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  1. Lol....I hear yah. That said, I haven't had an Arby's roast beef in close to 20 years. I do HOWEVER, on occasion get the crispy chicken bacon swiss sandwich with curly fries and a side of cheese sauce. It's tasty ...but I sure do hate myself after eating it
  2. It doesn't have to be the best choice to still be a good choice.
  3. That's a lot of things. My God this team is poorly contracted and lacking talent.
  4. Ovechkin is amazing. The amount of goals he scored in this era is mind boggling. The way he plays is fun as hell to top it off. I'm rooting for him.
  5. Great question. I like him. But we are one of only a handful of teams he could get legit NHL minutes on. He may very well be 3 years away from his first 20 goal season. This Sabres team blows.
  6. B- At worst, as another poster said, he reshuffled the deck while holding a losing hand. At best, he replaced Cozens (3rd line C/middle 6 W) with an actual 2C. Took flyers on stay at home RHDS. The trade deadline was never going to solve this teams issues. The off-season was always, unfortunately, going to be required to attempt it
  7. I sure hope no one is naming their kid after a sabres player at this point. 500? This team is WAY below 500.
  8. 4th lines are better than they have ever been. But....is the on ice product better bc of it? You could argue no. I think expansion can wait.
  9. USA! great game overall.
  10. Last night was a great example of why Kreider should be looked at by the Sabres. One scoring line just ain't gonna do it. Quinn and Benson are just not there yet (yet).
  11. so what we have is a center who has low shot volume, low shooting percentage, low assist totals and low faceoff percentage wins. he is not a second or third line winger, why? we don't have to like our front office and/or coaching staff - but we know based on where they are at - they are not necessarily dumb people and understand hockey. this round peg in a square hole routine is odd. they have to be overly enamored with his season that was a major over performance from a shooting standpoint. I wish i could find his whl shooting stats...he scored...but a first round pick in the nhl should score in the whl...
  12. i like everything you posted. and i have the same thoughts as you regarding whether he is a w or c. he had fluky statistical season...and we paid to soon for it though.
  13. I am all for the argument of where he belongs in the lineup - he is a 3rd line player - and that is ok. the 7 million dollar contract is what skews this. the team needed and still needs to find a 1 or 2 line Center. as the team stands now - we have one first/second tweener line, 2 third lines and 1 fourth line.
  14. I know him. He was f'ing w you trying to have fun. Always sarcastic and aggressive w kids. It's his style.
  15. One year protected lottery first round pick (unprotected year two), starting D (joki, but probably samuelson to offset salary and keep ana at floor) and a top 5 prospect (Rosen, Östlund or Wahlberg). Maybe the sabres get a 3rd back. That's the deal.
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