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Everything posted by buftex

  1. Sorry gang...
  2. The GR site said the report was from Bob Mckenzie at TSN. I didn't make it up.
  3. Must be it. The story was removed. literally, minutes ago..
  4. TSN (Bob Mackenzie) reporting Myers has been dealt to the Flyers...no trade details yet. GR has it as their #1 story, but no links on the page bring up any info...very strange,
  5. Well, if by "Larry B" you are referring to Larry Bird, you are not correct. The NBA didn't start the draft lottery until 1985, when Patrick Ewind was the top prize. In referencing the Celtics, I was referring to the 1998 draft...Rick Pitino left the college game to coach the team because of the money (obviously), and the fact that the Celtics had 2 lottery picks, and, by far, the greatest mathematical chance of landing the #1 pick, to grab Tim Duncan. Instead, the Spurs got him. They had gutted their roster, assuming Duncan was theirs...the drafted Chauncey Billups and Ron Mercer....two guys who they traded away not long afterwards...the franchise was, basically in a tailspin for a decade after that debacle... it is just a big gamble, in my opinion.
  6. I understand the "tank" concept... and I understand the advantages to finishing with the worst record, etc etc. But, maybe I am just old...it goes against everything I love about sports... and as an old Celtics fan, I can testify, banking on the draft (when it has the lottery proponent included as in the NBA and NHL) to build your teams fortunes is kind of fool-hardy. So much has to go right for it all to work out... the Penguins are very much the exception than the rule. That said, I still have my fingers crossed that this hair-brained idea works!
  7. JP Dumont was a pretty good listen too... referred to his days with the Islanders, under Mike Milbury as "jail".
  8. Not sure if it is everywhere...but in my marked (Austin, TX) there is currently a free Center-Ice preview right now. I buy it anyways, but during the Sharks game on Friday night, the "you are watching a "free preview" message was streaming across the bottom of the screen all night....so, if you want to see Miller and Ott tonight, you should be able to see them. They normally do the free preview about the first two weeks of the season, and then after the all-star break...or in this case, after the Olympic break!
  9. I hope I am wrong, but I just don't understand why so many think there is a good chance either guy will return to the Sabres, I suppose it is possible, but how often does that really happen? I am sad to see the end of a great Sabre career with Miller being traded. He was, unquestionably the heart and soul of this team. I will admit, before this current season, I had been a little up and down on him the 3 previous years or so...so unbelievably great at times, and then a bit underwhelming at others. What I always appreciated about him, was how much he cared... all that said though, I am actually a little sadder to see Ott go. He is the type of player that this franchise had been in need of for years now... I would love to see him re-sign, but I am not crossing my fingers. As somebody said tonight in all the analysis, an ex-player, when asked what it was like to be traded said.."you feel terrible at first...your being being separated from all your buddies, sent off somewhere you don't know anyone...but once you get there, you learn pretty quickly "I miss my old buddies, but there a bunch of great guys here too". And your real true friends, you keep in touch with"
  10. Heard them talking about this on GR55. Apparently, Nolan (and the organization I presume) feels like leaving Pysyk and McNabb in Rochester for their hot playoff run will serve them, and the Sabres, better in the future. As Nolan explained it, they will get more time, more experience on the power play etc etc... I think that is good, progressive thinking on their part. Damn... Time Warner... no NHL Network! :( Guess I will just have to kick it "old school", and listen on the internet, like I used to when I was a kid!
  11. Anybody, like me, who watches the games through Center ICE? Don't see tonights' game listed at all...just the "Olympic Break through 2/26) message.... I know, missing a Sabres game at this point isn't a big deal, but I have actually been missing the lovable losers the last few weeks...
  12. Here is my EBAY listing for a huge lot of Buffalo Sabres autograph cards...pictures included! Almost anyone who was anyone in Sabres history is included (Perreault, Hasek, Schoenfeld, Miller, Ramsay, Ruff, LaFontaine, Mogilny, Bowman, Ted Nolan...Rick Jeanarett, so many more!)...modern and classic Sabres...this is a pretty comprehensive lot...about 100 different players. Please note, this is a "buy now" or "best offer" auction...mention Sabre Space in your offer, and you will get free shipping! http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1555.l2649
  13. please delete
  14. Forgive my ingnorance PAS...what is this Bob Swados book you are referring to?
  15. I agreed with your earlier statement on this case, and I agree, it is tragic. But the fact that the stalker with a gun, was told by police to back-off, and it appears was at least a little racially motivated gets off is tragic, and it is disgusting. The adult with the concealed hand gun is the one who should know better...placing the blame on the victim for overreacting to some douche-bag overreacting... but oh yeah, the defense, successfully it appears, snookered the jury into believieving that Zimmerman was a moron, and shouldn't be held responsible for his actions. Whatever the dangerous circumstances that lead to Trayvon Martin's death, George Zimmerman created them. At what point did Travon Martin give up his rights of "self-defense"? Chalk another one up for Paul Blart...
