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Everything posted by SabresBillsFan

  1. Wow I guess they wanted another Finn for Armia and another Russian from Grigs
  2. Hunter Shinkaruk
  3. Now that's funny. But really folks do you think all these picks are just about Darcy? You don't think Kevin Devine and the other scouts don't have a say in all this. It's just not Darcy
  4. I'm not sold on the Russian to Dallas. Plus Lindy is coaching him so don't get all worked up folks.
  5. I don't know why everyone is down on Rasmus Ristolainen. With Monahan and Lindholm gone it was an almost no brainer. The russian factor is huge on Nichuskin Wow you want to talk about reaching. Philly and Morin
  6. So now do you take the russian at 16 if he is still there?
  7. Enough with Fucale-- If this team didn't have any quality goaltenders in the pipeline I would say yes but who in the hell is going to score and play defense!
  8. So what is everyone's draft prediction at #8? I hope for Lindholm, Monahan or Nurse.
  9. Possible Miller to Chicago if they get knocked out by Detroit?
  10. Wow what a sweet pass by Domi. That's why I was telling people Domi and Horvat look good might be a strong possibility at 16 or if they move up and grab another first between 9-15. I wouldn't mind seeing them move up and try to grab 3 players in the top 16. Maybe move both second rounders and one of next years second rounders. So 3 seconds for a 1st.
  11. More reason why Lindy doesn't have it anymore. He probably started juggling lines and team Canada said we will have none of that. Just kidding.
  12. Best is Brian Burke won't get credit for the Leafs and Marlies and he built both teams.
  13. If Miller and Vanek are moved I think the rebuild is going to take longer. I'm not so worried about the goaltending but about losing Vanek on offense. Plus If I'm Steve Ott do you really want to be here for 3-5 years longer waiting to get good. Not saying he will leave or wants to leave but nobody really knows.
  14. I have to admit he's done okay the last year getting back picks and Hodgson but I have to agree he has no idea of assembling a team with roles. Plus you throw in the whole Grigorenko mess about keeping him here and then wasting a year off his contract. Totally stupid move. It's okay to give the kid some games but why would you waste a year off his contract to play him with garbage on the 3 and 4 lines. That should have told you he wasn't ready.
  15. Okay in any serious hockey market missing the playoffs what 4 out of 6 years gets you canned. Problem is why the team is in the state they are in today. Not talking last years draft about taking two centers but the trading away of 2nd round picks for rentals. Lets see Torres, Moore who else am i missing. When they could of had at least some players in the system. I'm tired of hearing Darcy had chains on and he couldn't do this and that. Besides the 2 years after the lockout this team wasn't tough enough and it took him a whole season to realize that after his goalie got lit up by Lucic. He is always a step behind. I want a guy that know's what the $uck he is doing. And 16 years of this he still hasn't figured it out yet.
  16. I have no faith in Darcy and his scouting staff on his rebuild. And I wouldn't have much faith if I was a Calgary Flames fan after Feaster's bonehead moves for the last few years. Two teams that have no clue on what they are doing!
  17. Won't happen so keep playing NHL 13
  18. I don't even live in Buffalo anymore. I'm a die-hard fan that is sick and tired of seeing Darcy and idiots run my favorite team. They want more revenue than put a winning product on the ice like the Red Wings do. And now they have to go through a rebuild with Darcy are you kidding me! He is part of the problem. His teams that he build aren't tough enough and are too small.
  19. Stop buying season seats and when the arena is half empty maybe then and only then those clowns will get it!
  20. Darcy is a total tool and he hasn't learned much. I just think its funny Buffalo is a pretty knowledgeable hockey city compared to Dallas but they even know to fire a GM that's not getting it done. But we continue to hang onto one for 16 years. What a joke! This team has to be one of the laughing stocks of the league.
  21. Folks not only Vanek and Miller will want out but I would be worried about Ott leaving as well. If he does stay i think it will be because he is buddies with Weber. But he is in his 30's as well and might want to test free agency after next year and have a shot at winning. No player wants to go through a long rebuild. Ted and Darcy are puppets of Terry. I think people need to stop renewing their season seats and when the arena is half empty maybe then and only then Terry might learn something and get real hockey guys running the hockey department. I know the Buffalo News guys came off like idiots today about Terry but this team is in much worse shape since Terry took over. First thing he should have done when he bought the team was fire Regier and Ruff. Hire Lafontaine as team president and some true hockey guys that can run the hockey department.
  22. Here is the bad news they have to keep some sort of veterans on the team in order for them to get the ship straight. But in all honesty if I'm Vanek, Miller and Ott and I'm in the 30's I'm not sticking around under a team that has to go through more suffering. These guys want a chance to win not hang out and miss the playoffs how many years is it now. If Ott stays its only because of Weber. I have been saying this for I don't know how many years now they are not going to win a Stanley Cup as long as Darcy and the current scouting staff is there.
  23. Terry and Ted might figure it out in 5 years when they still have no Cup but have a ton of draft picks that didn't pan out.
  24. The Plan should have been fire Darcy and bring in a guy who knows hockey and knows how to build a team. I would even take Brian Burke but that will never happen. Yeah he gave out some bad contracts but also made some good moves along the way. The team he put together is in the playoffs now and shoot even the Rochester Americans can't even beat his farm team Marlies. This team needs a solid Hockey Guy in the organization like Patty Lafontaine.
  25. A Big hell no to Vinny!!! And why in the hell would he want to come to a team in rebuild mode. Most smart players aren't going to go to a team in rebuild mode.
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