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Everything posted by buftex

  1. Whether Kaleta gets treated differently because of his reputation or not, and whether it was a dirty play or not, you would have to agree, at the very least, it was a stupid play by Kaleta.
  2. I've added a few more listings...more to come...
  3. What? Boyes? He sucked...surely you meant Adam Mair!
  4. I remember once, during an OT game (can't remember who they were playing, maybe the Islanders) when the opposition almost scored...Roby said "Oh Ted, that almost made my white slacks turn brown"...love Robataile...I really don't remember him much as a player (other than those funky hockey cards form the 70's- see my avatar!), but I love that he is still part of the Sabres organ-i-zation.
  5. Yeah, I hated Bowman...his stench always hung over everything the team did, whether he was GM, coach, or both. When he was GM, whatever coach he had seemed destined for a quick exit...but, as pissed as I was about the Gare/Schoenfeld deal, at the time, Mike Foligno ended up being one of my all-time favorite Sabres.
  6. Belive it or not, when I was a kid, I saw Ted Darling speak twice...once at a school assembly, and another time at a scout meeting...both times, at the end of his speech, he would pick a kid from the audience, ask them their name, and then do play by play of some imaginary game, where the kid was playing on a line with Bert, Rico etc etc...both times, the kid scored the Stanley Cup winning, OT goal for the Sabres....over the Flyers of course! Was very cool...in those days, as I remember, Darling was the tv guy, and RJ the radio guy... not afraid to admitt, I hated RJ when I was a lad...I thought his voice was rediculous, especially compared to Darling's smooth style...if you were hearing RJ, it was a bad thing, cuz it meant you were listeing to the game on the radio, rather than seeing it on tv...of course, my feelings for RJ have changed...but Darling was the cadillac of play by play guys! :thumbsup:
  7. Believe it or not, PSA, my uncle Paul (now deceaesed) made those things....hadn't thought about them in years...I had all of them, Sabres, Bruins, Rangers... somewhere, I still have the Rene Robert standee packed away...anybody else have the Richard Martin? We could re-connenct the French Connection! :P I think the rest fell victim to my brothers' BB Gun during the Blizzard of '77!
  8. Your guy just needs puka shells, and he is all set! :P
  9. Love Ruff, the first 10 years he was in Buffalo, as head coach, were pretty terrific. I wish him all the best. As to your point about Lindy losing the team, Ryan Miller, as always, had some pretty telling things to say about Ruff's firing. Ryan was saying, essentially, what all of us are saying...love the guy, but a change is probably best for both parties. Miller said (paraphrasing) "I would feel different if we were playing well, but were just getting bad breaks and losing games....but we have not been playing well, but that hasn't been the case..." Miller, and Darcy, from what I heard, both sounded pretty sad. I am kind of surprised the Sabres didn't offer him a job in the organ-i-zation...at least for the rest of the season...you see that all the time in the NHL. Or, maybe Lindy made it clear he planned on coaching again, as soon as possible? I wouldn't think he would run to the first job that opens up, but maybe. I have little doubt he will be coaching again, soon.
  10. I go back to Punch Imlach...I was alive for the inaugural season, but was only five. One of my older sisters loved the Sabres, but I had little interest, until they made it to the finals in 1975... I started watching them that year...I was a kid (10) so my perceptions are more of the players, than the coaches...it wasn't til the Bowman years that I was a little more cognizant of the "behind the bench" stuff. As I remember, Bowman came with a huge reputation, they put together some great regular seasons, but always disappointed at playoff time...I remember really liking Ted Sator...partly cuz he wasn't Bowman...Schoney never really had a chance, neither did Rick Dudley. Moving out of state, before the advent of the internet and Center Ice, I am sad to say, I didn't get to follow the team so much in the Lafontaine/Mogilny years...just a handful of games each year...I like Ruff. I know what happened today had to happen, but still a little sad. Would have been something special to see them win a Cup with Lindy behind the bench....here's to hoping that Rolston can light a fire under these guys ######.
  11. :thumbsup: Love your avatar, by the way.
  12. http://aol.sportingnews.com/nhl/story/2013-02-19/christian-ehrhoff-charlie-sheen-twitter-ryan-miller-sabres-penguins
  13. The only guys who are ever going to be critical of the Sabres are Mike Robataille, and Paul Hamilton. Hamilton is a bit more subtle...a lot of times it is what he chooses not to say is where his criticism can be heard...while he won't come out and say it outright, he is off the Lindy bandwagon. Robie will call a spade a spade...like his segments on GR. I don't get to see all the games with the Sabres broadcast team, but when I do (like tonight), I am always surprised how honest Robataille is. Kind of refreshing. He was calling the Sabres out between both periods tonight. I think Murphy is dull as hell....kind of the Bills answer to Sylvester...and I don't think he is a great play by play guy. Don't hate him by any means, but I just don't think he is terribly exciting to listen to. What I like about his GR show is that it is guest driven. Sylvester needs more guests...he is much better that way.
  14. buftex