  16. Yes, if you are hired you will be a t w a t.
  17. I like that..people who tweet are twats!
  18. The Bills haven't let anybody down in a long time...we expect them to suck, and they live up to their expectations...everyone is happy! On GR this mornning, can't remember who it was...but they referred to a quote from Mikhail Grigorenko...when he was asked what the biggest difference was between playing in Buffalo and Quebec, he said "I don't get booed here (in Quebec)" It may sound soft, but these are the guys we have. Should our disgust with the job that Darcy Regier has done be taken out on the psyche of a kid like Grigorenko?
  19. Yeah, that was a pretty awkward interview. Not sure what they expeceted to get out of the kid. I liked when Sylvester asked Larsson who they had him skating with at his first practice...Larrson says "Uh...I am not good with names, I don't know anybody". Scintilating stuff! :P
  20. I am thinking after today (trade deadline) we will have a better notion of where Darcy stands with Pegula at this point. If one of the "big" three is moved (Vanek/Miler/Pomminstein) it might indicate that Darcy is entrenched. If not, it might indicate that Pegula doesn't want Darcy making big decisions like this any more.
  21. Why is that such an issue? We are talking in potential, nameless, faceless players. We will need them just as much in 2014 as 2013. Kings are having a decent season so far...maybe 2014 not so much. That pick could be higher next year.
  22. I don't know if this is a good or bad deal, seems good to me. Getting future potential (talent or trade bait) for an aging guy who was on his way out anyways. And lets face it, all the hand-wringing over the Sabres "sudden lack of depth" on the blue line is pretty silly...the defense has been horrid all year. What makes me pause most about this trade, it is maybe the first step in the organization publicly acknowledging that the first steps of the Pegula ownership era really didn't amount to anything. It will be ironic that Ville Lleno will (as we should have hoped) being the only thing salvageable from that little adrenalin rush. It seems like phase 1 of the Pegula era ended before it ever got off the ground.
  23. Sorry...wish I could remember the source, but somebody mentioned on "Hockey Hotline" this morning a rumour out there that Lindy was offered the job in Tampa about a week ago, but declined..speculation was that he really wants the Philly job, and is willing to wait until after this season to see if it opens up. That would be a dagger in my heart...
  24. Yeah, had a few beers when I wrote that....but you are right. And, let me say, I liked Lindy Ruff a lot, but I was definitely in the "it's time for a coaching change" camp. And, I wasn't implying that it was a bad move. Where I will admit to being wrong, I was starting to buy into the whole "Lindy doesn't let these guys play" mantra...I guess I was overestimating the talent level on the team. You would think getting your coach fired (like him or not) would have waken them up...but other than a few guys (Ott, Gerbe, Ennis come to mind- but I have never had a problem with their effort) I am not seeing much of a change in the mentality of this team. I thought, perhaps mistaknely, that Ruff had something to do with their lack of mental resiliency, but nothing really seems to have changed without Ruff behind the bench.
  25. I don't know what it is either, because I agree with you...this team isn't without talent...but they are awful. There has been a slight improvement (in my eyes) since the coaching change, but those who claimed that Lindy wasn't the problem are being vindicated... Steve Ott, sadly, is the only guy who consistently seems engaged in the game... the mental errors are just remarkable because of their sheer volume. I am rarely the guy who says "blow it up"....(like most of you here, I have years of experience rooting for inferior teams)...but blow it up...show Darcy the door and start from scratch. Nobody should be secure in their job...I like some of our players, but get used to the idea that you have to give something to get something. I have been following the Sabres since that first cup finals appearance in 1975. I will admit, due to location, I missed a fair amount of time from the team from 1988-1998m only catching the rare game on ESPN over those years...that said, I think this years team may be the worst I have ever seen...if this wasn't an abbreviated season, I might not be so quick to make that judgment... I also recall, last season for the first time in a decade (or whenever Center Ice started...12 years?), there was a stretch in December where I made the conscious decision that I would not watch them any more, until they won two consecutive games...about 6 weeks later, I was safe to watch again, and they played very well down the stretch...I am mindful, still, that something like that could happen this year as well. It may not be measurable, but I do think their effort has been a little better since Ruff was fired. They still never seem to put a complete game together, but have looked pretty good in small stretches...hell, the other night against the Devils, they played a really fine game, for about 57 minutes...that was probably the worst loss of the year, for me. I think of them as taffy-ass. They have made a noble attempt to be "tougher" this year (give them credit for finally acknowledging that toughness was an area of weakness), but they are still mentally fragile... tonight (against the Flyers) they gave up a goal early, and could never overcome it...it has been the same story all season, no matter the coach.
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