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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I love this exchange from the article: Not anymore. The summer’s travails, the way the city divided on him, that howling crowd at First Niagara Center all served to lend Kane a bit of clarity. “It just seems like it’s kind of 50-50—and it always has been—whether people like me in Buffalo or they hate me,” he said to his dad last month. “That’s what they said about Gretzky in his hometown,” Tiki said in response. The message: Greatness spawns resentment. What?!? Am I the last to know that 50% of Brantford, Ontario hates Wayne Gretzky?!? I've never really heard of anybody hating him, much less in his own hometown. Tiki - maybe being a dbag spawns resentment - not greatness. You might be able to compare Kane and Gretzky on the ice, but off the ice, there is no comparison. The same could be said of Tiki Kane and Walter Gretzky.
  2. I guess if you want to use your own definitions of words, then you would be right. 5. a disclosure of secret, especially official, information, as to the news media, by an unnamed source.
  3. I really don't think if it's coming straight from the lawyer that it is considered a leak
  4. Is that true? I really only know of the OJ case, where that wasn't true. I think maybe Corasanti ended up settling halfway through his civil case, too.
  5. I know there are all kinds of things at play that we don't know, but it does seem like this. To me, it seems like she can get both criminal and civil (money) justice. As we know from OJ, he wouldn't even have to be proven guilty in criminal court to still be held liable in civil court. So, the opposite of Sedita?
  6. I believe you are referring to me, because you replied to my post earlier in the thread. My said "She'll always look like a gold digger" - I did not say she IS a gold digger. Kane apologists/Blackhawk fans have been saying this since day one. Her accepting money in exchange for dropping everything will reinforce those beliefs. If I were to have to give my opinion, I bet she isn't. But, in the majority of people's eyes, she will look like one.
  7. If they really had accurate sources, I'd be OK with it. But, the same people who told us that the accuser was not the girl that Croce was talking about - now are saying that it is.
  8. That's what I've wondered the last few years. I don't get how they're communicating. Tumblr is or was super popular, and that seems to me it's just all pictures. Same with instagram, and I think snapchat. I keep hearing about snapstories but have no idea what they are. How are they communicating - without words?!?
  9. Actually, Facebook is where old people are. I'm 53 and therefore old, and it's all middle aged women posting pics of their kids and now grandkids and having every other middle aged woman say how beautiful they are, even if the kids look like they just got off the set of Deliverance. I wish my facebook feed had more things like twitter, which skews much younger.
  10. I think my friend used to call his extra jobs a "second front:"
  11. This is exactly how I feel. I guess maybe all the twitter reactions of " just got real" etc. would happen no matter what was posted by TBN. "Kane reported to be drinking Bud Light" - Holy says HawksFan999 I figured the News would have some story for the Sunday paper. But, this isn't exactly a bombshell.
  12. Tim Graham tweeted this article out about 45 minutes ago or so and has all these responses like Holy ! getting real! Etc. I don't get it. There seems nothing big here to me. He employed a Buffalo cop to drive him around?: http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/hamburg/off-duty-officer-was-kanes-driver-on-night-of-alleged-rape-20150815
  13. I didn't remember that part of his drunken Madison escapades a few years ago was choking a woman (allegedly). I just read that.
  14. If she agrees to a settlement, wouldn't that be part of the deal? No testifying in criminal or civil court.
  15. I would think that without her testifying, it would be a very hard case to prosecute.
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