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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. You either need to switch to the full desktop version on your phone, or take the link to the photo and stick it in between [/img ] Make sure there are no spaces in those img brackets.
  2. Anybody that can trail run on a regular basis is impressive. That takes some serious lower leg conditioning.
  3. That's pretty cool. Fog shots are fun to take, they can come out surprisingly well, usually totally by chance haha.
  4. 5/7/89 We had a foot of snow in East Aurora.
  5. Neither party has my vote. This is a ridiculous issue that should be on the bottom of the priority list, yet it's at the forefront so they can make it an election issue and ignire the real problems. I'm the one that said we should have unisex bathrooms in every establishment. My point is, there is a massive double standard that exists because when I bring up examples such as transgendereds competing at the Olympics, and transagists being accepted in high school locker rooms, then all of a sudden the LGBT______ (fill in the blank) supporters want to draw a line. Yet, they get upset at the people on the right that want to draw a line. For some reason the LGBT_____'s line is more important than those who oppose it. Yet, for some reason, when they preach equality for all, they still want to draw a line which is hypocritical in itself. And if you mean 'got my vote' as protecting state's rights, then yes they have my vote. Issue aside, I support state's rights and think it is ludicrous for the federal government to threaten withdrawing funding if they don't follow the agenda.
  6. No doubt, and good for them. Same goes for transagists, they just want to be treated like the 6 year old that they are, despite the fact they are grown adults. Why should they be treated differently?
  7. Nice. There's nothing you won't do, is there? ;)
  8. Are we going to start allowing transagists into high school girls locker rooms? We're on a roll now, why draw a line?
  9. Cool, how'd you manage to get the place all to yourself?
  10. And see, that's the problem right now. Currently, many think these boundaries need to be broken, so why should more need to be drawn? Where do we draw the line? Those who oppose this current transgender issue opposite it because they think the line has been crossed. Why can a transwoman safely compete with men, but a transgender male can't compete with women? Isn't this all about equality? If a transgender male identifies as a woman, and is allowed in a women's bathroom because he is a woman, then how come there will be an issue (and there will be) when he wants to compete with women? We can't just randomly draw lines wherever it fits the agenda. These are rhetorical questions, not necessarily directing this at you, by the way. But many people are upset with the double standards. For the record, I couldn't care less who is in the bathroom with me. Make them all unisex bathrooms for all I care. This should be #647,245 on the list of priorities right now, and for there to even be the slightest consideration of withdrawing of federal funding for states that don't comply is tyrannical.
  11. Sweet. That's going to be a beautiful ride in the fall.
  12. If we're forced to accept those who identify with whichever gender they choose, does this mean that males who identify as women can compete in women's events at the Olympics?
  13. Let's see him put together a decent season before jumping the gun on this kid. He's been a distraction and an underachiever his entire short career, a few good playoff games doesn't change that. Especially when Yzerman probably told him that he didn't have any serious takers as far as a trade, and now Drouin HAS to produce in order to get out. I still wouldn't offer anything substantial for him.
  14. That's looking up at the Marriott in Atlanta.
  15. I hear ya. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss those days occasionally.
  16. I love your biking pics. I'm so jealous because there is little to no nature/trail riding around here. That looks very relaxing.
  17. To me, 'superficial' means moving into an area, or to a new neighborhood simply because it's expensive and you want to impress your peers. Superficial, to me, means doing something only because you're concerned with how it makes you look to others. Moving to a new location because of the weather, or because of sun and girls makes that person happier. Isn't that what our goal in life is about, being happy? I have a job and I have place to live so I'm not about to hunt down the perfect job despite the location and move there because of the career potential. I'm going to look for a job in the locations I prefer because that's what makes me happy. I love the mountains, I love hiking, I love waterfalls and I love a big city....... even if it means moving away from family. Life's too short to wait until retirement to move to someplace you enjoy. If that makes me sound superficial, so be it.
  18. What exactly would you consider an non-superficial reason to move? (I'd like to hear this answer most of all) We have 9 months of summer down here, 2 months of summer lite, and a handful of days where I might need to wear sweatpants. The majority of summer I can sweat through a shirt just by sitting under a tree. Would it be superficial for me to move to North Carolina because the weather is nice?
  19. Didn't mean to get off-topic, this thread is about you moving not everybody else.
  20. I've been looking to move for a couple of years. Speaking for myself, I don't look at it as 'bailing', I look at it as an opportunity to add more enjoyment in my life. I've been here more than long enough to know the pros and cons, and for what I am looking for the cons far outweigh the pros. While the pros are pretty substantial, the cons are winning. Like you said, it's all about what I value. Some people are fortunate enough to be in the situation where they can up and move without much hassle; some can't. Some like to be in the trendy hot spot, i.e. Austin, TX. Some do it for the weather, some do it for the $$$. I'm curious what others value when deciding where to move. I put my search on hold for a few months for a couple of reasons but will probably pick back up as summer rolls around. Personally, I have a list of several cities in which I'd consider based on three things...... mountains, big city life and climate. I don't have any kids so I don't care about schools, I don't care about the types of people that inhabit said cities because political leanings mean nothing to me. Of course finding places to live that match all three of those factors is impossible, balancing them is key.
  21. Do it! You won't regret it. And like PA said, once you commit to it, it's amazing how much easier it is to make progress.
  22. Josie, love the car pick! Your other pics are good too, I'm just partial to cars. ;)
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