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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. well the good news is that if florida wins they will have a better winning percentage than us
  2. poop i flatly refuse to point out that teams that give up a goal in the final minute of the second usually lose
  3. give em some deer antler and put em back out there!!!
  4. holy cow i went to take a pee and all of a sudden its four zip. not our day for sure
  5. maybe theyre all trying to skate like john scott
  6. great link ass
  7. yeah the pizza shop i worked at long ago used a liquid butter alternative product called prep for their wings. it was ok but it was a different flavor than butter i moved away from the bflo area before wings got popular so when i wanted some i had to make them myself. if i felt like doing the little bit of extra work i would clarify the butter like miller says, but usually i just mixed it with franks and let it simmer for half an hour. of course you can add garlic, paprika, cumin, black/white pepper, chili powder, pepperoncini or other hot pepper juice, just about anything you want to try. but when i was watching a bills game or something and was homesick for wings it was just good old fashioned franks and butter btw heres the prep product: http://www.stratasfoods.com/Products/Foodservice/Brands/Prep-ZT.aspx
  8. definitely agree. that just didnt look like the sabres/bruins games weve come to know and hate. for that alone, scott was a great add
  9. very definitely tell me this, did boston look ANYTHING like the team that bullied the sabres the last two seasons? of course not. once scott had pounded the brains out of their toughest guy the rest of them sure as hell didnt want to take the chance they were next. it made all the difference in the world. im really glad the sabres didnt try to rachet up the rough stuff either - they made their point and were content to just play hockey boston fans are whining that scott is nothing but a goon. so what? he prevented boston from using their normal tactics which definitely changed the entire complexion of the game. he did his job, did it brutally well, and was totally worth the 'wasted' roster spot the sabres might have to let that kind of thing happen once more but once the precident is established they might not even have to dress him most nights. worth every penny
  10. nope, those guys are too valuable for their team to risk scott sending them to a press box vacation. i dont blame them, but id still like to see it happen somehow, especially lucic im a very mild mannered man who generally hates violence but i fantasize about a goalie stick tomahawk to lucics nuts every time we play them now. if shanahan had just given him a game i wouldnt feel that way but i despise that he got off scott (npi) free because he 'asked him'. unreal
  11. not cool drew. id vote for a suspension of course im gonna beat this dead horse some more and point out that what lucic did to miller was far worse - and he got nuthin. because shanny 'asked him' omfg
  12. welp i cant root for injuries but im also still furious that lucic never paid for the cheap shot on miller. one of the most bizzare things ive ever heard in my life is shanahan saying he didnt think lucic did it on purpose because 'i asked him'. really?!? its like asking hitler if he meant to kill all those prisoners and he says 'oh no i was trying to shelter those poor people and somehow a leak occurred ten thousand times in a row'. ok adolph youre off the hook real kharma would have been lucic getting his brain bounced around instead of thornton. i hope somehow that happens next game, and then maybe ill forget about the miller incident
  13. Blackhawks' John Scott Says He’ll "Kick the ######" Out of Shawn Thornton Over "Chirping" Comments When Shawn Thornton was skating towards the locker room after getting a skate blade to the forehead, he says that some of the Blackhawks were “chirping” at him. Thornton went on to say after the game, “If I ever find who it was, I'll deal with it my own way.” Well, Blackhawks goon John Scott has responded. Scott said : “He’s Mr. Tough Guy and he’s trying to challenge Pisani. If I’m in the lineup, he’s more than welcome to come chirp at me. I’ll kick the ###### out of him.” HAHA. This tool is setting himself up for an ass whipping of the ages. If there really are hockey gods, the Bruins will play the Blackhawks in the Stanley Cup Finals this year and we’ll get to see Shawn Thornton smack this bitch around.
  14. franks and butter youre welcome
  15. lol of course im just teasing. many times ive said i would stand naked at the corner of abbot and northwestern with a flag stuffed up my ass if the bills lost and well i havent been arrested yet so ...
  16. yeah we poked the bear up its fluffy blow hole
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