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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. how can this team suck so freakin bad. theyve got at least enough talent to be a .500 team but theyre playing like theyre an expansion team. its a freakin nightmare
  2. for as many times as i made fun of ppl who were saying 'lindy has lost this team' i think this season he really did. most of the season and especially the last few games they have been coasting around like zombies most of the time. last night was just brutally bad, like they were drugged or something. if they were trying to look like they wanted to get him fired they couldnt have done a better job. it was like dead hockey team walking i didnt want to see him go but it was time thanks for your time here lindy. frankly i hope you just retire and dont go someplace else. but if you do, good luck when its not against the sabres. cool dude
  3. very well played sir
  4. Meathead


    i was tired, dejected, and half drunk when i posted the op so sue me for getting the numbers a little wrong dammit twice.as.many.wins--half.as.many.losses--a.smattering.of.ties = prolly.no.freakin.playoffs.AAAAAAAAAAGAIN. fawk
  5. Meathead


    last season the kings barely squeeked into the playoffs then went on a magical run that shattered playoff w% records for the last half century more than at any time in professional sports literally any team can win a championship in the nhl. you just gotta get in its hard to think this team has a long success streak in them, but heck theyve gone on huge runs the last two seasons so why not. one of these years they will figure out a way not to suck so bad in the early going and not put us through this. or not
  6. Meathead


    thats what the sabres likely have to do the rest of the way to make the post season will they be able to do it? im not feeling it
  7. the farting is getting unbearable but i still aint going
  8. its ok. he looks like a ken doll down there
  9. percolating pretty good over here but i still aint going
  10. well i said i wouldnt poop and they scored. now i just have to hold it for thirty-three more games plus playoffs
  11. i am never going to poop again
  12. wtf i took a quick poop and its two nuthin
  13. why exactly was it dirty? i watched it closely and at the time i didnt think it was dirty, but sometimes you cant see stuff until you watch it a bunch of times. looked to me like it was just a standard hit that somehow just hit sekera the wrong way, which happens
  14. lol you have no idea what the context of the season will be. sabres have certainly be disappointing the last few years but theyve also made incredible long runs and certainly could do it again im loving this win
  15. lmao! drive it home pa, drive it home
  16. Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not.
  17. finally someone talking some sense
  18. so they play the game with no fans present. they can pretend theyre in columbus
  19. everyone pretends like chara was chara his whole time in the nhl. he wasnt. nobody was myers will be fine. hes going through normal growing pains for a budding star. personally i look forward to watching as he develops into that star. hopefully it will be here
  20. statement win right there but that statement wont mean much if they stumble on the island like theyve done so many freakin times in recent seasons. house of horrors is right. hopefully they can chase some of those ghosts away on sat
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