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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. Since we're going on a 2-year timeline: Shea Weber.
  2. Well, I don't think Richards lost his $$ because of a behavior clause in his contract -- I think the Kings relied on a provision in the CBA that allowed them to terminate the contract under extreme circumstances. So, if Kane were to be convicted for some kind of felony, the Sabres could probably do the same thing, but not for being late to practice, not stretching enough, being standoffish or self-absorbed, etc. The problem with waiting until the deadline is that the return would almost certainly be limited to picks/prospects -- i.e. not a top-4 Dman or other assets that could help the Sabres immediately. Manfully admitted. We are still left with the pressing question of what JBott's plans are for Kaner. I don't think JBott has decided yet. I think he wants to see how Kane behaves over the summer, in training camp and perhaps the first month of the season before deciding whether to offer him a fat extension.
  3. Here is a great article about Perreault that includes some discussion of that Canada Cup: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/213593-gilbert-perreault-the-forgotten-frenchman
  4. Here's something about Greyjoy and his armada that's bugging me: there is NFW that he has enough men to staff a 1000-ship armada. That would be somewhere between 20K and 100K men. There just aren't that many Ironborn, and they couldn't have conscripted that many either. It does look like Euron is being set up to be this season's Ramsey though.
  5. I agree with both of these points.
  6. Starting to get weird in here... This is no time for quips my good man. You are on the clock!
  7. He'd be wise to listen to her, but not necessarily to take her advice. Sansa learned not to trust anyone from Cersei, which could help self-preservation, or perhaps not -- Cersei isn't exactly in an enviable position, having lost all 3 of her kids. Plus allowing herself to be taken captive by the Faith Militant, that walk of shame, obsessing (incorrectly) over Tyrion, making enemies all over the world...she's not someone to emulate.
  8. Yeah baby! Yeah! That was a good article about him from the Sabres' website.
  9. Awesome.
  10. Good hockey talk here boys.
  11. Good post. I would've gone with Tarasenko in light of "best player for next 2 years" theme of the rankings, but Draisaitl looks like the real deal and is a legitimate choice. Also very legit. very nice.
  12. Good articles (although completely redundant). Thanks for posting. He's an intriguing prospect.
  13. I'm in and will again be assembling the best group.
  14. Welcome to the board. Both of these are kind of obnoxious. Keep the hockey posts coming, but please keep it friendly and respectful.
  15. I don't think the CBA allows for this -- so anyone signing him to a fat contract is taking a commensurate risk.
  16. You're probably right, but it's also quite possible that one of them is #3 center and the other is #4 center.
  17. Holy mackerel that is a great clip.
  18. Good report. thanks.
  19. Yikes. Did I pay up? What did we bet?
  20. As others have stated, you should edit the OP so it asks what the max term and dollars you would offer Kane if you were GM. I would also include the caveat that if it's less than 6 years or less than $5.75MM per year, Kane is almost certain to leave. I too would be surprised (and thrilled) if he accepted that deal. IMHO he will be looking for the biggest pile of guaranteed $$ he can get, which means long term.
  21. Very nice breakdown, GA. I am happy with JBot so far. If he can do something with Moulson I will sing his praises from the rooftops.
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