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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. Sad. He was great. I wish I had seen him in concert.
  2. Here's another complaint: Prince has passed away.
  3. What year and model do you have? I checked specs on Edmunds out of curiosity. The 2014 Golf TDI has 15.2 cubic feet of trunk space with the seats in place; the 2014 mazda 3 hatchback has 20.2 cubic feet.
  4. Very sorry to hear this We've. I think ALS treatment has progressed over the last 15-20 years (I lost a friend to it about 20 years ago), but it's still no picnic. I also think though that there are varying degrees -- hopefully your family member isn't stricken too severely. Sorry about this too Claude. I can totally empathize. I posted a couple of weeks ago that an old friend from HS, with whom I'd lost touch many years ago, also died suddenly of a heart attack. He left a wife and 3 kids. SFiNS astutely noted that one of the reasons I've been dwelling on this a bit is what you said above (in bold). I have life insurance, but my family needs me for more than paying the bills. I don't like thinking about my kids having to grow up and figure out how to navigate life's many challenges without me, or my wife having to handle everything she does now, plus everything I do (I like to think her initial euphoria about her newfound freedom would fade after a while). It's sad and scary. I exercise and try to eat right, but I think genetics play a huge role in mortality, and both of my grandfathers died in their 60s from heart conditions. OTOH, spring is in the air and I think the Sabres are on their way back -- so there's a lot to enjoy before the sandman comes. I think you're right that the prudent move would be to sell the car back and take the $5K. Also, Mazda makes a pretty nice and sporty hatchback.
  5. Interesting. Thanks for posting. And you too should post more often! Very nice. Keep 'em coming. And both of you might consider changing your avatars.
  6. OK -- I'm really starting to look forward to Sunday night.
  7. Great post, CT. You should post more often! I would just add that the other benefits to a huge upfront bonus are (i) the time value of money and (ii) elimination of risk of catastrophic injury, strike, terrorist attack, etc.. $50MM now is worth more than $50MM 5 years from now. Separately, another factor that may chill the bidding frenzy is Stammer's blood clot disorder. I have no idea whether it's similar to Chris Bosh's disorder, but if it is, I would assume that GMs would consider that risk in their analysis (i.e. I think Bosh has had to stop playing mid-season in the last 2 seasons).
  8. My take on the list was that Chicago, Vancouver and Philly are all great cities with committed owners and passionate fan bases, while Buffalo has at least the latter 2 qualities (and the first, depending on the eye of the beholder) and is a team on the rise. I haven't been to Edmonton or Ottawa, so I can't comment on how nice they are as cities, but the Senators doesn't appear to have any of the above-mentioned team qualities. Edmonton has good ownership and passionate fans but could be permanently stuck in the basement.
  9. Interesting list. Most of the teams seem logical enough (that may admittedly be a bit generous to the Sabres), but why are Edmonton and Ottawa doing there (he's from just outside Toronto)? Does he think he's going to get a spot on McDavid's line?
  10. No disagreement on Rob -- I wasn't commenting on him. I will say that bringing him on looks to me like another debacle predictor. Good call on the cap space -- that is DW's baby. Bottom line is that the Bills have a mediocre team and aren't spending any money on the QB position -- and they're still capped out. That is poor GMing.
  11. I agree -- good call on Gus. As for Chuck, he certainly didn't cover himself in glory last night. I can understand the tape recorder trick, because he did want to clear his name (although I did think it was kinda predictable), but lying to Jimmy about their mom's last words was petty and inexcusable.
  12. I should also say that I find Rex quite endearing, that I'd be happy to see him succeed and that I think it's not at all unlikely that he gets this team back into the playoffs (in large part because I think TT can take a big step next season). But the storm clouds are unmistakable.
  13. I think Aud and I (and I would guess many others) are feeling a growing concern that the game has passed Rex by, that the wheels are reasonably likely to come off this season and that it will be the last time anyone gives Rex a HC job.
  14. I am pretty close to declaring that not only will Leggy not be back with the Sabres, I don't think he'll be in the NHL next season.
  15. How is Schaller a UFA already? No thanks on Leggy.
  16. Who do we think put the note on Mike's car? And was that the truck driver that met his demise in the desert?
  17. Please make sure you buy extra tickets with the intention of re-selling them so we can discuss the pros and cons of your strategy. It's been too long since that topic has been examined.
  18. Well, I don't see how you can call the examples I gave (minor arrest, fight, etc.) hyperbolic, especially when you consider what he actually did -- cost his dad and the rest of his family the store -- and what you and I both think is going to happen with Kim.
  19. I could see a one-year flyer on Bouwmeester, although I don't think he's GMTM's kinda player. But I am solidly NFW on signing up for 3 years of him. That would be like doubling down on Moulson's deal.
  20. Regarding the Rock -- I'm not a fan of Michael Bay's, although as I mentioned above his movies certainly include some good action scenes. Aliens was good. I just think it's a bit overrated. And I really liked Prometheus. But it's a close call IMHO. As for T2 -- also good, but too long and corny in parts (e.g. Arnold going "Now I understand why you cry"), whereas T1 was pretty much perfect IMHO.
  21. I am a NFW on Bouwmeester.
  22. I didn't like the Rock or Face off (which was also directed by John Woo, so I was kinda disappointed), although both had some good scenes. Another excellent under the radar action movie was Ronin (the one with De Niro) and a notch below but still enjoyable was Predator. I liked it but didn't love it. I think I liked Prometheus better. Maybe avatar too, although that was kinda corny.
  23. I should also say that, having listened to GMTM's & DDB's end-of-year presser last night, GMTM sounded pretty happy with his group of forwards, and indicated a couple of times that he really wants a QB-type defenseman. So, since the prior attempt at Stamkos was last summer -- i.e. before GMTM got a look at ROR, Eichel, Reino and Kaner in Sabres uniforms, plus Bailey, Rodrigues (whom GMTM also praised), Schaller, etc. -- it's quite possible that GMTM's ardor for Stammer has cooled and that he'll allocate resources elsewhere this summer.
  24. And starring a shortly-after-Pulp-Fiction John Travolta in a great villain role, plus Christian Slater, and directed by John Woo. It was really good.
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