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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. I'll say it again: there is NFW he is signing with NJ. They were well out of the playoffs last year, and no one who has attended a regular-season game in NJ would ever willingly sign up to play there. If he goes to the NYC area, he'll go to the Rangers.
  2. NYC has: - the best food in the world, and it's not even close. - the best professional opportunities in the world in just about every profession other than manufacturing and farming. - the best nightlife in the world. - the best theater in the world (if you're into that sort of thing). - the best art, literature, architecture and public transit in the US. - the most international residents in the US across multiple professions and nations of origin. The above qualities are all more or less objective. Here's a subjective one: NYC also has the most interesting, funny, accomplished and ambitious people in the world. There are a million hassles associated with living in NYC, and it's certainly not for everyone. But pretending that it's just like any other big city is just that -- pretending. He did you hoser. Beat me to it. It's the "or at least the piece you want" that is critical here. I agree that you can find some measure of most (not all) of one or 2 of NYC's qualities in other cities. DC has great museums; Boston and Savannah have great architecture; New Orleans and Miami have great food (with limits on the types of excellent cuisine); LA has beautiful people; Chicago has a great lake front, etc. etc. But no other city comes close to combining all of NYC's qualities.
  3. Except that he didn't -- he still has his $97MM contract, with $60MM guaranteed -- minus whatever the 4 game checks cost him. Dareus is fine. It's the Bills who are hosed -- and as a result of a highly foreseeable situation..
  4. My wife and I watched the first 2 episodes last night and we both really liked it. Me too. As far as that goes, I started watching the ESPN documentary on OJ a few days ago. So far it is excellent. One purely football tidbit that I found interesting: during OJ's junior year, USC, ranked #4, played UCLA, ranked #1 and featuring a senior Heisman favorite at QB (Gary Beban, whom I don't think did anything in the NFL). UCLA took a 20-14 lead in the 4th quarter. USC had a 3rd-and-7 from their own 36 with 10 minutes to go and gave it to OJ, who took it 64 yards for the game-winning TD. The game is still regarded as the most famous game of the USC-UCLA rivalry and one of the best college football games of all time.
  5. Here's the Vesey poll the unruly mob has been demanding. My responses: Sabres, 3rd line, 10-15 goals. Fire at will.
  6. 65 pages and we're still 2 days out!
  7. I think it's gonna be the Sabres or Boston. If Detroit is too far, so is Chicago -- and he already rejected Nashville, which is in Chicago's division. Pittsburgh and the Rangers are possible but I think/hope he'll want to be in the same division as Boston and Toronto. If he and his family think he's better off being away from home, the Sabres have to be finalists along with the Rangers and Pittsburgh. And most Bostonians don't like NYC. C'mon Jimmy.
  8. How about "when your employer pays you $97MM, you do what your employer asks, to the best of your ability, while maintaining a positive attitude and taking care not to do anything that would keep you away from your workplace?" As for Whaley -- a good GM figures out whether a guy will be a good team player and will keep his nose clean before giving that guy a franchise-crippling contract.
  9. I believe I was a lonely minority in the wilderness when I spoke up last year against giving Dareus a fat contract. $97MM for the centerpiece of the 19th-ranked defense in the NFL last year, who BTW can't be bothered to buy in to the new coach's system or stop himself from getting baked. Classic Whaley-era Bills -- high draft picks, big contracts and zero meaningful wins to show for it.
  10. Do you think that having a job (or being married to someone with an important job) means that a person automatically is good at that job?
  11. Nice work, 11!
  12. And yet you found Rust Cole's gibberish monologues in "True Detective" worthwhile. It's a free country.
  13. You missed the joke you hoser.
  14. I too am feeling this type of disappointment and pessimism about where this country is, now and in the next 10 years. I personally know at least 100 people on both sides of the political aisle whom I am certain would make better presidents than the 2 finalists.
  15. Go for a drive by yourself, crank up "The Spirit of Radio" and report back.
  16. "The Night Of" is just outstanding.
  17. I'm calling NFW on the Devils. That arena is a half-empty morgue for 90% of the regular season. And while the headline on that WEEI story is misleading, as the agent didn't say Vesey is leaning towards an EC team, it nevertheless makes more sense that he would choose an EC team. Both EC divisions have easier travel than the Central division does, and both revolve around an area that is much closer to home than the Central does. In fact, it's not hard to look at the Atlantic division and conclude that Vesey is going to go to either Buffalo or Boston -- Boston because it's home, and Buffalo because it gets him away from home but not too far and still brings him to Boston and Toronto frequently, and is close to Toronto if he needs to see his dad. (And, if the family is a typical hockey snowbird family with a winter place in Florida, being in the Atlantic division gets him to Florida frequently too.) Buffalo makes more sense than Toronto from a hockey perspective and more than Boston from a young-man-growing-up perspective. And we have a great young center who Vesey is friends with. I'm starting to convince myself. It could easily be Chicago, Pittsburgh or the Rangers. How close is he with his family? How important to him will it be to play In Boston and Toronto frequently? If he's close with his family it really could tip the scales to Buffalo.
  18. I'm kinda psyched/hopeful to see a heathy TT and a heathy Watkins. What are the odds that TT, Watkins and McCoy all play at least 14 games, and at least 12 together?
  19. On the one hand, this crusade has been tiresome for quite some time. On the other hand, you have to get some credit for sheer, dogged, never-quit on this.
  20. It is pretty amazing that we'll probably hit 60 pages for a 4-year college free agent.
  21. Good man and congrats! Did you take my recommendations on the bagels? Awesome.
  22. Well, if the Bills can indeed get out after this year with zero cap hit other than the $9.5MM they are paying him this year, that is a very good deal for them.
  23. Believing Obama is a Muslim is not the same as being a bigot, or a neanderthal, or white trash. It's of a piece with a million other misapprehensions that a distressingly large percentage of the US populations labors under. As for Trump himself and his use of language -- I agree that it a number of instances it is probably calculated, although I also think the MSM has been too quick to assume (and report) the worst. In any case I'm not defending him -- my issues with PA on this have to do with PA's denigrating of Trump's supporters, not with Trump himself. If you're really interested, you should read this: http://nypost.com/2016/07/30/why-white-trash-americans-are-flocking-to-donald-trump/ But there are many other reasons, and many other elements of his support than the left-behind white working class. Many believe him to be the lesser of two evils -- which isn't the same as a protest vote against Hillary. Many are utterly dismayed with the current political class and want a true outsider. Many believe that the stagnating US economy is the most important issue facing the country and that it would continue to stagnate under Hillary, and that a successful businessman would do a better job getting it fired up. (In this regard, a serious economist had a piece in the WSJ today praising Trump's stance on currency manipulation -- it's also worth reading: http://www.wsj.com/articles/trumps-contribution-to-sound-money-1470868946. You can probably find it via google if you're blocked by the paywall.) As I've said, more than 50 million people are going to vote for him. Most are not the despicable lowlifes you've been painting them as.
  24. Do you think the factual basis for "bigots and neanderthals" is equivalent to that of "bloodthirsty Muslim?" Have you introduced any data supporting your views in the way that I have introduced data supporting mine?
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