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Everything posted by NNYSABRESMAN

  1. I want to rub Babcocks face in a big Pile of Buffalo ___t! Lets Go Buffalo!
  2. Creep the official song title of Brad Marchant
  3. vinegar the Brad Marchant of condiments. messengal the Brad marchant of Douche's
  4. Shasta soda the Matt Ellis of soft drinks. Chevy the Matt Ellis of car brands. Busch the Matt Ellis of Beer's
  5. Better option than Erhoff was, especially on the PP. got sick of watching Erhoff take slap shots off shin guards!
  6. Thank's Guys for the input. In checking the web site it looks like any MSG teams are N/A in my area
  7. Does anyone have experience with NHL gamecenter live? How is the quality of the streaming? Also what is anyones oppinion on the chances that with the acquasition of The BILLS is there a good chance that the Pegullas will start their own sports network for game telecast? I know the contract for Sabres games on MSG is up next year.
  8. Suspend him for the whole season! Let the Tank roll on :P .
  9. TP should have sprung for GMTM's private room instead of letting him bunk with uncle Bryan! Uncle Bryan will be charged with later today.
  10. Guts,Glory,Eichel,..... Oh and my condolences to McDavid.
  11. I can hardley tolerate listening to Peters when he starts in with the 4th line grinder sermon! I really hope that i never need to see Matt Ellis or any player of his skill level on this team ever again. As for Samson, if Roch. is the best place for him to get his feet wet thats fine. but I would expect him to get some significant time in Buffalo. I also hope they can give Grig's a fair look in training camp as I thought it looked like the light was turning on with him at the end of last season.
  12. I would go all Tonya Harding on Neuvirth's knees.....with out his pad's on of course!!!
  13. -32F. Rodman,NY. 6 miles south of Waterown, fourtunately no wind.
  14. I think Miller will be difficult to move as the market is limited. I would say Moulson and Ott will bring back better returns than Miller. Not sure that Ennis's talent out weigh's his lack of size. I am expecting to be wow'd by Tim Murray's moves!
  15. My Dad was born in Canada.......But Thank God I was born in the right country!! USA-USA-USA :nana:
  16. iI had -21 this morning just outside Watertown. Had to carry our little Dog back in the house after bathroom time; apparently cold feet !!
  17. Totally mishandled by the Sabres period. Rieger choose to ignore both Ruff's and Rolston's opinions on Grig's readiness for the NHL and a third coach (Nolan) is of the same opinion. The only thing I would say about Grig's is at least we know that he does have a backbone to at least stand up to the brass no matter how misguided his thinking.
  18. My wife loves this team! They are so bad to watch that I am absoulutely killing her Honey Do list!
  19. Oh yeah as far as Lindy goes. Is he on the hot seat with fans and media Yes Is he on the hot seat with management No Has He lost this team absolutely There is no fix to his relationship with his players or else this garbage with the players not executing the system would not be the reoccurring issue that it has become. He should be fired immediately, and Darcy soon after.
  20. Ya when I start throwing things around the room and swear a blue streak through the whole game its time to turn the TV off.
  21. I would like the team to hit the ice to Hair of the Dog by Nazereth, and live up to it! Then the front office could be ushered in by Jive Talkin by the BeeGees!
  22. Sorry to hear this . May God rest his soul.
  23. What a slap in the face. Their merchandise in that store is well over 100% mark up. I hope they choke on their merchandise and I'll buy it this summer in T.J. Maxx for a fraction of the retail. The Penguins at least were giving three free concession items to each ticket holder for the first 4 games, the cost of which come directly out of their pockets. very disappointed Mr. Pegula, This sound like something Galisano would pull.
  24. Unfortunately of the three major sports I follow, MLB,NFL, and NHL. its hockey that I just can't walk away from. if its on I watch it and I'm sure to be watching next weekend. just wish I didn't have to feel so cheap and sleezy about it. GO BUFFALO!
  25. As glad as I am to have hockey coming back and plan on watching the games, I still have a real rotten taste in my mouth over the whole lockout deal. Has anybody else out there come up with a viable form of protest to let the league, team and players know their displeasure. I have decided that I won't be buying any Sabre's merchandise this year and won't be making the trip to B-LO to watch any games in person, but some how feel this really does not effect the NHL and NHLPA as much as it does the team that I care about. Any thoughts to easy my worried mind?
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