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Everything posted by SabresBillsFan

  1. This, not a good way to start being the captain
  2. He’s a thousand times better when he represents Canada!
  3. Inkman you’re on fire, tired of this franchise I see!
  4. Once he leaves Buffalo is game will do a complete 180 and most likely will win the Cup.
  5. I would put two of the Czech Mafia in next game with Krebs. Not really a fan of picking up Zucker at 5 million a season.
  6. Ray get back to their game! Now that’s funny
  7. Thompson needed to shoot the puck. He has a better shot then Tuch!
  8. They look like the same team from last year.
  9. Wow, not a good way to start the season. Maybe the Devils are motivated to show they were better without Ruff and that his message is way too old!
  10. You don’t want Patches, when he was here in Vegas the times he played good is when he’s pissed off. Don’t get me wrong the guy can shoot the puck but I wouldn’t want him at this stage of his career.
  11. Wow, they do less there? These teams need to take care of your season ticket holders. A lot of friends of mine gave up their season tickets here in Vegas, because we all felt it simply isn’t worth it.
  12. Funny here in Vegas they are always pushing season tickets but you think Buffalo is bad, Vegas treats their season ticket holders like their players. Trust me as a former ticket holder and I have tons of hockey buddies that have given them up as well. They do one season ticket member event during the season to meet the players, usually you only get to meet a few players to get autographs and they give you a season ticket member box which includes a scarf, a pin or a fake ticket. They sometimes give us an adidas jersey but they did it by you getting 1 jersey per every two seats on the account. My buddy had 4 seats and got 2 jerseys. To me season tickets just aren’t worth it as they try to say your saving money but what I found, if you wanna see certain games most of the time you can get tickets cheaper even with the fees then what the season ticket holders are paying if you wait the day before or the day of the game to get them. Usually season ticket holders are selling their tickets cheaper than what they paid since they couldn’t go to that game. Yes, certain teams that doesn’t always work for but the majority of the time it does. Season tickets are a commitment with very little benefit to the holder!
  13. Loved Stephenson while he was here in Vegas, has great speed and is a great passer but tends to over pass shots he should take. Stone and Stephenson worked great with one another, not sure who really benefited more off each other.
  14. Good luck, only way that happens if Buffalo trades for players under contract.
  15. Who the ***** is that?
  16. Like another said, more trash. Like another said, more trash.
  17. ^ This, even though Zucker isn’t worth 5 million. Probably be moved at the deadline for a playoff team.
  18. Like Carrier but he’s always hurt.
  19. Ehlers? I’m not sold on him, I seen enough of him
  20. He was good years ago, but like you said he’s had injuries slow him down.
  21. Mantha doesn’t skate, big guy that doesn’t move
  22. I’m just gonna say this and I know this isn’t going to go well. There is no attraction to go to the Buffalo Sabres. Big name players don’t want to go there for probably numerous reasons. 1) State Taxes 2) Too damn cold 3) Not an attractive place to play in, I’m talking about things to do, places to hang out, go eat. Remember Emerson Etem! Buffalo has to overpay to grab one of these free agents and I’m not sure players are sold on Buffalo’s organization as a whole! This is why unfortunately many won’t agree, Buffalo needs to continue drafting and hope they can get them far, plus not really sure Adams is the right guy to be aggressive plus we don’t know how much Terry is involved in all this.
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