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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. What?
  2. This cracked me right up: A man tells his spiritual adviser: I have a strong desire to live to eternity. "Get married" replies the adviser. "Would that allow me to live forever?" asks the man. "Not really but the desire will disappear."
  3. Why? Reino might not be interested in a ST deal at all, or only at $6MM+ per year, and JBott might not be interested at that level.
  4. My guess on the status remains the same: he will sign and will play for the Sabres, but the 2 sides are fairly far apart -- and it's because JBott doesn't want to give him a long-term deal.
  5. Netgear Orbi RBK50 with 1 satellite (i.e. there is a router unit plus one additional "satellite" unit that communicates with the router and the 2 units together create the mesh network). You can buy additional satellites if you have a really big house/yard, but so far it looks like I just need these 2.
  6. So I sprung for one of those fancy new mesh routers. Easy, 10-minute setup, and my wifi at home is now about a zillion times better than it was yesterday. Highly recommended.
  7. https://www.thedailybeast.com/is-americas-pizza-capital-buffalo-new-york IMHO, Buffalo has excellent pizza, and far superior to Chicago (which is gross), although not as good as NYC. Discuss.
  8. Do you not think the D is going to be much improved?
  9. Do you not think the admins going to be much improved?
  10. Your heart has grown cold my friend. Dahlin will warm you right up though.
  11. For the record: the language used by Pi in his post regarding ERod is not acceptable. Don't do it again.
  12. This will be a big year for ERod. He could establish himself as a Sheary type -- i.e. a smart, fast complementary winger who knows where to be and can finish and therefore can play in the top 6 until someone with superior talent like Nylander or Thompson seizes that spot. Or he could establish himself as more of a 4th-liner who can flex up in the lineup when needed. Or he could simply get beaten out by several of his roster competitors and find himself waived. I like what I've seen so far, including good year-over-year improvement, so I'm inclined to think he can grab a spot on Eichel's or Casey's line and acquit himself favorably until someone beats him out for it. (And I totally agree with duda's point about how ERod's presence will require the other guys to dig deep and play their best if they want to take his spot.)
  13. Welcome Bknotz and Spotless! Please post more often!
  14. OK friend -- time for a walk along that beautiful NS coastline. This isn't something to get worked up about. Certainly you are right as a matter of causation. My point is simply that the pro-tankers were all selling the rest of us a rainbows and unicorns scenario that decidedly did NOT include the possibility of finishing DFL in Eichel's 3rd year. So to "credit" the pro-tank position with Dahlin is a bridge too far IMHO.
  15. Well, Wawrow could certainly be wrong, but his article on this states: https://www.yahoo.com/news/bills-mccoy-sued-ex-girlfriend-following-home-invasion-220816396--spt.html
  16. Why are we assuming GMTM (who presumably was all in on the tank as a condition for getting the job) would've been the GM? Funny -- I was about 2 posts above this one when the same thought occurred to me. At this point, I'll just hope for the argument to morph into a debate over Taro's (incorrect) assertion that Dahlin is tankfruit -- which will only happen if the Sabres are good this year -- because if they stink again, even Hoss and WC will probably give up the ghost.
  17. But you can't cherry-pick Eichel out of the entire tank context. Of course if you had a playoff bubble team and you could push a button and get Eichel, anyone would do so. But that's not the question. The question is whether it is wise to burn your team to the ground to get Eichel -- and in answering that question you have to consider how easy it will be and how long it will take to rebuild from the ashes. And when you finish DFL in Eichel's third season, when most pro-tankers were telling us at the time of the tank that by now the Sabres would be in the playoffs and poised for greater things -- it kinda looks like the anti-tankers were right.
  18. BTW: I had to hit "page down" EIGHT times to get from the top of Flagg's post to the bottom. I pity the fools who make him defend his PhD dissertation!
  19. After that poop-show of a season, it's hard to be confident in any of them, and that includes Eichel and JBott. But I'm cautiously optimistic. This.
  20. But what is the point of distinguishing between the 2? Wasn't the point of the tank to end up with a good hockey team, with the pro-tankers believing that tanking to get Eichel was the best way of getting there? Would the pro-tankers have been happy with finishing DFL every year for the duration of Eichel's career? The question answers itself. And it's worth recalling that the anti-tankers wisely and correctly opposed the tank because it bore an unacceptably high risk of miring the team indefinitely in the land that good hockey forgot.
  21. If this is directed at my assertion that a cup 9 years post-tank doesn't mean that the tank was a success, Imma make like Larry David and flip it around on ya: if they stink for 9 years post-tank, and then have success, and you regard that as proof of a successful tank -- then it's the pro-tankers (or some of them, anyway) who will never admit that the tank was a failure.
  22. Well, to be precise, if the Sabres don’t emerge as league contenders until 2022, then IMHO the tank was a failure because it cost 9 years of everyone’s hockey life. There were quicker routes available that featured much less misery and many more playoff games along the way.
  23. The tank commenced in 2013. If the Sabres aren’t league contenders until 2022, I don’t see how anyone could think the tank was a success.
  24. I don’t really want to relitigate the tank, but I will emphatically disagree with the assertion that it has worked so far. As for the Bills, I think the D will be much improved and there is reason to believe that both offensive play calling and QB play will be improved too.
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