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korab rules

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Everything posted by korab rules

  1. I'd like to see McCormack kick Bguyfflin's a$$. Set the tone. Oh, and a win would be nice.
  2. Is it beer thirty yet? I think we all need one.
  3. My complaint is when the complaint Thursday thread is still open on Friday. Oh, and overzealous mods.
  4. Not at all. Gently chide him for espousing those beliefs too vociferously, yes, but not making fun of his beliefs. And even that wasn't the sole purpose of the thread. Rez limey was a lightning rod. He leaves here in a provocative fashion, and locks the thread on his way out. He all but invited this thread, I'm just surprised it took this long for someone to post it. Was the poll in bad taste? Maybe - but it doesn't say anything that many posters haven't already said to him. And the funniest part is Rez limey is still lurking on the site!
  5. Pa bitched for 2 days before the other thread was closed. And yet the broads in the locker room thread remains open. I don't get the inconsistent enforcement of whatever passes for standards around here.
  6. Several people being how many. Several peole also seemed to be having fun with it. And to make it all even funnier, rezlimey was lurking on the board today according to the list of people logged in at the bottom of the aud club. So all it takes is a couple overly sensitive people and a thread gets closed out? Is that the standard? Did you read it? Were you offended? Did you deem it so offensive that it needed to be deleted?
  7. Me, too! No explanation has been forthcoming, via PM or otherwise. And what Hank thread? The one that was eventually deleted when Pa threw a fit?
  8. She should stay away from the "how would you feel" argument, though. Its like Billy Crystal said in When Harry met Sally - guys pretty much want to bang the ugly ones, too.
  9. I agree - not a big fan of censorship. Go get em, chz!
  10. You missed your chance - I started a thread and some over active mod without a sense of humor deleted it. Feel free to pop into the "Broads in the locker room" thread. That one is next up for deletion, but should get interesting before it bursts into flames.
  11. Over moderation and deletion of threads. Seriously? WTF? Didn't know Stalingrad called the shots on this board.
  12. :censored: :censored: :censored: :oops:
  13. well then don't leave blank posts in it!
  14. check out the newest thread and poll
  15. Emerald isle is nice. Love the southern exposure I think pine island is still my favorite place on OBX. Enjoy!
  16. Good call - stay in school - get your masters, do it all in one shot - can't tell you how many people get out of school and never go back. Your BS or BA is no better that a HS diploma was 30 years ago. It just gets your foot in the door. If you want to move up, you need the masters. I would NOT recommend LSAT's - its an absolute minimum 100K degree that is essentially worthless if you decide you hate law. Don't do it unless you have significant exposure to the law and know that's what you want to do. Even then, think twice - the job prospects for fresh lawyers are absolute crap right now. The big city firms have been laying them off right and left.
  17. AMT is ######. Make one dollar too much and get slopes with 5 figures inadditional taxes. No more adjusting with inflation either. quote name='plenzmd1' date='15 April 2010 - 06:21 PM' timestamp='1271370107' post='202650'] Okay, killing some time for 45 minutes. My taxes as a percentage of income went up significantly this year.Long story,but has to do with the AMT and where it phases in and out. I have no problem paying taxes, but do have a problem with the way the tax code is written, specificaaly AMT. We literally made 50% of what we made last year, and are paying close to 90% of what we paid last year, with much more in chartible donations etc this year. Shudder to think with ther tax being rewritten in terms of paying tax on dividends etc, think by the time the current powers that be are done, we will be paying close to 60% of income in taxes in one form or another, damn close to 50% now.
  18. The great thing about being a comedian who passes himself off as a political commentator is there is no accountability. Facts are fluid things, easily changing shape to fit your argument. I argue for a living, but don't live and breathe politics to the point where I would want to debate him today. Give me three months to prepare and I would welcome the challenge. The difficulty in debating someone like John Stewart is that facts don't matter - he makes ###### up as he goes, but says it very convincingly, so he gets away with it. You either spend the whole debate trying to debunk what he has said (which makes it difficult to win said debate) or you ignore the fact that he just made ###### up out of whole cloth, which also makes it difficult to win said debate. I would love to be able to analyze his so called "facts" after a debate. Not Grandpa reminiscing. I am much to young for that. Frustration borne of a feeling you are the only one pulling on a heavy load, then looking up to see the ones who are supposed to be helping riding on the wagon. Frustration that trillions of dollars in national debt is un-concerning to most people. Frustration that no one sees the cliff ahead. Tax day is really sucking the joy out the Sabres game tonight.
  19. Up? Yes. A lot? No John Stewart is a comedian - not a news man - not a political commentator. He's a freaking comedian! Using him as a "source" makes me giggle. Not quite sure what robber barons and child labor have to do with our current unbalanced tax system, but OK...
  20. Even worse, we have a society where less than 50% of the people are paying the freight, but 100% of the people get to vote. It sets up class warfare, where the non contributing majority demands more and more from the contributing minority. Its like a parasite on a host - everything is fine until the parasites become too many or demand too much, and the host starts to die. You speak of corporate flight, which has been going on for years. Now we are seeing expatriation - people renouncing their citizenship in an effort to hide wealth. That's great for the super rich, but the upper middle class put themselves in debt getting through school, pay their bills, finally enjoy a little success, and still find themselves worse off than their parents. The American dream is becoming a nightmare. We are becoming Europe. Do you see a better america ahead for your children? I don't.
  21. That's nice for you. Mine went up 5 figures. You'd complain, too.
  22. +1 on tax day. Big hate for our government today. I think the number of people who actually pay real taxes is far less than that. Many people pay some taxes, but get more back than they actually paid. And don't forget all the people who pay no taxes, yet still get a refund due to all the "programs". My back is starting to hurt from all the people I am carrying. Why do I have to pay more in taxes just because I am self employed? Why do I have to pay a penalty if my quarterly estimates were low? The gov't should be thrilled that I did better than expected and will be paying them more money. Why do we have to pay interest when we owe the gov't money, but they don't pay us money when they owe us a return (not that that ever happens to me personally, but still...). Taxes - abolish the entire IRS and go with a national sales tax. It is progressive, because the rich spend more than the poor. The deficit - If I live beyond my means, I can't get a loan from China or raises taxes on people, I lose my house and go broke. When did people decide that it was OK for the gov't to live beyond its means every frigging year? Whio thinks this is sustainable? Are they all brain dead in Albany and DC?
  23. People using complaint Thursday to promote their crackpot left wing nutjob agendas. Either no politics at all, or respectful discussion only. Whichever way you lean, promoting kiddie porn has to be considered a nutjob agenda.
  24. That's why God made bulldozers.
  25. There's your problem. Girls who jump in the sack in the first 48 hours are fun to hang with for a while, but they aren't exactly "take home to mother" material. Hope this doesn't offend Chz or PA.
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