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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. What is that on top of his helmet? Is that a................. nevermind.
  2. Could be, looks good with the white jerseys. I want to see a closer shot of it.
  3. Very few stoppages in play, at this rate the game will be over by midnight.
  4. Ya know, I started scrambling looking for the schedule thinking they started at 10:00........ and then I realized I'm listening to the pre-game. :huh:
  5. Man, you've got cool bikes! Just saying, they're not conventional and it's more of a challenge. Doing 35-40 miles on a 50 pound bike, or a fixed gear bike is just a tad different than today's featherweight, low resistance, 86 speed bikes.
  6. That's impressive, especially when you consider the bikes you use.
  7. I remember she did a skit on SNL, she played the part of Fran Drescher. She didn't have to do any acting. :blink:
  8. Sofia is OK, not my cup of tea. She immediately loses the OK status as soon as she opens her mouth.
  9. I live out west with the rest of the peons. I'm just happy they let my ride down their streets. Don't worry, I'm not as dedicated as you. Don't expect these as often as yours. ;)
  10. 5'9" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll do my best to find my inner Big Johnson. Did 35.4 miles in Fort Lauderdale today, put the new bike through the ringers. https://ridewithgps.com/trips/7941105 From atop the parking garage downtown. This is what people in Fort Lauderdale consider a backyard. The Intracoastal looking south from the Las Olas bridge. Very windy, humid, overcast day. The waves aren't generally this big around here. Looking north at Fort Lauderdale from the 17th St. Causeway bridge. (Managed to hit 34 MPH on the way down) Yes, wild peacocks! There's one on the roof too. No homes in these neighborhoods are under six figures. It's nice to dream. Yes, that's a Cycle Party bus(?) It's a mobile bar and the customers power it by pedaling as you cruise through the city. Riverwalk, downtown. Night time, from the parking garage.
  11. I don't see why some don't think he is worth a 3rd rounder. He's brought more than most 3rd rounders do.
  12. I'm jealous. I'm up to three 5K's a week, plus more miscellaneous cardio/treadmill stuff, 4 days/week doing weights, more biking (another 35 miles today).............. and I haven't lost a pound. My weight hasn't changed in months, in fact it hasn't fluctuated more than 3 pounds in the last 6 months. I'm not exaggerating, I haven't gone below 212 and haven't gone above 215. Good for all of you losing weight. :thumbsup:
  13. Can't say I've seen it. What do you think of the GTC4 Lusso?
  14. Very few. Dedicated bike trails are very limited down here, not a very good biking experience. But, like TBJ said, gotta do some searching. There's plenty of areas to go biking. A1A is a good cruise. Markham Park isn't bad. This bike won't be doing much mountain biking yet, but it will. I get jealous when I see what's available in almost every other city in the US.
  15. Sorry. I'd send you some summer, but I hear there's real problems getting it through customs.
  16. My new toy, I love it!
  17. It took you three posts to do it. It was too late by then. I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I came back to this thread. I tried to be civil.
  18. You're the one that brought up the fact the Supremacy Clause has been in effect for over 200 years, hence the reason I brought up the original intent of the Constitution. You can't have it both ways by supporting the 200+ year intent of the Supremacy Clause all while telling me the original intent of the Constitution is invalid.
  19. You constantly telling me I'm wrong without pointing out why is also not a sign of a productive conversation. I'm out.
  20. Yes, it actually is. Doesn't make it any more or less fraudulent.
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