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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. Awesome.
  2. I agree that it will be GMTM's call. I just question how much rope he'll give DDB. They look awful.
  3. yes indeedly!
  4. So will TP toss out two coaches in one holiday week? I'm skeptical but at some point this can't continue.
  5. Correct, but not for the reason you posted. Aren't I clever?
  6. We had a mice issue last week at a family member's house in upstate NYS. There have always been a few spots where they appear, but this time, since the house was vacant for a few weeks, they made a move. There were mice poops in all of the beds plus various other spots. We bought 48 old-school snap-and-kill mousetraps, set them up in about a dozen locations in the garage and attic and interior closets and bathroom cabinets -- and took out about 28 corpses over a 1-week period. At this point, we're still getting one every couple of days in the garage, but zero inside the house. Those little CSs have taken major body blows, but I doubt they're learning any lessons.
  7. Unbelievable. If the choice were keeping Rex vs keeping DW and RB, I would've kept Rex, but I can understand getting rid of Rex and keeping DW and RB (although to be clear my choice would've been dumping all 3 of them). But now that we appear to be facing a choice of keeping TT vs keeping DW and RB, IMHO, choosing to keep DW and RB over keeping the QB of the #7 scoring offense in the NFL (#6 in offensive TDs) is just idiotic. I keep trying to convince myself that DW and RB, in benching TT, are simply keeping their options open -- including for purposes of finding out whether the new coach wants TT at QB -- but this is one of several real indicators that DW and RB have made up their minds about TT. The clown show continues. They could really find themselves back where they were 5-6 years ago, when every good HC candidate preemptively announced that he wasn't interested in the Bills.
  8. Another come-from-ahead loss. Thanks DDB. Best moment of the night IMHO was the huge hit Risto put on Marchand in the 1st.
  9. Outstanding.
  10. I saw it tonight with the family and liked it. Good summaries here gentlemen. I too preferred this one to The Force Awakens (which was enjoyable due to seeing everyone from my teenage years again, but was also pretty hokey and derivative of the 1st trilogy IMHO). Good response.
  11. I thought Sullivan's column was completely fair and accurate. The Bills remain an utter and complete Mickey Mouse organization. There is simply no justification for keeping RB and DW in charge. Does anyone doubt that the team will continue to stink next year?
  12. Bernie "Freak Thing" Evaporates Sabres Dream of Glory.
  13. It seems like the 2 front-runners are Anthony Lynn and Tom Coughlin. I think I'd be OK with either, subject to a good answer on the QB question. As far as that goes, I want to either keep TT or bring in a real QB that somehow pops loose (like Rivers, Brees, etc.). EJ or some vet retread is definitely not OK.
  14. I've been binge-watching "The Night Manager" on Amazon the past few days. Pretty good 6-part spy thriller.
  15. If it's another 5-1 loss, does DDB get canned in the AM?
  16. Good to see ya TW and hope you had a great Xmas!
  17. I think once you enter a hot tub, you are assuming that all kinds of cheezy home pornos have taken place and trusting that the water has been hot enough to kill anything gnarly. Otherwise you're just kidding yourself.
  18. Yes indeed.
  19. That's quite a setup, and I think we are all happy for you but I'm a bit concerned that you were inclined, in that circumstance, to post hereas opposed to pursuing other matters.
  20. Good to see ya APus!
  21. This is where I am as well. If they don't come out next game like their hair is on fire then DDB needs to go ASAP.
  22. Good to see ya Duds! A very Merry Xmas to you and yours.
  23. Indeed. If the conversation here hasn't been the enjoyable diversion it's supposed to be -- take a couple of weeks off (I used to disappear for most of the summers), but don't delete the bookmark or forget your password. It's quite possible that we'll have a new coach and a winning streak in a few weeks' time, and Jackie Boy will have us seeing stars. In the meantime, I wish everyone a very Merry Xmas/Happy Hannuka/Fun Festivus/etc. I hope everyone gets some time off with friends and family and has a great start to 2017. (Holy mackerel there was a huge blowout argument among my in-laws -- fortunately not including my wife -- and the big family Xmas almost got cancelled. Order was restored and the plans were back on as of yesterday, but things are still a bit touchy.)
  24. Seconded.
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