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Everything posted by nfreeman

  1. I think the team is dying for a coach who understands the NHL game well enough to get more offensive production out of a group that sure seems capable of much more than the rock-bottom scoring they’ve been delivering, AND who will demand that the team play with passion and stick up fiercely for each other.
  2. Well, I appreciate your response, but here's what you said: The unavoidable implication is that my "news exposure" is driven by an agenda, either the publisher's or my own (or both). So I agree that you didn't imply that I was anti-vax, but I think you did imply something pejorative about my news sources and perhaps about my interest in learning the facts as opposed to consuming/promoting an agenda. For example, if I had responded to your post with "We have less understanding of these vaccines than your news exposure wants you to believe" -- I would not expect you to respond favorably to that statement, as I have no idea what news sources you consume and how interested you are in facts as opposed to agendas. I think a better starting place would be an assumption that the person one is conversing with is interested in learning the facts and developing an understanding of a situation. So if you had simply said something like "We have more understanding of them than you might think" -- that would have been a more collaborative comment that invited further meaningful conversation. YMMV, of course. My goal here is simply to promote constructive dialogue in this thread and to discourage antagonism.
  3. This is a fair response, although you have no idea what "your news exposure" I've had on this point, and that type of comment contributes to the silly, destructive and unnecessary politicization of this issue in this discussion. (For the record, the mRNA point I made came from reading an article in the Economist, a center-left publication that is far from anti-vax.) Having said that, the facts remain that these are new vaccines that have not been around long enough for their long term effects to be known and that the mRNA vaccines are built on new technology that, as you note, has not been used previously on any kind of scale. My wife and I are vaccinated and our kids are in the process, so as @North Buffalo describes we have decided that on balance it makes sense to do so, but I understand why some people have reservations.
  4. You seem to have concluded (before the FDA has) that the vaccine is indeed safe and effective, and, regrettably, that those who have concerns in this regard are either foolish or dishonest. Leaving aside the snark, why specifically are you so confident? Certainly it is the case that no one alive has had the vaccine in his/her body for more than 6 months or so. It’s also worth noting that the Moderna vaccine (and one other — I think Pfizer but not sure) is based on an entirely new, mRNA-based approach to innoculation. Does one have to be a charlatan or a dumb redneck to harbor concerns?
  5. This view presupposes that "the science is settled" and that the vaccine has been proven to be effective and not dangerous. That isn't really the case -- e.g. when I (and I would expect most here) got vaccinated, I received a disclaimer handout at the vaccination site from NYS stating that the vaccine has not been approved by the FDA.
  6. The question of whether people should be allowed back to work/school/sports events/stores/other public settings without being vaccinated is interesting. Private companies will most likely be able to handle this however they choose. I would expect most, but not all, will require vaccinations. Public schools and government offices though? There will be plenty of political pressure both ways. I would be shocked if NYC public schools or government offices require the vaccine in the same way they require the measles/TB/other vaccines.
  7. I agree that it would be effective. It did seem likely that you were making a dumb redneck implication given the bolded as well as your past statements in that vein, but hopefully not.
  8. I wonder if you'll ever be able to have a conversation with someone who disagrees with you without getting hysterical?
  9. No. Did you not mean to make a dumb redneck implication when you said this:
  10. Well, NYC isn't exactly NASCAR country, and vaccine rates here are below the national average, so you might want to check your facts before assuming it's all just dumb rednecks who aren't getting vaccinated.
  11. And if it in the future emerges that he was deeply depressed and close to jumping off a bridge when he left the Sabres (which it sure sounds like was the case), and that the current accusations are nothing more than a shakedown and/or act of vengeance by some gold-digger/PO'd ex-GF of his? There's a reason it's best to wait until the facts are in before smearing someone.
  12. How so? Please be specific and provide links.
  13. And coaches!
  14. It's a great story, and it's great that this misbegotten season was at least able to deliver to this young man what has to be one of the best weeks of his life. He'll never forget it.
  15. My wife and I have been watching "Mare of Easttown" on HBO. Excellent crime drama set in a blue-collar small town in PA. So far I'll give it a solid A-minus.
  16. My wife and I just had our 2nd moderna shots at a walk-up site that required zero waiting and then an A-plus NYC lunch to celebrate. The sun came out as we sat down and it’s turning into a nice day. My daughter is getting her 2nd Pfizer shot next week and we are going to try to attend a Nets playoff game after her 2 weeks are up. Life! Hallelujah.
  17. So I missed the game and the GDT last night, but I found it pretty amazing that the Athletic reported today that Houser was born with 2 club feet. He had multiple operations as a child and they must’ve been pretty effective, although he still couldn’t skate well enough to play any position other than goalie. Good for him.
  18. That’s fine, but don’t say there were news reports that he would’ve taken $7MM if there were no such reports.
  19. This is what it comes down to (and usually comes down to), IMHO. He's a good player, but not a great player, and how much will his 2nd contract cost?
  20. This is just a repetition of your prior assertion. What is that assertion based on? Just your gut feel? Any source? Anything?
  21. Yes -- certainly there is a real chance that they'd prefer Borgen (or Asplund or Bjork or TT) for this reason (or others). I think though that if they have the cap space, they'd rather have an experienced, rugged D-man who can skate and shoot and plays hard and can be plugged into their top-4 with no questions asked. Also, they might view Risto being in his contract year as a positive motivator as well as an opportunity for them to get to know each other.
  22. I think the Kraken would take Risto ahead of Miller, Borgen, Asplund or TT, unless they thought that they could get a star-level player in FA and accordingly didn’t want Risto’s cap hit.
  23. @Brawndo — I have no doubt that you have a real source, notwithstanding a fairly obnoxious post to the contrary upthread, but I would note that it was very much in JB’s interests to spread that version of events internally, knowing that it would get out. Unless your source (or @Marvin, Sabres Fan’s) was in the room when TP issued those instructions, there’s no way of really knowing.
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