    Center Ice

    Yeah, it is pretty frustrating. I would think that there would be some pressure from NBC for their affiliates to carry the games. Admittedly, I haven't noticing it happening lately, but it seems to happen a few times a year. I remember a few years ago, the Sabres were playing the Rangers in a playoff game...Sunday afternoon face-off, on NBC. The game went into OT (double OT as I recall), and they just cut it for a showing of "Hope Floats" at the 3 hour mark..that was all the time they had allotted for "NHL Hockey". Back in those days, I didn't know of any on-line sites to watch..even though I had Center Ice, I couldn't watch most of the OT. As I recall, the Sabres won!
  15. buftex

    Center Ice

    I feel your frustration there...there have been times, in previous seasons where the Sabres are scheduled for an NBC Sunday or Saturday game, but, instead, they show a different game here (if they even bother to show hockey at all..as I mentioned beofore, they pre-empt it completely, locally sometimes...) that has some supposed more regional interest. Then, they won't show the Sabres game that was pre-empted locally on Center Ice..so, in effect, if a Sabres game is broadcast on national television there is a greater chance that I won't be able to see it...I understand why that is, I just think it is f'd up that it should be that way.
  16. buftex

    Center Ice

    Yeah, I have Cetner Ice through Time Warner. I rarely get to see the Sabres in HD (unless it is a NBC game), and if I do, it is never the Sabres broadcast. While they carry all the games (sometimes both team broadcasts, sometimes not...can't figure out the randomness of this), more often than not, I watch the opposition broadcast. I have come to appreciate some of the other broadcasts more, over the years...while some are just terrible. Minus RJ's call, I would rank the Sabres in the middle of the pack. One thing that really annoys me (though it didn't happen this past Sunday) there have been a few times where the Sabres have been on an NBC, Sunday afternoon game...living in Austin, TX, where there is almost no interest in hockey, our local affiliate will sometimes pre-empt the NBC game for some local programming, or infomercials....and it is not picked up by Center Ice. So, then, I have to watch it on-line...which I do not enjoy so much. Also, pisses me off when games are on the NHL Network, which is not carried by Time-Warner...so we are frozen out. But, I realize that is another issue... I also subscribe to the NBA package during the second half of the season..it has the same issues. They have 13 channels dedicated to the sports package (NHL or NBA) and then two HD stations where you get, normally one HD game. Baffles me, there have been a few nights this season, so far, in the NHL, where there have been a full slate of games, but no games on the HD channels. Or, and early face-off, but no late game. Seems like NHL Center Ice is low priority for Time Warner.
  17. buftex

    This team stinks

    Yes, I think, in general, they have been playing a little better over the last 4 games (2-2), but a large part of that has to do with Miller upping his game some. I have to admit, when they went down 2-0 last night, while I kept the game on, watch-listening, I didn't pay as close attention. Ironically, they have been getting quality scoring chances, IMO, but just can't put the biscuit in the basket.
  18. buftex

