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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. Allen isn't ready, but I'm hopeful that McD realizes that there is NFW they can ever start Peterman again -- and really they should cut him and bring in a McCarran type. No credible NFL coach could start Peterman after the SD game last year and the Baltimore game last week.
  2. Well, I think in this situation the player almost always wants a LT deal, and a LT deal is almost always best for the player.
  3. FFS. Please do not derail this thread with political conversation. Take it to the politics club.
  4. Well, you could certainly be right about the bolded, but to me it sounded more like shell-shock arising from being unambiguously smashed in the face by the realization that "the process" was dead wrong about quite a few things, including his decision on the most important position on the team -- and that he very likely is looking at 4-12 or worse. Not to mention the fact that Mahomes, the QB he passed over last year, looks terrific. I will be curious to hear your thoughts if you listen to the interview.
  5. I think this conversation, such as it is, is crying out for some data on how this ump has treated men in similar situations, and how often he issues penalties relative to other umps. If, as Hank is contending, he treats men in the same way he treated Serena, then the sexism charge is debunked (although the "shame on you" is way out of line). And if the ump's usage of penalties is in line with that of other umps, then this really is a PC tempest in a teapot.
  6. Here’s something else: McD sounded pretty shell-shocked yesterday with Schopp and Chris. Like someone staring into the abyss who didn’t expect to be there but knows he’s very much there.
  7. Well, it’s quite likely JBott does see Reino as part of the core. He’s been pretty consistent with that message. I think a Reino trade is pretty unlikely That doesn’t mean though that JBott at present isn’t pushing for a bridge deal on the thinking that it would be better for both Reino and the team.
  8. Good luck NS. It looks great.
  9. And, it must be said, they did not look at all like a well-coached team.
  10. Soooooo...another Bills victory stolen away by the refs? My friend, it was neither the D nor the refs that waylaid the Bills today. Separately, I drove nearly 7 hours in a heavy rain, sat through that abomination in said rain and expended a fair amount of marital capital for the privilege of attending that game. Peterman cannot ever start another NFL game. If McD starts him again he’s going to lose a substantial amount of credibility with me and more importantly with the team.
  11. What a freaking debacle.
  12. Dahlin is by far the best player on the ice.
  13. Nicely done sir! I changed a keyboard on a laptop once and felt pretty pleased with myself, but your accomplishment is one a whole 'nutha level.
  14. Here's a way-too-early conclusion from last night's game -- especially since I've only seen highlights! -- there is a reasonable likelihood that at least 3 of Asplund, Olofsson, Tage and Nylander are going to force their way into the lineup at some point this year.
  15. ICYMI: very nice Dahlin hit. Instinctive, perfectly timed and executed, and powerful.
  16. What is the point of even trying to have a conversation if the responses are just wild overstatements, straw men and sarcasm?
  17. Maybe both teams have to consent? There is NFW this was out of cheapness. Correct. Separately: Dahlin is the One. And Asplund to Olofsson was freaking beautiful.
  18. For the record: I think Smell is a very fine and honorable guy. I object to the notion he expressed in the Bills thread about the anthem protests being code for racist unhappiness with "uppity ________" Having seen that, followed by the comment about people who refer to athletes as "ignorant" also being driven by racist views, I felt compelled to note what I thought was an unfair assumption -- and one that I think, when voiced/written, has destructive consequences. Now, is the assumption true in some cases? Sure it is, and it stinks that that is the case. But not, I believe, in most cases. And nothing good results when the vast majority is tarred with the brush of the miscreant small minority. (And I certainly recognize that one's views on that point may vary, and that there are many other factors that contribute to the problematic state of our society.)
  19. On a lighter note: here is Evander Kane's response to Ramsey:
  20. Dude. That's 2 different threads in which you've imputed -- in the same day! -- racism as the motivation behind the actions of others whom you don't know. Although you are far from alone in this unfortunate mindset, it is highly destructive and, IMHO, is a big reason that our society finds itself polarized and attacking one other with increasing intensity.
  21. This is a really important one, and one that could go any of a number of different ways. No one should kid himself that a complete flameout is impossible. OTOH, a lot of knowledgeable hockey people have spoken quite highly of Hutton and of the positive potential of this move for the team. The Sabres need top-10-level goaltending if they want to have a real shot at the playoffs IMHO. But if Hutton provides that, especially early in the season, it could result in a synergistic feedback loop on the team's confidence, execution and belief in each other and in the coaches. I really hope it works, as I'm kinda skeptical that Ullmark is ready.
  22. May I suggest the politics club for this discussion?
  23. Just listened to it. I agree with your description. Ooooooooooohhhh, it would be pretty sweet if Nylander, out of nowhere, forced his way into the lineup and played like a Nylander.
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