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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. Perhaps my favorite string of posts in the last 2 years.
  2. No. They're getting dumped on for not honoring the deal made by the prior administration. A new administration doesn't get to walk away from its predecessors' agreements, unless that type of option is built into the agreement. Similarly, if the team were sold to a new owner, the new owner couldn't just decide to break the lease and move to Vegas/Quebec/anywhere else that wanted to throw money at him/her.
  3. Sticking up for the greedy, heartless corporations, eh? The worm has turned...
  4. I personally prefer "semifinals" and really "semis." "Conference finals" is a marketing gimmick. Carry on.
  5. Outstanding. McKee was one of my all-time favorite Sabres. Losing him (along with Grier) after 2005-06 was, IMHO, an under-the-radar loss that chipped away at the foundation of a great team more than we realized at the time. Thanks again Larry and Tom!
  6. Well, I did say that Woody Allen has plenty of issues, and the Soon-Yi relationship is one of them. But that does not mean the accusations of child molesting are true. It just doesn't. That accusation needs to be evaluated on its own merit, which is the bulk of the article I posted (and which you didn't respond to). As for PC media types -- I didn't say there was a conspiracy to smear him. The point is that there are a ton of media publications that skew liberal/PC -- and the liberal/PC stance on sexual assault allegations is generally to believe the accuser and to disregard the notion of due process for the accused. Do you disagree with that?
  7. Here's the one I used: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/turkey-meatloaf ...with the following changes, based mostly on what we had in the kitchen: - beef instead of turkey - baked beans instead of canneloni beans - 2 eggs instead of 1 - a bit more tomato sauce and barbecue sauce, plus a bit of hot sauce, instead of worcestershire It was pretty moist.
  8. IMHO, what is killing the game is the fact that defense has outpaced offense, and the league hasn't tweaked the rules recently (or effectively) to restore the advantage to offense.
  9. Woody Allen has plenty of issues, but it's highly likely that he did not assault his daughter, and that the accusations were fabricated by his PO'd ex, Mia Farrow, in the middle of a nasty custody battle. He was cleared by police, by a judge and by professional sexual assault therapists from Yale who investigated the accusations. Frankly, although the episode has been spun by PC media types as "powerful man gets away with assault on defenseless female," it is a much better example of "false sexual assault allegations given undue credibility by PC medial who automatically believe all such allegations." Here is a article with a good factual breakdown: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/01/27/the-woody-allen-allegations-not-so-fast.html
  10. At my son's request, I made meatloaf for the first time last night. It was also, I think, the first time I'd eaten meatloaf since I was a kid. Served it with baked beans, broccoli and those buttered rolls from a can that you bake in the oven for 15 min. Pretty simple and pretty tasty.
  11. I don't feel any moral entitlement to a free ticket to the draft. I also don't think the Sabres are morally wrong for charging admission. Being the first host city to do so, though, puts the Sabres in an unfavorable light. They are now the first ones to extract money from the public for something that everyone who came before them gave away for free. It just feels like they are gouging here -- and for what will end up being a pretty small amount of cash, relatively speaking. Also, like others have noted, your comment about not wanting to sit with someone that couldn't spring for the ticket was not your finest hour here. I think he's done a world of good for the city and the fans of the teams too. I just don't like the vibe of being the first ones to charge for something that has previously been free.
  12. Well, the facts appear to be that prior host cities have generally not charged admission. Assuming that is correct -- this is a bush league move by the Sabres.
  13. At Stamkos? Interesting.
  14. I think the question can't be answered without knowing whether prior host cities have charged admission, and if so, how many years that has been the case.
  15. Yes, and educational. I learned something about SFiNS' homeland from those photos and feel am glad to have done so. Me too, and the execution by those posting photos. Very nice contribution by JJ.
  16. I'll dispute it all day, every day. Kaner was so much more impactful on the ice, especially in the 2nd half of the season, than Stafford has ever been.
  17. mustache and LTS -- very cool stuff there. Did anyone else suspect all along that PAFan had a bug fetish?
  18. 11 -- the thread is pinned to provide some entertainment and enlightenment during a dead period for Sabres news. This is a full service operation, mister.
  19. I'm pinning this, for now anyway. The pictures can provide some entertainment while we await the offseason action.
  20. It's certainly a fair point -- none of these guys is likely to develop into a full-blown star NHLer. But it's possible, and more broadly, the Sabres getting him -- a coveted player with plenty of options -- would be a nice indicator of their rising league status.
  21. Oh, yes. Peak RJ and peak Sabres. Those were the days.
  22. Unforgettable, and probably the best Sabres game ever -- until we get a Cup-clincher. Connolly was really something that year. After years of underachieving and disappointing fans (who were disinclined to like him since he was the primary return for Peca), plus missing the entire pre-lockout season with a concussion, no one expected anything from him -- including Lindy. Then he showed up in camp with a shaved head and a ripped physique, and played a beautiful game all year. Anyone who's interested should look for TC highlights on youtube -- he was a great skater and had more moves than any Sabre since #11. 7-6 was Connolly's last game (and what a game he had!) before getting concussed again at the beginning of game 2 of that series. He missed most of the following season and was never the same after returning. Neither were the Sabres.
  23. He's obviously saving 5,000 or so seats for the high-value target fans from Toronto.
  24. Howdy neighbor! If you haven't already done so, you should check out the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens for good photo opps.
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