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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I'd be interested in that, too - how long an alleged rape case takes usually for charged to be brought?
  2. Maybe she doesn't want to be called a golddigger the rest of her life?
  3. So, will things be coming out in drips for awhile?
  4. Indeed, that IS awesome!
  5. That's from the Bona telescope? I never even saw anybody go in that building. I figured it never worked!
  6. You seem to be one step behind.
  7. What?!? The question is Is anyone to blame if we don't finish last?
  8. I was going to say Mike Harrington and some of the other hacks at the News. They're the ones who made the Coyotes game 10x bigger than it was. How would the GR guys have spurred this play on?
  9. My girlfriend had one and never had another............She was out drinking the night before, and they sometimes can happen from alcohol withdrawal. He might have been drinking after the game that Friday night.
  10. Well, I was only 6, and it was my first year of being a Bills fan, but I remember exactly where I was watching that Raiders game. And, my dad, aunt, and uncle, as well as me - were shocked they were beating the mighty Raiders but wanted them to lose. And, Ed came through when it mattered. Everybody wanted OJ. And, a lot of people think that fumble was on purpose..............I read recently that it was a tank - but I think you're probably right. They just lost when they had to. In fact, we could use Harvey Johnson right now! He came through with two #1 picks.
  11. I can remember the Bills tanking for OJ Simpson. Nobody gave a when he was the biggest star in the league and the hero of my childhood. That was 1968 when that happened. Thank you, Ed Rutkowski! This is the myopia I mentioned. And, these two are not going to bust.
  12. A lot of myopia here. Thankfully, not the majority.
  13. Getting meaningless points is what's ruining sports right now! Excellent - you know the definition of tanking.
  14. Exactly. I hated the idea for all of last season. But, got on board this season...........To come this far, you have to be an idiot to now want stupid meaningless points. I want to win a Cup.........Do the people who want points also think teams should go all out in preseason. Play only roster players, etc.
  15. I have never feinted or anything like that. (I read somewhere that he had a seizure). How does dehydration do something like that?
  16. Isn't it that if he gets 30 minutes, it counts towards the free agency thing? He got 33 minutes, so I think Murray would be OK with it.
  17. Seriously, knowing NHL teams, that's all we'll hear.
  18. That's what I just went through. The "sister" of this cat died a few years ago, and it's the first time I had to put a pet down. She was always the weaker, smaller one, and I loved her even though she wasn't the friendly strong cat this one was........So, I was thinking after that - Wow, I can't picture this one ever getting that weak, but it hit me that it was inevitable. I kind of obsessed about that type of thing for awhile, thinking when she'd jump up on me, etc. that she'll be gone in a few years, etc............And, then somehow I stopped thinking that and just said Screw that - she's alive RIGHT NOW and that's all that matters. So, I guess what I'm saying is not to worry about about the inevitable. Winston's not, so enjoy every moment!+
  19. 6'5" - whoa! Nice shirt, kid! It's such a sad look to me. You see them grow up and they're strapping and full of life, and then you see that look at the end. It's almost like resignation and "get me out of here."
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