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Everything posted by JJFIVEOH
That would have been cool to see! It was a damn near perfect landing.
Why do shipping companies only include business days........... it's not like the stop shipping over the weekend.
Either discus is an extremely difficult event, or these women don't practice very often.
The extreme ends of the spectrum are well represented while the middle majority are left hanging.
If Veesee picks the Rangers, what are the odds Murray goes after Nash? Murray still wouldn't show up.
Veesee's agent says he won't sign anywhere before Friday. According to The Score. http://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/1078619
I was gonna post a video of Leino's two goal game against Vancouver, but I couldn't find it in time. :lol:
It'll be post #2561
Tubal Cain
I didn't know 'ridiculously good' was better than 'great'. Learn something new every day.
It was said he wasn't buckled in because Gray was acting dangerously and erratically. Danta Allen gave testimony that Gray was throwing himself head first into the wall of the van. Are these all lies? You might say I give the system too much credit. On the other hand, it appears you're giving it none at all unless the black person gets the benefit of the doubt regardless of what happened. Perhaps we can find a happy medium. Until then the thugs in Milwaukee still aren't doing a damn thing to help the cause. Just like they didn't when they burned Baltimore. Just like they didn't when one of them killed five cops in Dallas.
ATL, I hope everything is going OK. I posted something earlier from my phone, apparently I didn't hit enter. Hopefully it's not serious and she's back home soon.
If I'm in a millennial thread, then I have to be offended by this. In fact, I have to be offended by everything. :P
Sprinkles are for winners.
This post as utter garbage. Are you telling me that cops don't protect black neighborhoods? Are you telling me that cops don't go out of their way to try and make these neighborhoods better, often times BECAUSE they once lived in them? I have very little tolerance for people that paint an entire group based on a tiny minority simply because it fits their narrative. I'm sorry, but you're no better than everybody else that assumes guilt of a cop by default because in your racist world everybody is out to get black people. Try putting yourself in a ghetto, pursuing a black man with a gun with a long rap sheet who just recently robbed somebody else. I can guaranty "I'll just let the black man go, he means no harm and I'm sure he won't do anything to me" won't pass through your mind. The vast majority of cops bust their and risk their lives to protect us and you're going to tell me that PD's all across the country don't care about the lives of black people? And as usual, here I am addressing the thugs burning down the neighborhood and it again manages to become all about the bad-by-default cop. What do you have to base that on? I have little faith in many of the systems in our country. What I do know is that they are presented with much more evidence that we will ever see and I highly doubt there is as much covering up as you think, especially with the federal government getting involved. Somehow I doubt we have a bunch of bubbas down at the PD high-fiving each other because they just took out another black man saying the Chief will cover it all up. Speaking of the widespread racism in the Baltimore justice department, does that include the black jurors that were on the grand jury for the Freddie Gray case?
Neither of us knows what happened in Milwaukee. But, as usual, the cop is bad by default regardless of facts. The cop is vilified by protestors and by the media, that is until the facts come out like Ferguson and Baltimore. Of course, by then, it's old news and nobody cared about the facts. Protestors may have a reason WHEN facts come out, they might even gain some support. But watching these thugs commit these heinous acts all in the name of BLM is abysmal. Most of these thugs couldn't care less about BLM, they're there to loot all they needed was an excuse. Yet, when people bring this up it manages to turn back into 'they need to do this to bring attention their cause.' ! Shooting at fireman, assaulting a police officer, burned down several businesses and only three arrests? Eventually it's going to become like Baltimore. Fireman and police just won't do their jobs because they're afraid of doing a y thing wrong. Let these thugs keep burning down their neighborhoods and killing cops. Sooner or later they won't have any protection. I watched a video where a protestor was out for Ferguson's 2 year anniversary, in the middle of the street and got hit by a car. Followed up with gunshots. The girls taking the video was screaming, asking where the cops were. I had to laugh at the irony.
Well, you and Sauve were giving me some "if you see where I'm going" while supporting his vague implication that the gun needed to be traced to see how it got to the cop. When I'm given statements that force me to assume the point because of vague statements, there's not much for me to work with. All of the most recent cases have had extensive investigations, I don't see how you're guessing this situation won't have one as well based on "it always happens". I'm not quite sure this is going anywhere.
So you're conspiring that the cops planted the gun, that there will not be any investigation, all based on accusations that you can't prove........ all while giving this guy the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't at fault as his brethren burn down their neighborhood. That's a bit of a stretch.
I'm pretty sure every situation involving a police shooting gets investigated. Can you name me a few situations involving a police shooting where the investigation resulted in an incorrect outcome?
That's quite a conspiracy.
And until that investigation takes place, the "protestors" are not doing themselves any favors. Am I missing something else?
It would be part of the process, yes. But wouldn't the main concern at this point be the actions of the officer and the perpetrator to determine who needed to be held accountable for their actions?
Of course, in this situation, he was armed, with a stolem firearm. In the 1900's black men were killed because of the color of their skin. Often lynched without any other reason. Today, the vast majority of the time, these shootings involve some sort off legal activity where the black man did something to put the officer's life, or the lives of others at risk. I can't believe some people can't recognize the difference. If this guy didn't have a stolen gun, and ran from the police.......... all of this could have been prevented. It's a pretty simple solution. Instead, they decide to burn and loot the possessions of others who had nothing to do with the situation. That's what I call a peaceful protest....... that's if most of the "protestors/looters" really cared about what happened in the first place. That's great to hear. I know it happens elsewhere as well. Situations like this unfortunately overshadows all the peaceful protests. Our beloved media doesn't help the situation by throwing fuel on the fire.
Since when is it deemed acceptable to shoot at the firemen who are trying to prevent the neighborhood, in which they started on fire and looted, from burning to the ground? Since when is it acceptable to use the situation only as an excuse to loot businesses? I can't believe people actually support this barbaric behavior. And they wonder why they can't get more support for the BLM movement.