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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH

  1. Looks like a boy to me.
  2. Samir Ait Said breaks his tibia and fibula. WARNING, not for the squeemish! https://www.facebook.com/LetTheFameBegin/videos/vb.1276449959052125/1323459067684547/?type=2&theater
  3. Hey Canada, thanks for this!
  4. Don't feel bad, I was wondering the same thing. That's pretty much the definition of a Gen X'er, isn't it?
  5. Men that sit down to piss, aren't allowed to use the word 'piss'. :angel:
  6. Well, BFLO is about 15 years behind the rest of the country. Didn't black Starter coats and poof hair just go out of style?
  7. I can see if they were playing the same team all three times. Like a best of three series. But man, I was getting ready to bitch about NBC cutting out parts of the match only to find out that WAS the entire match.
  8. 14 minute rugby games? Really?
  9. This isn't fair at all. I'm a gen X'er and I get stuck with the millennials and gen Z'ers while the over-the-hill gang gets its own group? It's a conspiracy I tell you.......... CONSPIRACY!
  10. Credible news source.................... LOL! You guys are killing me!
  11. All fair points. I'm just not comfortable with Nilsson and/or Ullmark taking over just yet if Lehner goes down. But, there's only one way to find out if they're up to the task.
  12. This is where I'm at. I'm a fan, so far. But I'm very disappointed and nervous at the way he's treated the goaltending situation. Not Lehner, but Plan B. I really don't want this season riding on Nilsson's shoulders should something happen to Lehner. Nilsson could be really good, but he's unproven.
  13. I don't see a problem with it. Seems every demographic, every sexual preference, every race, every religious belief......... all feel the need to be recognized nowadays, and if questioned you're just a bigot. So why not whites?
  14. Isn't that a song by the Village People?
  15. Thanks Matt, I did some more digging and found what I needed with what you suggested.
  16. Sorry, I should have been more specific about 'serious'. At this point it's more important to clear his name, criminally, and move on (and hopefully forward). Civil cases won't be a hindrance in that regard.
  17. Thanks. Yeah that's what I was looking at earlier. It doesn't say much about the costs of the plans, but for $4 it won't hurt to register and see where it takes me. I didn't mention it is an unlocked phone so anything should work.
  18. You're arguing points I never made. Not sure what you're trying to prove.
  19. True. But I'm pretty sure that was an exception and not the norm. Plus, they had enough evidence to press charges which was helpful in the civil suits regardless of the outcome.
  20. Does anybody here know anything about pre-paid plans, or pay-as-you-go plans? I have my Note as my primary phone, but I recently bought an LG G3 to use as an MVP/podcast player to use at the gym and to plug into my truck stereo. I'd like to add the ability to use the LG as an emergency phone in case anything ever happens to my Note but don't want a monthly plan. Just something with a handful of minutes, handful of texts and maybe some data. It's a T-Mobile phone, I see they have a pay as you go plan but there are very few details on the actual plans.
  21. It might have the potential to do harm financially (although I highly doubt it), but that will have no bearing on his criminal record nor will it have any bearing on his status in the NHL in terms of suspensions and/or some kind of disciplinary actions. I highly doubt any civil cases gain any traction when the city couldn't even find the evidence to back them up. Thank you. Yes, that's another way of putting it. ;)
  22. Because my point had nothing to do with a civil suit. If the city supported the claims there would be much more serious charges against Kane. I don't know how much clearer I can make that.
  23. I agree with you, it's a mess either way.
  24. Nobody's claiming that Kane hasn't made bad decisions is his social life. None of us knows what happened that night. My point is, too many people seem to accept the story that he's hauling women around by their hair, choking them, throwing them into his car................. all because of claims made by the women. If any of this was legitimate the city would have pressed more serious charges. This isn't like the PKane case where there wasn't much evidence available, this case has plenty.
  25. The potential to invite any civil proceedings is besides the point that they are baseless claims. If they weren't baseless claims, the city would have pressed more serious charges on their own. If anything, the fact that the city could not support their claims after their investigation says that these people are in it for a civil suit, almost like they knew beforehand that all they have to do is make a claim to file on a police report.
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