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korab rules

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Everything posted by korab rules

  1. No one on the list serve while I am sitting at the kids' hockey practice with nothing to do.
  2. there's your problem. Your 9 year old was playing soccer. If s/he was playing hockey, you would be justified in challenging that coach to a fight in the corridor after the game!
  3. CLE's that have nothing to do with my area of practice.
  4. Pre-cana sucks. My first complaint is a carry over from the "was batman a vegetarian" thread. You must have a license to drive a car, cut freaking hair, and do any number of other mundane things. But have a kid that you will be responsible for for the next 21 years? That's a god given fundamental freaking right. No test of minimum competency whatsoever. Are you a child molesting freak who has children to provide yourself your next victim? No problem. Cursed with a genetic disorder or disease that will with certainty affect the next generation? no problem. So poor and bereft of desire to improve your position that you are reliant on society to provide for your every need? no problem. Why don't we need a license to have kids???
  5. What are you looking at???

  6. Get ready for years of heartbreak. I owned a frigging VW Passat. German engineering my ass. It was a pleasure to drive when everything was working right. Problem was, that was a rare occurrence. The electrical system in VW's is absolute garbage. Lights burn out. Batteries die for no reason. Fuses pop. Windows won't go down. The radio dies. Doors won't lock. Enjoy the car while it lasts. 3 years into it, I ditched the car and got soaked on trade in. Couldn't care less, was so happy to get a car that actually works the way it was supposed to.
  7. This isn't with the spirit of the thread, but anyone considering a PC lap top who DOESN'T get an IBM lenovo thinkpad is crazy. Yes, they cost more. Yes they are big, clunky and ugly. But they are frigging bulletproof. It just works. For years on end. I use my lap top in a dock at work, and run it at home every night. I just retired it after SEVEN YEARS because it no longer has enough RAM to run modern programs, but had plenty of juice when I bought it seven years ago. I have had the new one for six months, and it is also bulletproof so far. The old one now gets used daily by the kids, and is still bulletproof after clearing the hard drive and reinstalling XP and MS office
  8. Mine wasn't worded strong enough for you?
  9. What a novel concept. Let's hope it gains traction.
  10. And one too many 6, but then his beef would have been with Grier instead of Goose.
  11. This is exactly what I pictured!!!!
  12. I chuckled when I read it. Wasn't sure if he was banned or he returned to whence he came, maybe the Sabres boards.
  13. Funny! Notice he hasn't been back. His mom must have caught him on the computer after his bedtime.
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