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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. I'd suggest a location that offers a number of different activities -- i.e. some sports events, some amusement park/other kid stuff, some camping/other outdoors stuff, etc. For example, if you flew to Southern California, you could go to the beach, Disneyland, rent a convertible and drive up the PCH (which is awesome), redwood forest, soccer game, NBA or NHL game, etc. and fly home from Northern California. We did that on a family trip a few years ago and it was great.
  2. This father-and-son visit is very high up on the list of best things to happen this season. Have an amazing time. Also, go to Gabriel's Gate or Duffs for wings.
  3. I saw “Us” over the weekend with my daughter. Pretty entertaining. I’ll give it a B-plus. (I didn’t really like “Get Out,” FWIW.)
  4. I'm apparently in the minority, but I'd like both goalies gone. I don't think either one is good enough, and this team is dying for consistently strong goaltending. I also voted to jettison Bogo. I'm glad he's physically recovered, and I like the elements of toughness and standing up for teammates that he provides, but I thought his D-zone play really tailed off in the 2nd half of the season.
  5. I voted for the first day after the end of the regular season, but after player interviews is certainly plausible. At this point I'll be pretty surprised if he isn't canned. The team looks like they quit on Howie and the season for the last 20 games.
  6. Interesting. I've always kinda liked AV and would be totally fine with this.
  7. I stand corrected. Is the current AD the former AD's deputy? If so, he might have the right stuff too.
  8. There is no conceivable way UB basketball could make hundreds of millions. Having said that, the AD has killed it with his last 2 coaching hires, so there’s reason to think he knows what he’s doing. It would certainly be great for UB to be a good program that’s a contender in its conference and makes the NCAA tournament every year.
  9. Sorry you didn't like it. My wife and I loved it, but comedy appreciation might be more of a personal taste matter than other types of shows. Also sorry about the trauma you apparently inflicted on your offspring!
  10. The last 10 games or so make the bolded seem pretty likely -- and if it's true, he has to go. I'd love for Howie to disprove this, but either way, JB needs to make the right call.
  11. Well, Belichik crashed and burned in his first HC job.
  12. That doesn't bode well for Howie.
  13. No one is saying you can't support another team. Making it your avatar on a Sabres board is waving it in everyone's face in a trollish way.
  14. @JJFIVEOH -- you are of course welcome to your opinions, and to like other teams, and it's hard to take issue with criticizing the Sabres after yet another crappy season, but I will ask you to reconsider your avatar. It's pretty much trolling to have another team's logo as your avatar on a sports message board, and pretty much guaranteed to increase the testiness around here.
  15. How do you know this?
  16. Returned from vacation today to find that our dog Rico (named for Rico, btw) had ripped a toenail while at the boarders. That was a cool $190 at the vet, including a nice, gougy $50 for a bandage. And Rico has to wear the cone for a week!
  17. I thought Killing Eve was good too.
  18. I saw Captain Marvel. Pretty weak IMHO — I’d give it a C-minus to a C. The next Avengers needs to be better than that.
  19. I agree with everything in this post except the use of the bolded word, which (hopefully this was not your intent) connotes intentional misleading. I freaking love Korean BBQ.
  20. Whoever wrote the OP set all of this out in a beautifully cogent fashion.
  21. It's starting to feel inevitable.
  22. Good stuff here boys. I’m inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt — I’ll believe him about not seeing it and be OK, since he didn’t see it, with him not going in hot. But I recognize that YMMV on this.
  23. The OP is one of the worst posts I can remember on this board.
  24. Saw this posted today in a sub-reddit about Buffalo -- it's a pie from Picasso's (which I've never been to but this looks great):
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