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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. I believe I've posted multiple times about the likelihood of Dareus being a dissolute washout. Two more great RB/DW moves -- drafting that loser AND giving him $100MM. We're stuck with him.
  2. I'm interested and rooting for McG. I'm also on vacation in a fairly densely populated part of Massachusetts, and the closest place that is showing it is 50 miles away! So we might spring for it on the Roku.
  3. I wouldn't have agreed with this before the last 2 episodes, but I do now. It feels like they want to wrap it up and GTFO. Disappointing, although they get a shot at redemption on Sunday.
  4. https://www.theplayerstribune.com/category/letter-to-my-younger-self/?utm_source=theplayerstribune&utm_medium=now-trending-banner&utm_campaign=now-trending This is a great first-person reminiscence by Mike Bossy, who was the 2nd-greatest goal scorer I've ever seen (after 99).
  5. Interesting. 3 bottom dwellers.
  6. Didn't love that episode either but it was better than the previous one.
  7. Kinda starting to feel like a lost season already. Yeeeessshhh.
  8. Me too. This as well. Good breakdown. It does seem like B-loo, Antipin and Gorges will be fighting it out for the last 2 spots. I'm hoping by midseason, Risto-Scandella has emerged as a capable top pair, getting about 23 min per night, with McCabe-Bogo and B-loo-Antipin sharing the remaining 37 min pretty evenly. And JBott might also deliver Butcher, and he might be pounding on the door from Rochester...
  9. Good stats. Interesting.
  10. IMHO the Sabres' D rotation is far from being so strong that Butcher couldn't muscle his way in. Sign 'im up!
  11. Here's an article about the most recent episode that articulates my issues with it pretty well: http://io9.gizmodo.com/on-game-of-thrones-the-cracks-are-beginning-to-show-1797819044
  12. It's strange how some industry professionals take a different view of GoT despite its apparent neglect of cinematic building blocks: http://www.indiewire.com/2017/08/game-of-thrones-direction-battle-spoils-of-war-mark-shakman-1201864165/ Here's one entitled "A Breakdown of Why the Directing in Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Finale Was So Brilliant" http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2016/06/29/a_breakdown_of_why_miguel_sapochnik_s_direction_in_game_of_thrones_season.html It's a good thing we have our own in-house veteran of presumably at least one undergrad film studies course to disabuse us of what our lyin' eyes keep telling us.
  13. Well, maybe usage/non-usage of certain director gimmicks isn't all that drives the determination of whether a show is "boring." I'd guess the percentage of the population who thinks that GoT is boring is pretty low.
  14. Yes -- 1, 3 and 4 are the best. I thought Season 2 was pretty good but not quite as good as the other 3. Season 5 was still worth watching but definitely the least compelling of the 5. Separately -- I watched a few episodes of "Rick and Morty" with my son this weekend. Very funny.
  15. Well, I completely disagree with this. GoT has a ton of great little witty moments -- Missandei and Dany giggling over sex stories, Davos teasing Jon for checking out Dany, the Hound busting Thoros' chops for the man-bun, most of Bronn's scenes, many of Tyrion's scenes, many of Jaime's, etc. Tormund and Brienne check both the romance and humor boxes. For that matter there is clearly a budding romance between Jon and Dany. More importantly, GOT *excels* at "people talking in rooms." In fact, that is the essence of the show -- not the occasional battle set piece. It's how the plot advances, and it is extremely well executed. The show is superbly acted and usually -- but not always, as IMHO in parts of last night's episode as I mentioned above -- very well written.
  16. Completely agree. Perhaps it was executed poorly under RB and DW, and will be much better executed under BB and McD. Just wait until Watkins starts making like Randy Moss...
  17. Certainly it's true that Arya and Sansa didn't get along as children. But they've both grown and been through so much since then. And Arya came home when she heard that the Starks had re-taken Winterfell and that Jon and Sansa were there. Also, I don't agree that their reunion was frosty -- they embraced quite warmly in the basement in front of Ned's statue at the end of that scene.
  18. I didn't love that episode. It seems pretty flimsy and illogical that convincing Cersei -- who has no army and whom Danerys can defeat pretty much anytime she wants -- of the existence of the threat beyond the wall is so important. And while assembling the GoT version of the Dirty Dozen for a Northern raid has some enjoyable qualities, it also seems kinda contrived. There is no reason for Jorah to be there, and it's hard to see why he would volunteer for that mission 5 minutes after being reunited with his queen, whom he loves. Also, Gendry reappears out of nowhere with Thor-like hammer skills and manages to immediately insert himself into Jon's inner circle. I also didn't like the first Arya-Sansa scene. They reunite and are getting along fine, and all of the sudden Arya turns spiteful and critical, accusing Sansa of wanting to be queen and usurping Jon? And right after Arya saw Sansa tell the Northern lords that Jon is the king? Again, it seems like unrealistic contrivance to further the Littlefinger-sowing-discord plot line. The Tyrion-Jaime scene was OK, but not great. I'm concerned we're going to see Cersei have Bronn killed.
  19. Well, Watkins wasn't their best WR last year, because he missed most of the season, and Darby wasn't their best CB last year, nor was he projected to be their best CB this year (that would be White). There's no question that Watkins would've been their best WR if healthy, but at this point that's a huge if. I just think Beane and McD must know that if they start out with a couple of 4- or 5-win seasons, they are gone like DDB and XGMTM -- so they aren't going to tank.
  20. I don't think this was a tanking move. If they were tanking, they wouldn't have brought back TT. I think they decided that Watkins was either too injury-prone or too something else to be worth what it would cost to sign him long-term, and that Darby wasn't as good as the WR they got for him. Presumably McD's opinion on Darby is a well-informed one. Were these decisions correct? We'll see. Certainly Watkins' career has been substantially impaired by injury thus far. And the "only missed 2 games with injury prior to this year" position is a red herring -- he was far from 100% for many of the games he suited up for. He's also missed games with a bunch of different ailments. I don't like losing a guy as talented as Watkins either, but I'm willing to give the new management the benefit of the doubt. Outstanding.
  21. #Hammymath strikes again!
  22. I think it's pretty well settled that bringing in TT was Rex's move, not DW's. I also think -- consistent with your post -- that DW felt that by drafting EJ, he'd addressed the QB position -- which was a fireable offense.
  23. He was joking you hoser. Separately: the concept of Nylander and Bogo for Duchene is intriguing. I don't think Colorado would do it in a million years, but I think I probably would.
  24. Well, I think there is plenty of room between "they should tank to get a good QB" -- which I think is a terrible idea -- and "the did all that they could've done to find a good QB" -- which is far from what's happened. Whaley did an atrocious job addressing the QB position, which is by far the most important position. That really can't be denied.
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