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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. sabres waited too long to fire lindy and the rags were too quick to fire torts - imho personally i dont hate darcy, but i agree that most fans really do i mean i wouldnt mind at all if he was gone, he probably deserves to be. but if terry wants to give him another chance to turn things around im fine with that for now. i think one more two-year cycle should be about it though. if he has assembled the proper talent in the minors it shouldnt take longer than that to get things straightened out. but even i dont think i could stomach another five year ground up rebuild
  2. moe larry the cheese!
  3. as long as it wasnt a trip like tim hortons
  4. start a new poll asking which is gayer, tim connolly or that judy garland video
  5. but not a real green monkey thats cruel
  6. add me to the sullivan is a dick list. so he says the fans are being taken advantage of and thats supposed to make it gospel. as if the sabres havent made a legit attempt recently to try to buy the playoffs. it didnt work but it certainly hasnt been complacency sullivan sells papers at a time when the news and all print dailys are struggling for survival. that doesnt make him right. personally id rather his style not rule the discussion but as we all know in this age if you want to be popular be a jerk. mission accomplished
  7. after canning lindy darcy will get at least a season to retool, maybe two. and thats what this will be, a refit not rebuild. terry gives darcy this last mini-cycle to live up to teds genius label if that fails, 50/50 at best, darcy will finally ride off into that memorial aud in the sky ps i voted they all stay. miller maybe more as a personal preference than anything, but its possible darcy convinces both guys that hes got enough ammo to get some big name players and that the kids are ready for support roles etc etc. they might be able to wrangle all those picks and terrys money into more star presence for darcys last hurrah. least thats what im personally hoping
  8. meh its ok ... is the exact opposite of what i thought when i first saw it. zawsum
  9. for the rest of my life if i ever end up having a beer with darcy i will not be able to resist asking WTF was going on with that situation things are always more complicated than they appear, but holy jeez how could they fk that up any worse. two very good players (at the time), both captains, and you LOSE BOTH FOR NOTHING?!??!?!?!! im fine with the reality that they probably couldnt keep both. they obviously decided to go all in on drury over danny, but why the hell force the wait until the offseason? and why didnt they communicate with briere - if you have decided to try to retain drury why not be honest with danny and tell him youll switch over to him if drury hesitates - which he did for a long time certainly the all-time biggest front office screw up in buffalo sports history, or close to it. id love to hear any truthful explanation from darcy how it could go that completely wrong
  10. Meathead

    playoff line

    well the season has been a massive disappointment so its nice at least to have some reason to watch the games besides hoping for development from the transplanted amerks
  11. i liked timmy but really wasnt too upset at the release. he played only one full season in the pros and thinks he needs arbitration? seemed like a bad move even before he made it hes one of those point a game player in the ahl to point a month guy in the pros. kinda weird but it happens
  12. ironically, i think its also related to the bills. last season the bills gave their biggest contract ever to the best free agent available, had what looked like a dominating defensive line to finally pressure opposing qbs relentlessly, and appeared to be poised to make a serious run for a playoff spot. we all know what a massive disappointment that was add that to the fact that the sabres have been also spending lavishly thats two local teams with high expectations that have crapped the bed something fierce. since football isnt being played now, the arena is the main place for fans to vent that frustration directly
  13. the reason the fans are booing is heightened expectations pegula proclaims this hockey heaven, spends big money to renovate and bring big name free agents here ... and the team steadily goes backwards most often things dont go as planned in sports and you just have to try again next season/decade. but the sabres pumped up this whole expectation thing and now the boo birds are on the edge of their seats when they didnt get what they think they were promised fwiw i wouldnt boo. and i dont think its fair to boo when the team has already gone into selling mode - what did you think would happen, just ride out the season and wait for next year with whatever new face gets put on the franchise but i do understand why they boo
  14. i have a video of lindy throwing an entire puck bag at enroth. but he had his pads on so really he made like two hundred saves
  15. told ya
  16. even with vegas spotting the sabres 209 goals im not sure id take that action
  17. andrew has lost this team
  18. bring back crank yankers
  19. WARNING: The CDC is reporting that the following individuals may have inadvertantly been exposed to dangerously high concentrations of mentaleus degradium vapor: Peppy22, ThirtyEight, TrueBluePhD, 26CornerBlitz, Robviously, bunomatic, Claude_Verret, deluca67, Rox11, d4rksabre, skaught, ObesaCantavit, inkman, MAYRAYBARNABY, BuffaloSoldier2010, North Buffalo, carpandean, rickshaw, Nomad, LabattBlue, Neo, ubkev, elj4176, stenbaro, dudacek, lalalalalaFontaine, ROC Sabres, weave, threadbare, sabretribe, gregmo, LGR4GM, Lumpy, ChileanSeaBass, respk, Stormin Norman, ORSabre There is no fast acting antidote to mentaleus degradium vapor, commonly referred to as retard gas. However, most victims will fully recover several hours after leaving the affected area. Individuals can detect if there is still mentaleus degradium in their blood stream if they are experiencing disturbing delusions, such as preferring their favorite team come in last place instead of making the playoffs. Do not drive or sign any contracts during this period. Heck you probably shouldnt even be walking right now, just sit down right where you are and wait for the mental flatulations to stop.
  20. lindy has lost tampa
  21. past participle, past tense of fleece (Verb) 1.Obtain an inflated value of a deal by overcharging or swindling. 2.Cover as if with a fleece.
  22. those three made that last goal look easy but that was an incredibly beautiful and difficult play to pull off
  23. if shanny wanted to know brads intent why didnt he just ask him
  24. agreed. i hate seeing teams playing for the tie ive been campaigning for the three point system for a decade. i really like the idea of teams desperate for points to let it all hang out near the end of the game, especially when they are playing a team ahead of them in the standings i assume you mean zero points for the loser in any situation this is an interesting possibility that effectively is similar to the 3 point system except its more punitive to the loser in tie games after regulation. i think it solves the main problem of teams playing for ties so if they went with that id be ok with it
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