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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I love blueberry juice. I'd rather have a beer with steak though.
  2. Cool looking neighborhoods in Halifax! Trees everywhere you look. Keep those 40" pants, just in case. :P Ditch those bias plys and get some radials.
  3. Very true, it's a lose-lose for Napoleon no matter what. But it's not the length of the suspension that I'm questioning.
  4. I see your point, I'm like you and am not entirely sure how the process works. But I do find it highly coincidental that the decision came on the day of what would have been his 20th game. What I did hear, however, is it was up to Bettman whether or not Wideman could play while the appeal took place. That might be a key factor in this mess. The man is becoming a tyrant.
  5. It was so obvious Napoleon was stringing this out to 20 games no matter what happened, couldn't they have put it off one more day to make it 20 games officially? I hope the NHLPA gets involved in this. move that I hope ends in a lawsuit. The NHL is slowly becoming as corrupt as the NFL.
  6. I hope you're right. I really have no problem with him, he's been playing well and is always busting his ass. He just hasn't been as much of a force as he was the last couple of years. Then again, he was the 'go to' guy the last couple of years so he did have more opportunities.
  7. Wasn't Girgensons supposed to turn the corner at some point?
  8. I think Dunleavy is progressing as fast as Ray is regressing.
  9. This might be one of the worst officiated games I have seen all year.
  10. Not quite gooey, but it's moist. Maybe next time I'll try baking it for 36-38 minutes instead of 42. The crumb layer definitely makes it, very cinnamon heavy. That or stick it in the microwave for a few seconds before eating. Three sticks of butter, it almost has to get gooey.
  11. You know it! Moist and greasy.
  12. Awesome cake, thanks Sizzle!! Want a piece?
  13. Let's see how this turns out. The worst part is beating the egg whites.
  14. Unfortunately, I think we're going to be seeing the last hurrah for a lot of great bands. I'm surprised AC/DC attempted this last tour.
  15. Hard to believe playoffs start next week.
  16. Nothing in March yet, you're slacking!
  17. Maybe not political, but definitely a current event. Investigators release in-truck video of the LaVoy Finicum shooting. This should quell any rumors of what actually happened. Probably NSFW.
  18. It's just waiting to get massaged.
  19. There's no such thing as too much. But if you're having issues, just close your eyes and worry about the mess later.
  20. Foley just seems to enjoy that a little too much.
  21. That's why I like Torts and Sutter.
  22. What kind of asinine questions are they asking Bylsma? Is that Harrington? "Do you need him to make those stops to.................." No you ###### idiot, the key to winning is allowing more goals. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (New post, no sense in post merging) Heck of a string of games coming up. MON, CAR, MON, OTT, TOR, CAR, WIN...............
  23. Nothing big, he's just not caving to all of PHam's scolding like he does to every other player on the team when they play bad. PHam has a pathetic knack for treating these guys like kids who lied to their parents whenever they had a bad game, most of the players just drop their head in shame.
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