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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. I love the fact that he's not a corporate actor, he'll do a movie when HE feels like doing it. He's a great actor, I'd put him in the top 10. I recorded that movie too, just waiting for a chance to get around to watch it.
  2. I brought up Lundqvist because he's not being considered for the Vezina either........... just like you said Johnson isn't. Hence the similarity of a ridiculous stat. Johnson is currently in the mix with other past Vezina winners in terms of save percentage. Funny, this is his "career year" yet his save percentage is only .003 higher than his career numbers. I guess that means he's a pretty consistent and reliable goaltender.
  3. If you can't figure out the basis for the comparison, then I can't help you.
  4. There's a reason Lundqvist isn't either. But Lundqvist isn't Wedgewood, is he? I think the Sabres will end up being a solid mix of speed and size. It seems to me that there is a speedy team to be had and Goober didn't quite uncork it this year. He took a more conservative approach to get the team to find some chemistry, to mature and to get familiar with his system. The first 10 games showed a sign of that, they had great possession stats, great zone control, lots of speed......... but they were losing because opposing teams took advantage of that. After those first 10 games Goober locked it down and then slowly let them do their thing as the season progressed. That's just the way I see it, I could be completely off base.
  5. If you're basing a stat on a stretch of games, you don't take away a chunk in between. I took away the first month because of the simple fact that Johnson missed the end of last season and was injured. Wildcard and Blue didn't like that so I said let's go with the entire year and dismiss my stat altogether. NHL requires (I think) 25 games to be considered stat-worthy. Blue of all people should know this....... you know, sample size. In that case he is 13th out of 44. There's a reason Scott Wedgewood isn't being considered for the Vezina.
  6. Except for the most important one..................obviously.
  7. Include October all you want, he's still .920. By NHL standards that's 13th, not 21st. OK, let's take away November, he's still at .923. Where would that put him in the league?
  8. That's the look of "It's April and I should have been torn between going to a Sabres game or going out and enjoying the spring weather. But it's 25 and snowing and somehow watching this team lose 4-1 is still a better option".
  9. I've never complained about cutting stats based on a time frame. I don't like cutting stats that highlight specific aspects of a player's game in order to make them look better or worse.
  10. Johnson is pushing 930 since October. He was coming off an injury too.
  11. I almost forgot how delicious Blue Bell ice cream is.
  12. Easy solution, fans just need to keep talking about how much he sucks. Shouldn't be too tough for this place. :D
  13. For me it's the laptop and VPN hooked up to the big screen. Roku is more convenient, if I had known sooner I would have had it set up before game time. Now I'm 20 minutes behind.
  14. Um, what network is this game on? Roku says it's blacked out due to national blackout rules.
  15. Wow, that Ennis interview was painful to listen to. Either Ennis isn't 100% with it yet, or he's already geared to repeat answers to reporters who ask ridiculous questions.
  16. Gonna miss Sylvester, always liked his dry sense of humor. I kind of enjoyed the few games he did with Gare.
  17. Well, seeing a neighbor passed out on the lawn with no pants on does make for a good 'random' moment. Or bad, depending on the neighbor.
  18. Just curious, which hockey players are bad enough to deserve it?
  19. I wonder if that's what he was hinting at when he mentioned all the time he had to reflect and appreciate what he has.
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