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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I agree. Especially if Lehner can keep his head in the game. I think character players are just as important as talent. If Lehner can keep his head in the game his personality itself is enough to get his team pumped up. It's a reason I really like Bogo. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you have the personality of a rock (Pysyk) your contributions are often limited.
  2. How many more draft picks and assets could we have taken? At one point the Sabres had a historical amount of top two round draft picks (20 in 4 years) at some point you need to start filling in the holes with immediate help. You can't build a team with 20 20 year olds.
  3. Why are there more orange Apple Jacks than green ones?
  4. Yup, you got it! ;)
  5. Wanna try again? :lol: Seriously, I get your point though. The skills competition has hindered this team terribly all year. ;)
  6. Yeah it's gotten really expensive along the coast. Some areas you can get small (I mean really small) condo units in high rises in the 200K range. Outside of that you'd better be MAKING 200K/yr to afford anything else. Golden Beach I mentioned, that's some high $$ stuff, I think the median house value is 950K. MEDIAN! I was looking around out of curiosity and came across a small lot 2 blocks from the beach going for $2.4 mil. I'm trying something new similar to what you did. On top of my usual biking, running and gym stuff, 2-3 times a week I'm doing four short laps around the neighborhood (approx 10 miles) right before bed to see if it does anything as far as losing weight. My theory is, if a body is slowing down for the night, after a big dinner and maybe dessert, a late night fast paced exercise might kick start the metabolism where it would otherwise just digest and store fat.
  7. I figured they might be Joisey fans............... I'm still seeing a lot of hairy, greasy, gold chain wearing Corvette drivers so they apparently haven't headed north yet. :angel:
  8. I was all for keeping Neuvirth, even after hearing the Caps fans talk about how frail he is, always getting hurt. When I heard about him getting hurt for the 17th time this year with the Flyers, I wasn't so disappointed after all. I'll give Lehner next year to see if the injuries follow him the same way.
  9. Panthers had to kill off two penalties in the 3rd for too many rats on the ice.
  10. Some on here used the goal support argument against me when I tried to support my case for Enroth, telling me that the team is sometimes more comfortable with certain goaltenders in net so they might play a less conservative game. So let's apply it here, something to keep in mind. There are 57 goaltenders to play 750+ minutes so far this year. Here are the three Sabres rankings. Johnson: 19th (2.21/60 minutes) Ullmark: 56th (1.33/60 minutes) Lehner 57th (1.26/60 minutes) http://stats.hockeyanalysis.com/ratings.php?disp=1&db=201516&sit=5v5&pos=goalies&minutes=750&teamid=0&type=goals&sort=F60&sortdir=DESC
  11. Bal Harbor Atlantic Way, parallels the beach (directly on the other side) Cats, lots and lots of wild cats. And then back to Dania Beach. This is from the pier looking south.
  12. I did a nice 34 mile ride from Dania Beach down to North Miami Beach via A1A and the numerous boardwalks along the way. I wanted to get down to South Beach but it was getting late. Next time, last boardwalk to hit is the Miami Beach Boardwalk. https://ridewithgps.com/trips/8344528 http://www.brytonsport.com/mapTrackView?id=8764243 Dania Beach Hollywood Beach boardwalk Hollywood Beach heading towards Golden Beach on A1A. I have more coming.................. I can't post too many pictures and a separate post just merges with the last one.
  13. Man that's a monster! Yeah I've still got my old ZD8000 laying around here somewhere. Still works fine, a little slow for today's needs. But it was one hell of a laptop in the day. Once those fans kicked in, it would wake the neighbors. You're right, fortunately for desktop and laptop enthusiasts advancements have slowed to a crawl. Back when you built a high end desktop PC, it would be outdated in a year or two. Now a Sandy Bridge/1155 build can still keep up with the best of them four years later. Have fun with the new Lenovo!
  14. It didn't happen to be a ZD8000, did it?
  15. That video NEVER gets old!
  16. This all might make for a very interesting offseason. Playoff preview...................possibly.
  17. :lol:
  18. So why not just make all restrooms unisex? Should we make nudity legal? (Actually, I wouldn't care) After all, it's discriminatory to tell nudists they can't walk into a restaurant naked. Sound like a ridiculous comparison? That's what some say about letting somebody choose which restroom they use. This isn't just about the GOP. I'm not in favor of much they've done lately. I'm getting fed up with the political correctness......... at some point it becomes ludicrous. Why should the vast majority of people be forced to feel uncomfortable in a restroom with somebody that don't identify with just to appease the tiny minority of those that do? Am I supposed to feel bad for the TG that has a penis for using the men's room as opposed to every other male in that establishment that has to accept seeing somebody that's dressed as a female in the men's room? Why are those who oppose the issue forced to accept somebody that's different, yet it's OK for those same people to not be accepted for their views? Seems like a double standard to me. Keep in mind I really couldn't care less who comes into the restroom. I really don't care what anybody does, walk around naked for all I care.
  19. Some of the more entertaining Emails............... http://www.sbnation.com/nhl/2016/3/30/11333286/nhl-concussion-lawsuit-unsealed-emails-gary-bettman-colin-campbell
  20. Just when I think I've escaped, this thread just sucks me back in. :P
  21. So I'll get kicked out of a women's restroom in any establishment (and in some places probably get arrested and have to live with a sex offender status for the rest of my life)........unless I tell them I identify as a woman, then it's perfectly acceptable. Got it. Nobody's kicking anybody out of a bathroom, nobody is checking any genitalia. What's to stop sexual predators from entering bathrooms when all they have to do is claim they identify as the opposite sex? This isn't discrimination, it's political correctness gone wild.
  22. Like you said, there are a small handful of elite goaltenders and all the rest are a dime a dozen. And in this day and age the difference between elite and "dimes" is slim. I just don't think that BFLO should risk losing a goaltender they know is consistent and durable while dealing with two unknowns. That is, of course, if he's willing to stay. Could they find better? Sure. But I don't think Murray is willing to invest time and money in a proven starter when he thinks he already has one. The next alternative is somebody like Johnson.
  23. DOH! I had that bookmarked.............. 'twas hidden. Puckalytics. They're going offline? That's a shame..............
  24. Good find, I've been looking for a site like that.
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