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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. I'm predicting that they draft a CB.
  2. Don't get too clingy and needy or he'll bail again.
  3. Ah, OK -- didn't realize she slept at the office. Thanks.
  4. No one would give Moulson $3MM in free agency.
  5. Am I crazy, or did Kim drive to her gym in the morning just to shower and get dressed there (ie without exercising)?
  6. This is a bit generous. Quite a few people have questioned, e.g., Lehner, Reino over Draisaitl, the 2014 draft generally, etc.
  7. I believe you, but I'd sure like some deets...
  8. The first sentence of this post cannot possibly be right. #Hammymath. Try it! It's easy and fun!
  9. I'm nominating "Paul Hamilton math" for immediate platinum membership in the Sabrespace inside joke lexicon. #Hammymath
  10. I'd be OK with Gueron, but there's gotta be an older guy as PHO in that scenario, innit?
  11. Speaking of Marrone, RB was responsible for giving him the unprecedented golden parachute that allowed him to leave voluntarily AND collect $4MM from the Bills.
  12. I think LeBrun was just laid off by ESPN (not sure though). Either way, once again the local media has zero info while national media does.
  13. I generally agree with this and would not give him a 3 year deal. I would give him a "prove it" 2-year deal. He's an RFA so his only alternative is the KHL.
  14. Any stats on his junior team? Was he their #1 defenseman?
  15. Never say never, but I agree that it won't happen anytime soon. Taro is right though that he could end up with a pretty highly-placed position with another team (maybe back with the Steelers?). And it's reasonably likely that he's seen the writing on the wall and started conversations to line something up. Either way, though, it would be a foolish long-term move for him to sabotage this draft for the Bills. I agree that he'll be able to get a job -- I meant that he'll have a hard time finding a senior "GM in waiting" job like the one Taro mentioned.
  16. Butler was a really good GM who had options available. DW is going to have a much harder time finding a job.
  17. Antipin has to know that nothing is guaranteed. I expect they promised his agent that he'd start the year in the NHL, and he'll probably get a one-way contract (ie same salary whether it's NHL or AHL), but I doubt they promised, or he expects, guaranteed NHL ice time. He and his agent probably looked at the Sabres, saw plenty of available ice time on D, good facilities, a free-spending owner, a good goalie and good forwards and figured it was a promising situation for him.
  18. Well, I don't think DW will get the final call on any of the picks -- I think McD will. Also, I'm sure DW wants to keep working in the NFL, and intentionally making bad picks for the Bills on his way out the door would hurt his future prospects. OTOH, if the Bills have a great draft this year, he can include it in his resume.
  19. It sure looks like Whaley is going to get canned after the draft: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2017/04/26/bills-scouts-bracing-for-a-post-draft-house-cleaning/
  20. I think only PTR would cite the Bills losing Hogan as support for the Bills FO.
  21. Link? I do not recall an apology -- I recall him saying it wasn't working and they were going to reevaluate the series. Crediting RB for keeping the Bills in Buffalo is like crediting a doorman with opening the door. As I've said previously, there is NFW that he did anything other than execute RWS' wishes. And if TP hadn't materialized like a gift from heaven, the Bills would be in Toronto right now. As for presenting numbers -- again, you are giving him credit for doing what anyone in that position would've done. More importantly, TP certainly had his own financial people run their own numbers, and they relied on their numbers, not RB's, in making the decision. Finally, when TP finally cuts RB loose, no one else is going to give him a comparable job.
  22. I think the poll question needs a bit more instruction -- i.e. my preferred GM likely changes if I know there is/isn't going to be a PHO in addition to the GM.
  23. This is it in a nutshell. The value he adds with his insights that he gains from being around the team is completely obliterated by dishonest writing. OK. Do you or do you not think he was bein intentionally misleading by presenting the stats the way he did? "An 82-game span." The imprecision, IMHO, is completely intentional, and dishonest. Yes, except that it's almost impossible to believe it wasn't intentional. Which is it? Did he think no one read his stuff anyway, or was he trying to create a stir? It's pretty clear to me that Hammy, like most other journos, is well aware that hot takes = more clicks = career advancement for sports journalists. He just hasn't figured out how to issue hot takes that aren't transparently false and easily disproved.
  24. Welcome jlevnhv!
  25. Doohickie, you know we love ya, but this is like when Liger predicted that Robyn Regehr was going to become a force on the power play.
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