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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. Awesome.
  2. Serious question: for those propounding institutional racism -- what do you mean, exactly? That some police departments are effectively racist institutions because their SOP is to harass African-Americans and shoot them at the slightest provocation? That the whole concept of police is part of the way African Americans are oppressed? That the government is designed to favor whites over blacks? Other?
  3. OK -- time to chill out a bit, please. The problem is that rioting isn't some harmless street march where a few windows get broken and police cars get bounced. Riots bring out criminals and thugs -- and criminal and thuggish behavior in people who don't normally act that way. People get killed -- this happened in Charlotte yesterday. Homes and businesses get destroyed. It's not the Boston tea party. It's opportunistic hooliganism. With Gennifer Flowers sitting next to him! Holy mackerel.
  4. I want to see Kane on LW with Eichel and Reino -- both because he can skate and finish and to add an element of danger so the kids don't get messed with.
  5. For the record, my point on Brandon was that he won't get another job as an NFL team president, not that he won't get another job in the NFL. He has done a creditable job of selling tickets, including suites and club seats in a difficult market for those products. (Of course, the Toronto series was an abomination, and he bears some if not most of the culpability for that.) Now, could my view of his job prospects change if Rex rights the ship and leads a miraculous charge to the playoffs? Yes indeedly. But if the Bills end up 6-10 and Whaley and Rex get canned? NFW. As for today's game: good for Rex and good for the Bills. Their offense looked a lot better to me in pretty much every phase, including coaching and execution -- especially given the imposters they trotted out at WR. And the D looked much improved as well. The Cardinals looked like the poorly-coached team, not the Bills. And Palmer looked terrible. I think Jerry Hughes might be team MVP so far this year. I want to believe they have a chance next week, but I keep thinking back to the hype leading up to last year's first Patriots game -- and then the Bills got completely manhandled and became unglued and committed like 20 penalties, most of which were of the deeply stupid variety. We'll see.
  6. Now that sounds like a SabreSpace wager.
  7. I generally agree, but I think there is zero possibility he retires with $10 million left on the table. Does anyone know the cap consequences if the Sabres buy him out after this season?
  8. I think you and TW are probably right that Brandon is not likely to get canned -- but I completely disagree with that decision (if that is indeed where TP/KP end up). I also think there remains a real possibility that Brandon does get canned -- selling out a September game against a really good team is a much different kettle of fish than 30K empty seats for the December games, and tons of booing from the crowd that does show up, when the team is 4-10. I think that was after the 2014 season, not the 2015 season -- i.e. before the Rex Ryan train wreck.
  9. No one is going to hire Whaley to be a GM again, and no one is going to hire Brandon at a position comparable to what he has now. Years of failure and ineptitude do not yield career advancements.
  10. Why not?
  11. It seems highly likely that once the bills are 2-6 or 1-7, Rex will get canned, along with Whaley and Brandon (hopefully), and Coughlin will come in as the new PLF in finding the right people to run the organization moving forward.
  12. As far as the Sabres demonstrating that the plan is working, nothing has been clearly established yet. Not a GD thing.
  13. I see your point, but this is well overstated. Certainly it's possible to discuss bigotry and racism while still respecting others' sensitivities -- just as it's certainly possible that sometimes those sensitivities can be unreasonable. In this case, I didn't agree with some of what Marvelo said, but I agreed with a good amount of it. The word he was focused on is indeed a highly offensive slur, and the context he noted of rising anti-semitism, both internationally and on US college campuses, is unfortunately quite prevalent. And while it's clear that no offense was intended, the story could've been told without using the specific word. So it's not like Marvelo acted like some zealous PC policeman, or like we're unable to have a real conversation here. These are interesting subjects, and pretty nuanced IMHO. A good starting point is to assume the other side has a legitimate reason to feel the way they do.
  14. Holy mackerel do I miss Briere.
  15. I don't mean to single anyone out. There are statements in this thread about the Tulsa and Charlotte shootings (the window being closed, the deceased being unarmed) that are simply not borne out by the (limited) evidence we have -- and that are critical to determining what happened. And those statements, and similar statements in other shootings, are made by advocates of one position or another (not just here -- across the country) and cited as supporting evidence -- and they just aren't. Every situation is different, and every one needs to be evaluated based on facts as they really are.
  16. Yet another Whaley failing: the failure to bring in a creditable #2 WR.
  17. It has to be Eichel. The alternative is unthinkable.
  18. Who was that in Cereal's photo?
  19. I know we're all disappointed that NA got bounced, but Canada vs Russia on Sat. could be a great game. Crosby vs. Kulikov. It is ON.
  20. I watched both videos and IMHO it is impossible to discern what happened, including whether the window was closed. Now the Charlotte shooting is a different kettle of fish entirely. The PD has video but is refusing to release it? WTF? People should go to jail for that alone. They already are regulated differently. What type of regulation are you referring to?
  21. Marvelo -- you raise an interesting point. I don't think your concerns constitute silly PC policing or shouting people down, which is what often bothers people about PC-ness. It's also worth asking how everyone would feel if someone had told a story like the one Chz told, but with the N-word instead of the K-word. Having said that, I think Marvelo should be careful about accusing others of malicious intent.
  22. Does Team NA advance if Russia loses today in OT?
  23. I think that would be a pretty foolish political move.
  24. I'm not sure whether we're talking past each other here. I don't see how you can form a view as to his opinion that he did nothing wrong without knowing what happened. It seems like your opinion is that he must've done something wrong or else these situations wouldn't have occurred. I suppose this is reasonable and defensible -- but I just think the range of wrongful acts he may have committed is so wide (and, I will reiterate, must include zero wrongful acts whatsoever) as to make your conclusion an unjustified one. And now I think we've beaten this horse to death.
  25. Well, I don't think I was aware that you thought there was zero possibility that he is not guilty. Well, it kinda depends on the specifics of the "fault," innit? Let's suppose Kane took a woman back to his hotel room, they had consensual sex and he then behaved like a jerk and told her to get lost. In that situation, he would be "at fault" for acting like a jerk and creating a situation in which blowback is possible -- but would you agree that he would NOT be "at fault" for rape or anything close to it?
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