amirite? :P
  12. It seems you're the one obsessed with race. Playing the race card all while being the one wanting others to be the racists is a desperate attempt at getting the point across.
  13. You made this about race, I said 'football players'.
  14. They all act the same way, which is why it happens just as often to hockey players as it does football players.
  15. I agree, though, about Marino. He was the most talented QB.
  16. I vote for Peyton.
  17. Anybody see the resemblance between James Brown and Cleveland Brown? Even more impressive, he went to four SB's with four different coaches.
  18. What came first, the hot dog or the egg? I don't get the pre-game........ so I have an excuse. B-)
  19. Maybe unrelated, but I went to the Sabres site to watch Lehner's post game, and that's all hosed up too.
  20. Maybe he's just happy to see you.
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