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The Big Lebowski

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Everything posted by The Big Lebowski

  1. Was thinking the same thing
  2. Am I the only one who thinks of Archer every time Dan Dunleavy mentions Simon Benoit's name?
  3. At least the owners of Moe's have got to be feeling good about tonight's game.
  4. With Ryan Johnson making the list, I can't help but wonder what his status is with the team. There is practically been nothing reported on him.
  5. Maybe they were losing so much money with all Sabres scoring, they felt Pilut was a "can't miss" option
  6. Attendance now isn't anywhere near as bad as it was in the 2002-03 season. I went to the Ducks game with a friend on December 4, 2002. The lower bowl was so empty they had ushers at the top of the steps checking tickets to make sure you weren't trying to get a better seat than the one you paid for. Our seats were in the 300's but we managed to finagle our way to to one of the many empty spots against the glass. It was one of the few good games that year. The Sabres got their 5th win of the season with a 3-0 shutout.
  7. Damp Son!
  8. I met Dale Hawerchuk at an autograph signing years ago and told him he had a great Adams Division Final in 1993. He said thanks, and told me of all the teams he played on, that one had the best chance to win the cup. Even with the injuries in that series, we only lost each game 4-3 (three of those games went into OT) to Montreal who would eventually win the cup. I always felt with Hasek in goal and a 640 goal scorer in Andreychuck that we would've taken that series and the Cup.
  9. The Sabres acquiring LaFontaine towards the start of the 1991-92 season was what first made me notice the team (the Bills garnered all my attention up until that point). But what really hooked me was in November 1992, when we first got cable. Suddenly I was able to watch Sabres games on Empire, and that 1992-93 roster is still my favorite sports team of all time. Boy was I spoiled, the first season I was able to watch the team they had that incredible Mogilny, LaFontaine, and Andreychuk line. I'm still bitter we traded Andreychuk for Fuhr (we already had Hasek on the roster!). It would've been the first time in NHL history all three linemates had 50 goals.
  10. In my experience "Rock Bottom" always has a trap door. Sadly I believe things will continue to decline.
  11. Dale Hawerchuk. He did it all. He could be a finisher, a set up man, a two-way center, and he'd even go into the corners as a mucker & grinder.
  12. I agree. Plus, we only lost by one goal (with 3 games going into OT) when getting swept by Montreal. I always think about if Muckler realized what he had in Hasek, he never would've traded away Andreychuk for Fuhr. It would've been the first time in NHL history all three members of a line (Andreychuk, LaFontaine, Mogilny) had 50 goals in a season. When I met Dale Hawerchuk at an autograph signing years ago, he told me of all the teams he played on, he felt the 1992-93 Sabres had the best chance to win the cup.
  13. Yes, they fixed it without charge. Not a lot of acceptance for the mistake since they blamed AdPro. When I told him I drove just under an hour to get here after you told me my jersey was ready, the guy at the counter listlessly said: "Yeah, sorry about that." I learned my lesson, I'm not going there again.
  14. I immediately noticed their mistake when I picked it up, so I didn't have to make an extra trip. The kid at the counter had to get the manager and fill out a new order form (why don't they type things up on the computer instead of relying on the handwriting of the cashiers when they fill out a card?) They told me they send the jerseys out to AdPro for customization, so it really wasn't THEIR fault. I don't know if this is true or just a way to pass the buck, but I stayed as cool as I could, speaking only in short, one-word replies. I'm just glad the jersey wasn't ruined as result of needing to have the nameplate changed. If they had messed up the numbers, it would have been damaged goods due to the adhesive they use before the sewing process. That would've been a worst case scenario since Icejerseys is sold out of the 50 anniversary editions. When I finally got it fixed I calmly told them that this whole process was "incredibly unpleasant" due to the false accusations of having bootleg merchandise, to the ineptitude of the store to properly follow instructions as well as acknowledge the correct spelling of a player in the team's hall of fame. I didn't demand a refund or store credit, I just told them they should take more pride in the work they do and that I wouldn't be returning to buy anything.
  15. The absolute state of the franchise. The same thing happened to me earlier this month. There was a thread back in November that authentic 50th anniversary jerseys were for sale on icejerseys.com so I bought one (with a 30% off coupon code) that finally came in the day after Christmas. I took it to the Sabres Store to get it customized because I thought they would do things properly. The young kid working was giving me attitude and had to check with his manager because he thought it was a Chinese bootleg (It should've been obvious it was real, the fake jerseys have yellow stripes, not gold). After it was confirmed to be authentic, the kid said to me: "We can't even get these anymore." I couldn't help but think, "Maybe Adidas doesn't like the way you're price gouging. Especially since I got the jersey for only $125.93." So a couple weeks go by and I get a call that my jersey was ready. I drove all the way from Newfane to the arena (90 minutes round trip), only to find this when I picked it up. Even though Hawerchuk is in the Hockey Hall of Fame, the Sabres Hall of Fame, and the order form had the proper spelling, they still found a way to screw it up. The ineptitude of the organization is astounding.
  16. This was easily, my favorite commercial too. I spent years searching for this one as well. To no avail. However, instead of shrimp, I'm pretty sure Hasek ended the commercial by saying to Zhitnik... Hasek: "Here have a cocktail weenie"
  17. I just want him to be held to the same standard as everyone else. To this day, he's the only player I've ever seen put in the penalty box, only to be released a few seconds later because he whined and complained to the refs.
  18. I agree 100%. In all the years I've been on the internet, my dealings with Joe Paterno supporters have been the worst. I once commented on a news story discussing a Joe Paterno mural at the school. I said "it's a shame what our society's priorities have become". I got so much hate from Penn State people saying exactly what you did: "You have no idea what you're talking about!", "Joe Paterno didn't know!" "Your faux rage is disgusting". Apparently in the eyes of Penn State fans, Joe Paterno won a lot of football games. And just because he let a pedophile operate a child rape dungeon out of the team's shower room for decades doesn't mean we should forget that amazing accomplishment. Because... FOOTBALL!
  19. Looks like Store (716) was thinking the same thing: http://www.store716.com/products/jack-eichels-buffalo-hockey?variant=1322043152
  20. Germany's goalie Viona Harrer
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