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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Nice average! Stay out of Dallas. :angry:
  2. If it means anything, your post made me laugh. ;)
  3. I was talking about Shipachyov.
  4. I would hope that would trigger some age limit talks.
  5. The Panthers are talking to 29 year old center Vadim Shipachyov of the KHL about signing with the team. The status of his current contract is unknown. He finished 3rd and 1st in assists in the KHL in the last two years. I still think they're open to dealing Bjugstad, this might help accelerate the process.
  6. Well, I gave you the opportunity to expound on your statement. You declined. Tough for there to be a valid counter-argument when the initial statement is so vague in the first place.
  7. I'm no lawyer, but it seems to me if there was anything credible and substantial in the video nobody would need to come forward to press charges. There would have been enough evidence for the city/county to do so.
  8. How can most of those be used as "facts" to charge Kane with anything?
  9. Blame the gun, not the shooter. Oops, wrong thread.
  10. Putting political differences aside as to what factors come into play when choosing a country in which to reside, political divisiveness among citizens in the US is through the roof when compared to Australia and New Zealand........ and Ireland is changing. You can live in Australia and New Zealand and not have to deal with the constant barrage of media hostility that trickles all the way down to each and every one of us. It affects the way we treat each other, it affects the way we react to one another. I have turned of television news now going on four months and I have no intentions of turning it back on for the foreseeable future. Yet, I am still privy to everything that is going on because all of that somehow seems to find a way to seep through the cracks. Without completely isolating myself from civilization, physically and electronically, I just can't get away from it all! This country has become a miserable place to live and it's fueled by partisan bickering, political correctness and self-absorbed . Most people around the world would agree that among first world nations the US is the most tense, high-strung and divided of them all. Some of those other countries very well may be more liberal. But they sure as hell don't let politics run their lives. I'd go out on a limb and say I would be much happier living in a more liberal country simply because people tend to enjoy life and don't let political leanings mold their relationships. I haven't put any serious consideration into moving to a different country, but if given the opportunity I would not hesitate to give it serious thought. I would do it in a heartbeat given the right circumstances. Maybe some don't want to move because of Hillary or Trump. Maybe some want to move simply because they're just sick of it all.
  11. If it means anything, Nilsson finished 2nd in the KHL in save percentage in 2014-15 @ .936.
  12. Not sure who was discussing it on WGR on the 1st, but it was brought up by a couple people in terms of advanced stats that Eichel was the most productive with Kane on his line. Take my extremely vague statement for what it's worth, but it was something that came up when they were talking about possible line combinations.
  13. Git Er Dun!
  14. Oh I have no doubt Lehner can do it. I like Lehner a lot, I hope he's the guy moving forward. If he gets hurt we have to rely on a solid backup to carry the team. I'm just not comfortable with (a) a player who couldn't even win in the AHL last year and (b) a guy who finished dead last in the NHL in save percentage. I hope you're right about making a move, and it better be in-season. If Murray likes his big Swedes, I'm sure he could have picked up Markstrom for cheap. He spent a lot of time in the offseason with coaches to work out his problems and it showed last year. I've really like what Murray has done so far, but this ordeal really has me shaking my head.
  15. That's the problem I have. I don't want to have to rely on either of them if/when Lehner goes down. This team has made a substantial jump into playoff contention, I hate to see it wasted because Murray doesn't like short goalies only likes huge goalies.
  16. Vegas will be getting Reimer or Luongo.
  17. 6yr/$28.5mil. Damn good deal. I think he's going to end up being a 60 game/season kind of guy. He has no off switch. Great deal either way.
  18. No, I wouldn't. It's not a matter of having a quality backup, it's a matter of having a proven starter. If you don't have a proven starter you'd better have an experienced backup that can start if needed. i.e. Enroth, Reimer, Rantta, Johnson......
  19. I could see sticking with a career backup if you're somebody like Quick, Holtby, Lundqvist and Rask. But Lehner is still an unknown. The season could ride on the choice of backup goaltenders. Hell, even Lundqvist and Quick had quality backups. As much as I've been impressed with GTMT, this move really baffles me.
  20. At this point I'd prefer Blue's idea better, picking up Niemi. I'm sure Dallas would be happy to rid themselves of that contract. Who knows, maybe Nilsson is better than his numbers show. After all, he's really only played for Edmonton.
  21. WOOHOO! Way to go GMTM, because this is the kind of guy I want to rely on keeping my season together if Lehner gets hurt.
  22. I believe you are correct.
  23. Not at all. They finished 10 points higher than they should have last year. And they're not any better.
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