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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. Let's see if the Sabres can improve on that abomination the other night. The Rangers have had a bit of a schizophrenic 2017 so far. They started by losing to the Sabres in NYC, then won 2, lost 3, won 3, and have lost their last 2. They are 2nd in the NHL in scoring, 13th in defense, 14th in PP, 15th in PK. It's an NBCSN game, so no RJ. Also -- if someone wants to post the line combos from dailiyfaceoff.com, please do so -- I can't seem to figure out how to do so. http://www2.dailyfaceoff.com/teams/lines/32/new-york-rangers Game on!
  2. Great breakdown yse. It's too early to tell about the prospects really but this is good stuff.
  3. Outstanding.
  4. Also -- good thread, but WHAT'S WITH THE ALL CAPS?
  5. Interesting. The flesh and spirit both recoil, but interesting nevertheless.
  6. Who said anyone expected no spillover or pushback? Has there not been a mountain of it? When will it be enough? As for timing/optics -- this is exactly what I objected to earlier. We have described the reasons for the closure of the politics thread numerous times. When you (and others -- you are hardly the only one) say the closure has "bad optics" after seeing the repeated explanation for the closure, you are essentially saying "I know you said you closed the politics thread because it created bad vibes on the board, but I think you're lying -- I think the real reason is that you were sick of reading posts that disagreed with your political views." It's an inherently obnoxious and insulting statement. As for taking pleasure in the closure -- I have been happy with the results of the closure, because I think the board is much better without political discussions -- and I think most of January was pretty pleasant around here. OTOH, on days like today, when people I generally respect and think should know better act like it's perfectly fine to lob in serious accusations, the aftermath of the closure delivers only agita. (And BTW I agree that it's no coincidence that the crap re-emerges after a solid week without a good Sabres game.)
  7. As it happens, the bachelor in question likes nice things and has always spent at least 125% of his annual income.
  8. I have no idea what you mean by "it's my fault that posts don't get deleted." I stated that only 4 political posts have been deleted in the past month. Are you saying that you want every single political post to be deleted? Do you think that level of board policiing is the right outcome? Do you think others here want that? Regarding the post that was deleted yesterday -- yes -- that was one of the posts made by a pro-Trump poster. As for my tone -- what sort of tone do you expect when you repeatedly accuse someone of dishonesty and bad faith?
  9. All true, except that given the expected guest list, there will probably be some nudity involved. I expect all pants to remain on though. The entertainment will be primarily hanging out with old friends, plus booze, gambling and good food (I will try to steer the group away from steakhouses, as I enjoy that meal less and less, but will almost certainly lose that battle). It is also an undeniable treat to take a couple of days off from real life obligations and just have "me" time.
  10. Well, I'll resist the overwhelming urge to invite you to GFY, and instead invite you to consider the fact that in the past month, exactly 4 political posts have been deleted -- 2 by a pro-Trump poster, and 2 by anti-Trump posters (one of which told me that he would've deleted the post himself if a mod had not done so). I'll also ask you to perhaps think about and look into what the facts actually are, instead of making assumptions about them and then making accusations based on those assumptions. You may or may not be aware that the mods on SabreSpace and the mods on TBD are 2 different and non-overlapping groups (other than our fearless leader, of course) -- so there really isn't any connection between the way the 2 boards are moderated.
  11. What is your question, exactly? Was it an obnoxious post? Yes indeed. Should it have incurred a warning? Perhaps an unofficial warning would've been appropriate -- but of course that assumes that we read every post in a GDT relating to yet another dreary loss. Here's what a reasonable person would've done if he or she had been put off by that post: tell that poster that the post was out of line, or report it to the mods. But you couldn't be bothered to do that. You felt compelled, and thought it was perfectly OK, to start publicly accusing the mods of favoring one side over the other. How nice.
  12. Thank you for your repeated accusations of dishonesty and bad faith on this topic. If you're interested in incorporating some facts into your thinking: - We typically wouldn't issue a warning point for a first (or even 2nd) offense. - There have been quite a few posts critical of the president that various posters have lobbed in recently without getting a warning. None of us particularly enjoys playing board policeman, so we generally let it go with the hope that the perpetrators will cease and desist on their own volition. - I believe the sum total of posters who have received warning points for repeatedly crossing the line is: 2 Trump critics (one of whom was warned not for criticizing Trump but for spamming a bunch of threads with complaints about the "no politics" policy) and 1 Trump supporter. (EDIT: it was actually 1 anti-Trump poster for repeated bigoted statements about Trump supporters, 2 anti-Trump posters for spamming multiple threads about the no-politics policy and 2 pro-Trump posters.) OK?
  13. It's obvious what happened here. Doohickie, desperate to signal his citizen-of-the-world status, polluted the title of the GDT with that weird euro squiggle above the "e" in "Montreal." A debacle ensued. I hope we've learned our lessons.
  14. My wife agreed at dinner tonight that I could attend the bachelor party weekend in Vegas next month of one of the last of my friends to get married. I bought my plane ticket before she could change her mind. I don't even particularly like Vegas, but this will be a fun trip with a bunch of old friends.
  15. Check your PMs, please.
  16. No mayo or tomato, I trust?
  17. Good man.
  18. Dude. WTF. Indeed.
  19. So TB are sellers, eh? I don't think GMTM will decide whether he's buying or selling until we are much closer to the deadline.
  20. Ooooooooooohhhh. You got me.
  21. I'm envious too, but it's better for the Sabres, and for us as fans, for the Leafs to be a good, exciting team. We could be looking at 7 years or so of a great rivalry, with a ton of talent at work and plenty of thrilling games.
  22. The Leafs aren't trading Marner, full stop.
  23. BTW -- Howard Simon and Jeremy White discussed your boy's encounter with Jack yesterday on their show -- it's toward the end of the "First reactions to the Nashville win" segment if you're interested. It sounds like Jeremy follows the Eichel Tower feed on Twitter.
  24. I really like Montreal. It's a great walking-around city, with good food, style and plenty to do. And the Bell Centre is a great place to see a game.
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