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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. i dont have any problem that poms isnt a fighter, hes a very good hockey player imo and shouldnt have to fight. i dont think a captain has to fight at all to be an effective leader but thats just it with poms, hes just not an effective leader. first of all, he speaks in cliches, he just says the same things over and over. i could stick my hand up his ass and conduct every interview hes ever done exactly mimicing what he would say and where has he been during this nightmare of a season? doing exactly what hes always done, saying all the politically correct things but really saying nothing. i get that his personality is to not get fired up, to not make waves, to be classy and reserved. well that doesnt have seemed to so sh for this desperate team to help them pull out of this death spiral theyve been in. i would have liked poms to show some frustration, some disgust, some gumption, some balls somewhere along the way. but he hasnt, its just the same 'keep our nose to the grindstone, keep plugging away, look deep inside, blah blah blah' crap i really want the guy to stay on the team if possible but he just has to be stripped of his captaincy. if that means he has to be traded so be it, i just think it was a terrible move for lindy to put the c on his chest in the first place, stafford too for that matter. those two are just not leaders and never should be expected to be
  2. i didnt mean to imply they had to change now. i just dont think these guys, esp pom and staff, are any kind of leaders you want for a hockey team
  3. 19 games left and the sabres have to win 22, lose -4, and tie pi to make the playoffs dead team walking
  4. at the risk of stating the blindingly obvious, the captains of this team must change i like pominville as a player but it was a huge mistake making him captain. these teams have lacked just about everything you want since he was given the C. he certainly has done nothing to keep the team from going into their pathetic tailspin stafford as an A i even worse. im not a stafford hater but its obvious he is never going to make anybody else do a damned thing. he cant even play up to his contract as it is. hes done exactly one impressive thing in his career, and thats time a period of stellar play perfectly with his contract expiration status. if he wasnt paid so much id like him as a role player, but no matter what he doesnt deserve to be an assistant captain vanek as an A isnt bad but he should never be captain imo. he has matured dramatically since he came to the majors, you may recall he was a massively immature train wreck of a talent for quite a while. now at least he usually says the right things, but i just dont see him being a main on/off ice leader either. under a strong captain hed be ok but even with his current level of maturity i dont think he would ever be captain material idk who else they could possibly give it to but they really need to strip the first two and just let them be role players if they are going to stay on the team
  5. post game interviews were brutal. team looks totally defeated, especially miller. hes gotta be beyond tired of watching these guys stumble around in front of him. i honestly think hes going to be traded
  6. mayday mayday. this babys goin down. abandon ship, abandon ship
  7. well i for one feel a lot better. wait no i dont nice work btw
  8. i have completely solved that problem by not watching the games anymore
  9. exactly correct and this is the way you see it unless youre a macho neanderthal
  10. holy cow they look awful so far, lucky to only be down one
  11. well who in the world would you replace? you cant tell me that this team could do without the spark that drew stafford provides hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahahaaaaaaa wait lemme try again
  12. who you callin a nittany
  13. all those europeans look the same to me
  14. yep that describes me
  15. People for the Ethical Treatment of Gold Helmets on line one
  16. peta is like the lefts nra
  17. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ! if he would do it. but he wont
  18. Meathead

    Waive Hecht

    what do the sabres have to go now to have a shot at the playoffs, im guessing from memory but 19-6-4 seems about right does anybody think they or any other team in the nhl has any realistic shot at doing that? id say 0.7% is generous if they arent there already they are extremely close to just throwing in the towel. i suppose we have to leave it up to mgt when to actually do that, but if they brought all the youngins up right now to play out the string i wouldnt mind. watching these veterans sleepwalk their way through blunder after blunder is a total waste of time btw - i dont have a problem with hecht, hes cheap and is a great shutdown player for a team in contention. but since the sabres arent that team he and a couple others might as well make way for some playing time for the next generation
  19. sabres break down badly at the very end of the period. shocking
  20. never mind, i just saw the reference in an article. no thanks to my good friends here at sabrespace
  21. Meathead

    The Shanaban

    what, just 'asking' a player what their intention was isnt good enough?!? imagine fkn that This page may have moved, is no longer available, or we may have a problem with our web site, sorry. but it is on the page just below on the first video
  22. what does garden gloves mean
  23. what does garden gloves mean
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