    This team stinks

    Man this is sad...I used to come here, lurk mostly, just to escape the negativity of the Two Bills Drive...but it has reared its' ugly head here too. Not criticizing anyone here, cuz I feel it too. Why have the sports gods forsaken us? :cry: To think, since it appears the owner/gm are unwilling to make any changes, the last hope for this season could be Ville Leino returning...man we are ######. To think, just before the season finally started, the Sabres were touting the fact that they had "10 NHL ready" defensemen who could crack any NHL lineup...where are they?
  19. I half agree with ...I think this team has enough talent that it is ludicrous that being one of the top 8 teams in the Eastern Conference should be in doubt...I am optimistic that they can turn things around...still have concerns over the coach...not sure if concerns over the coach and my perception of the teams talent will conflict...keeping my fingers crossed.
  20. Actually, I don't mind the Stars so much now, either. The fact that, IMO, they have one of the better broadcasts doesn't hurt either. Can't help but pull for Jagr, at this point. But back during those finals, it seemed, Texans were coming out of the woodwork as "Stars die-hards", when I had never so much as heard them mention hockey before. I know, that is typical of a lot of places, but it just stung getting greif from people who knew "zero" about hockey...the Sabres losing crushed me...for them, had the Stars lost, it wouldn't have even been a blip on their radar! I have had the misfortune of living in NYC when the Bills lost ot the Giants, and then Austin for two Super Bowl losses to the Cowboys...Sabres losing in the finals to the Stars was the NHL finals ("our" sport) was the ultimate indignity! :P
  21. One cool thing about Center Ice, you get to see a lot of those Western Conference teams that you would only read about back in the "good old days"! Because of work over the years, I would sometimes come home when everyone else in the house was headed to bed, and I would wind down watching San Jose, Calgary or some team like that...
  22. Living in Texas since 1991, it was pretty tough to follow the Sabres...for most of the 90's I only saw about 5 games a year (whatever was on ESPN2!) and playoff games, if they were on...it sucked. It was a thrill when they made it to the finals...just a bummer that, of all teams, they had to lose to the Stars. Everyone here was a Stars fan for about 2 weeks... Then, in 2002 (I think) with the advent of Center Ice I started buying it every year. First couple of years, I would get it in January, after football season...but those Briere/Drury teams were so fun, I started getting Center Ice in September every year. I rarely missed a game...until last season. When they went on that horrendous skid right before Christmas, I really felt like I was wasting so much time watching this team that could never seem to get their act together...I vowed, mid-December, I wasn't going to watch them again until they won two games in a row...it took a few weeks but the rest of the season was fun, though ultimately disappointing. I am feeling close to that point again.... I have never been a "front-runner" (I have missed only 1 Buffalo Bills game since 1985), but as I get older, I am starting to feel like I should value my time more... last night, when they fell behind 4-1 I was close to just turning the game off...instead, I kept it on in the background and did other things....of course I was glued for most of the third period.
  23. No, I like Ray too...I just think he is better as the third guy... IIRC, way back in the hot tub time machine, Mike Robatille used to do color with Ted Darling on the tv broadcasts...he was hard to listen to as well...but as a studio analyst he was highly entertaining....and I still love "Robie Radio". Maybe it would be same for Peters, easier to be entertaining in the studio, under less time constraint, but I wouldn't mind seeing him get a shot. Well...no swipe at Canisus hockey, but I have a feeling Peters would be able to offer a little more insight to a Sabres broadcast than a Golden Griffs game. He is not far removed from the game, played for Lindy Ruff (looks like he isn't going anywhere any time soon), and seems pretty knowelgable about the rest of the league. And he has a decent radio voice.
  24. Yup. In all fairness to Sylevester, the Hockey Hotline was pretty dreadful to listen to during the lockout..unless Peters was on. I think he is genuinely pretty funny... I like Ray too, but over the long-haul, he is tough to listen to for 3 hours.
  25. Yeah. Must confess, I didn't really appreciate Lorentz, until I started getting the Center Ice package, and hearing all the other guys around the league. RJ & Lorentz were definitely in the elite category. i was excited about Neale, but, it became apparent early on, he was just mailing it in on the Sabres broadcasts.
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